
Ryan: The First Werewolf

Welcome everyone, this story is going to tell you how my old boi Ryan (who is 1.2 billion years old...or is he older? how does he know shit that he shouldn't know?) becomes the Alpha of Nightmare Pack, he is the first werewolf and is also the strongest, he has many different forms but just likes to use the one. This tells the story of Ryan who just appeared out of the ground as a shadow before forming into the shape of a wolf. Come and follow his journey from no one to the Alpha of the strongest pack P.S I don't own the cover image, if the owner wants me to take it down I can take it down, also Ryan is my oc please don't use him for anything I mean its not like your going to anyway but I'm just saying. So far I liked writing this one so I'll probably be sticking with this one let me know what you guys think, I'm not really all that good at writing to be honest so any constructive criticism would help and be greatly appreciated. (Also this story is going to be a long A** one soooo if you want to stick around just add it :3)

IceValkyrie · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The Beginning

You want to know how I was born? It's a long story… But I'll tell you anyway if you really want to know. It all started a long time ago… 1.2 Billion years to be exact. It was night and everything was covered in shadows. I don't really remember everything that happened… All I know is I rose up out of the ground in the form of a shadow… My mind came to be and slowly… My body did too.  My ears swiveled in two different directions, my nose sniffing, senses being pounded by unknown smells and sounds. Slowly my eyes focused and I could see trees around me. I don't know how I learned what things were… They just came to me. 

Slowly I took a step, resting my paw on the cool hard ground. Then another, until I was walking along, turning my head to look around me. I was in the middle of the woods. There was a river off to the side and I could hear the water rushing over the rocks so I turned and padded over to the edge of the river. I looked in and saw my reflection. Looking back at me was a Black Wolf with white paws up to my mid-leg with white circles around my eyes. My eyes were golden yellow and my gaze was piercing. Slowly I turned and watched myself, my paws had dark patches on the foot of them and I had found that fascinating. It had seemed at the time that I was wearing shoes and socks but in fur. But later I realized I was just thinking like a toddler.

I was still staring at myself when I heard a sound, it had sounded like a twig breaking. I don't know how I knew that or how I immediately crouched down as my ears swiveled around to pick up the location of whatever had made that sound. I turned my attention to the north where a bush was shuddering. Slowly I crept up to the bush before pouncing into the branches, biting down on a small furry body, easily snapping its bones as I wiggled back out of the bush, a squirrel hanging lifeless in my jaws. Setting it down, I sniffed it before eating it, gulping it down in two ravenous bites. 

Once I was finished I looked back up and saw a clearing ahead to the north of the woods. Walking over there I looked around, there were several boulders around and the river was filled with fish. There were so many trees around that it was hard to maneuver through them to the clearing. I was through two tall trees that reached up to the sky, when I saw smoke in the distance, probably from the clearing. I snuck up, not making a sound and looked out into the clearing from some brush that was along the edge. From that vantage point I saw that it was two humans, they were cooking some kind of meat, making my mouth water. One of the humans had white hair and was wearing black clothes and shoes. The other had black hair and also had black clothes on as well. They were talking among themselves, looking at the woods every so often when they would hear something. I could feel myself drawn to the white haired one, I couldn't tell at the time what was happening. Later I realized that my instincts took over. I slowly padded around the edge and into their blind spot. Then after about thirty seconds I ran like hell towards the white haired one. The black haired human stood up and screamed, scrambling back and falling over the log they had been sitting on. I darted forward and sunk my teeth into the white haired one's leg, gripping them just enough for them to not be able to get away. They screamed very loud. So loud I had to tuck my ears close to my head so I wouldn't go deaf. Soon enough they stopped, I think they realized I hadn't done any more to them… The black haired human had long since left and all that was left was… I stopped, thinking. What am I doing? I let go of them, and they clutched their leg, trying to stop the bleeding. Looking at them I realize, I shouldn't have attacked them. It was my fault this human was hurt. Looking up at their face… I knew something was wrong. Their eyes were wide with pain and I could see their veins bulging from their neck. Looking down I saw that their wound was healing. It was then that I realized what I had done. I had turned this human.