
Are you two my parents....!

" we didn't know, she was coming from a very powerful family, from Nation A, that is something your mother hide from us and even my son didn't know,,

But 20 years no 23 years we didn't hear from her so we assumed that something happened, your grandmother who gave birth to your mother

Blamed herself for what happened to your mother and could not move on,  she took the blame, and abandoned her family and wealth 

She said that of what use are her wealth if she can't find her daughter,,,, 

That poor soul you have met her, 

She has reasons for hiding her identity from you, " the old madam Sanchez said tears were flowing out endlessly what has she done good in her previous life 

That heavens allowed her to see her granddaughter and great grandchildren? That she never thought existed before, sure heavens are not joking

"Young miss your mother was one of a kind, beautiful at heart who loved everyone equally actually all of us here were assisted by her and her good deals will never go unnoticed in the generations to come

We had made a portrait of her, 

So we could see her everyday she was truly a good person and we are happy that you are just like her" Carlos the eldest son said

"Yes we love you just know that you are not alone anymore, and that you are with your people,

Your mother was my good friend even before I got married in the Sanchez, and a good friend with first sister in law although she was full of knowledge, 

She was never a show off, I know whenever she is she is smiling at us now" the third wife said

"Be strong stop crying with your condition it's not okay if you cry, we are your family we will be able to protect you at any cost we will be able to move mountains and cross the sea together okay" 

"Aunty stop crying stress is not good for you okay, remember am waiting for my play mates, it's too boring to play with seven, he only know how to make, 

Those machines that are boring he will grow up old" little girl said 

"Yeah sister, we are here for you, won't be able to help even if anything happens even if am a doctor" that was her third cousin

"Then what is the use of becoming a doctor then, even my robot can help" seven said

"Hey remember you are talking to a renound Chinese medicine practitioner here"

"Can traditional medicine be used in pregnant women?"seven asked

"No but there is some quantity that good for pregnant women" she said

"Hey aunty do not fall into her trap okay am the best and am here to help you no one can except for me" seven said

"You.... I will beat you to death today I will kill you today don't dream of coming back here of else you are looking for death itself" 

"They were running around the house like small kids, look at them " 

At this point and time Jane could not help but laugh in between her tears.a seven years old kid running around with a genius doctor too ironical 

She remembered that she has a , called Audrine who helped her escape those people, they were going to kill her in that house mmmh, god truly has it's ways

 "My dear I know that what you have realize today is a shocking news to you please my dear granddaughter let's take you to your room" old madam Sanchez said

"Okay, grandma"

"What did you call me again?, Can you repeat it " Mrs Sanchez was waiting to hear her call her again

"Grandm" she repeatedly say

"Okay okay, take her to her room"

"Five what are you wanting for take master to her room and make sure she is in a comfortable position" seven ordered

"Sure Sir,," hahaaa, it was very funny how it went on Jane's seat and picked her up she didn't know what to do 

"Massage her and make your the babies are safe"

"Sure Sir,,"

"Seven you are too boring why did you allow it to do that while am here, can't you see I was practicing massage ever since now it useless" young lady said

"Young miss you can come and help me prepare our master to sleep" the machine said

"With linahs' little hand she jumped around "yeah, you are a good robot " 

"That is because I made it in a way to sense good person and bad people if a bad person comes around out aunty that person will not like it" seven said

"What? So it's like a bodyguard too?"

"Yes it is, it can sense danger from a distance at around 7 kilometers that's for someone who is trying to harm my aunty" seven said

"Hahaaa that is my son, seven what do you want daddy will buy it for you"third son said Frank

"Grandma are you sure that you are my dad's mother? "

"Yes grandson. Why do you ask" 

"I doubt, even though traces can be seen, and on a serious note mother am I really your son?"

"Seven what kind of stupid question is that?" 

"That is because I don't need anything but daddy is asking if I tell daddy I need some space jet will he made it for me?"

Daddy I only need you to improve your IQ, mommy you are unlucky"

"Hahaaaa, that is my grandson, mmmh" old Sanchez could not help herself

The rest chuckled "pffff"

Without turning back to check the expression in his parents face he went straight to Jane's room

"Well at least I gave you life and brain"

"Hahaaa, everyone could not help but burst and let out the Laughter they had been holding

"You gave who brain, obviously that is my brain, if I was to be a man I was to be an engineer,

Mother am I lying to him can you tell him the truth" third wife said

"Hahaa, you an engineer, look at me and by the way with what stopped you from being an engineer, assume that now you are a lady 

What stopped you" Frank asked

"You of cause who else could have stopped me" she said

"Wify, can you be serious if I can recall I met when you were doing a different course already" Frank could not help

"That is because my inner self told me that if I was to do engineering course I was going to miss the love of my life" she said

"Hahaaaaa" the room was almost braking down,

"Okay wify am sorry, I didn't know you were two, I mean the inner you and the outer you, so sorry"


Old madam Sanchez could not help but wonder what good she did in her previous life to have this kids around her,

Seven on his way signed and continued with his journey

"Five, can you really help me with my homework ,? You know I don't like reading but my teacher she keeps on pestering me each and every time" 

"Young miss your brain has an IQ of 201 why are you worried about studied?" The system asked

"That's because I don't like doing mathematics and you know I only love art" she said

"Master you are carrying twins, though a normal doctor can only see two but they are three, " the system 5 said

"What! Not one but three,,,? "

"Yes master" the voice of the system was very horsy that it made  Seven think of a way of modifying it's voice

He thought that he was the only person standing by the door but young master of the knight's, Isaac and Nicole were there

When the system said that Miss Jane was carrying the triplets, Nicole collapsed, 

"How fertile is Miss Jane to have twins kids in a night stand, that stupid man, how dare he but wait am here for miss I will help her" what they didn't know was that jane had seen them by the help of robot 5

"Hey come in you three stop hiding there" 

"Aha,,,! this buldy robot saw us and told you"

Isaac asked

"Well humans are humans, you don't think straight, and you need to go to the hospital before your anxiety, before it worsened," number 5 said

"This robot can you scan somebody too why didn't that kid tell us" Nicole said 

"Cousin, I wanted to talk to you,,,," young master said

"Okay excuse us everyone"

"Aunty, I will be back to sleep with you okay, don't sleep without me"

"Okay sweery I won't sleep without you" she said to the cute girl

"Cousin, am sorry but all were just my suspicions and nothing real so I couldn't tell you

I wanted to be sure of the situation first before letting you know, 

Can you forgive me please sweet cousin"

"It is okay, so it was blood that made me like you cousin!"