
Let grandma, hug you,,,,,**

"Young lady, how did you know that we are having family problem and it's about our company" old madam Sanchez asked

"Yes how did you, and how sure are you that it will be of help while you are just a student" Carlos Sanchez asked he is the first son the head of the family

"It's actually simple, how sure can a pregnant woman be to know that she is carrying a boy child or a girl child,,," she smiled and paused

"If your company fails after this document, I Wendy Knight will surely give you your company back,,, and that is a promise trust me and you will see the result

But don't mention this to Robert" she said

When old madam saw how determine this young lady was and how ruthlesss she can be,

The gravity of her tone she realized that she is no simple lady

"Okay we believe you"

"Go try it, am off my room" old madam Sanchez could not believe that even after Wendy helped them, she demanded nothing from them and it was like it was a normal thing for her to do saving her family 

But to them it was a demi- God in Wendy

When she heard that she left and was never found and could not be found, 

She collapsed after receiving the information, she cursed who killed her second daughter in law, it was a loose for them

That is when Robert realized that the person who saved there company was actually Wendy

"Hey aunty aunty look why is everyone crying after setting their eyes on you

I don't understand" young Lisa of 6 years old could not help but ask 

"That is because they are jealous she is a real beauty aunty" Seven a 7 years old engineer said

Just like that everyone came back to there senses,,

The maids in the house Nicole, Isaac could not help but wonder why these people were crying tears of joy,

Some expressed pain, regrets and the rest,

"My granddaughter is a real beauty, come to grandma, led this old madam hug you" she was still crying


'grandchild, grandmother?, Are this people confusing me again with another person again?'

"Don't be surprised my child look at you, you are just like your mother, but hair color is mine,, mmmh, you are my partner in crime old madam Sanchez said

"I.... I...." She could not complete the words in her mouth, everyone rushed her direction and hugged her

"We wish we knew you from before, you could have not suffered" Carlos said

"Come let have a seat first then we will introduce ourselves" fourth son Mmo said

"Hey cousin, don't listen to them, am here this is my gift to you, you must live like a goddess that you are, 

This aeroplane is yours it will take you everywhere you want, " 

House hold members"..."


"No no, aunty since you are pregnant this robot is called 5, will help with everything, massage, cooking, cleaning your room, when you are tired from art it will help accomplish the task" Seven said,,,,

"Aunty I have this drawings you know them right?  These are my drawings and trust me you will like them and these toys are for young angels that will be born soon, I really hope that we will play together" 

She said

"Here is a mansion in island Z I hope you will always go there and rest, this is my gift to you

"My sweet niece, this is. BMW M8, this car is mainly for you although we can't afford that much but this with your condition  we hope you can be comfortable"

"What are you all saying sweery just say a word and the materials you will need for your designing process the  , machines you will need all those

Are all yours here is the card you can work with this people,,," it was the Assex Fabrics products line card

"Sweery this restaurant is the best in this city I give it to you" 

"Sweery this is golden card, it is VVVIP,, you can go anywhere with it , it is limitless card very rare and only three people have it out of the three you are one of them"

He said....

"Aaahm aaam,,," she could not say anything

"Now can you see what you have caused? Now see my girl. Is terrified I can not help I can't believe you are my children and grandchildren,

My granddaughter came sit next to me , and my grandchildren"

The old madam was happy to see traces of her hair color in her,,

"Okay, but I don't get anything here" she said 

"Okay your daddy is yet to arrive here my daughter you will understand everything we just 

Hope you can forgive us and come to us accept us as a family we really love you and adore you" the old madam said crying 

Right on time  Greek God came in,,

"What is happening here, Nicole why did you call me from my work area"

"I can't understand too , these people are giving young miss gifts"

The house was I. A mess bodyguards everywhere and this cars are from rich background they all have same logo,, 

"What is happening in here who are you people don't you know that someone special is staying here? Why didn't you do inquiries"

"That is because we are the Sanchez, don't tell me that I have no rights to see 

My granddaughter ? 

And you second young master why didn't you tell me that she was here?"

You intended to keep it to yourself and then?"

"Old madam, am sorry I too I didn't know that she was Wendy's daughter Even after seeing her I could not bring myself to believe so 

That's why I called doctor  Robert to see for himself"

Why are they blaming me I was far from being born when all those things happen, was  I ? Then everyone must be responsible for there actions , in future I can't allow people to blame  me heheee,

"Cousin am sorry I didn't tell you cause I wanted the elders to tell you this were just but our anticipation of what might happen or possibilities am sorry can you forgive your Greek God please"

"Stand up why should I blame you on things that you don't know or understand why should I blame you, hey I won't  and can't blame you okay, something are ment for  "

What I want to understand is who is this Wendy cause if I can recall my mother's name was Joan James,

And she never had family members that is why she persevered all the toucher brought by my father, 

And why are you people here giving all this gifts to me it's not like I don't love or like them but it's just that it's too much for me to bare,

Can you make me understand myself better?" She requested this lady has a strong will

"Okay,my granddaughter I will tell, you and sorry if we made you uncomfortable we did not mean that we just wanted to come and see you, after we heard it from your father

He too is afraid to come and meet you himself 

And he stayed unmarried because of your mother, 

They really loved each other

One thing for sure your mother hide  her identity to you,

The is known as Wendy Knight, the best designer and beauty production therapist that has ever existed

She met your father in there university and fell in love with each other

When I first met your mother, she was always a simple lady, but because of her we have all this wealth,

She rescued our company and because of her documentary our company earns 2 billions an hour, what a genius lady,

She opened her company and that for beauty products , she is the founder of "*knight lipstick, Endy foundation, wydney, massage oil, 

And so many things that are rare and quality products that exist

Right now all this products cost 4000 dollars to access them, meaning your mother was a real genius

Then one day she came home with her three friends, like they wanted to dress Wendy to have a wedding we thought it was a joke but later we realized that she was real and not joking, then my son Robert your father complied and they got married after they consummate there marriage your mother stayed with us for one month all this time, maybe she wanted to be come pregnant

After she realized that she was which we never knew she fledt, 

No traces of her were left behind not even a single clue of where she could be

For sure my child we were sad than any other person could be why did she do that we still don't know

We thought that maybe she was in her parents home cause they are powerful too, but we visited there, we could not find her, and that very day was her birthday"