
Rupture Dimensional: A Ghost in Marvel

A universe, something strange and endearing, can have so many strange things in itself, but they never meet their peers, the cosmic forces that control it prohibit this. But, what would happen if by chance of fate four concepts from different worlds were mixed into a single universe. A famous brotherhood of assassins. Energy, from heaven and earth. A famous cartoon. And a famous urban hunter. The Marvel universe has never seen anything like it.

Chris_Mayo · ภาพยนตร์
15 Chs


Disclaimer, I do not own Marvel, Assassin's Creed, or the Xianxia Chinese novel genre, this work is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Prologue 5 - Vol.1: The rise of the brotherhood.


Second floor.

5 hours of exploration.

Ancient languages ​​are by far the most difficult to speak.

Take for example the Old Norse or in its case in the Mayan, its times date approximately from the year 2600 BC to the XXVI century BC. To speak of ancient writings is to refer to an endless number of intrinsic constants accommodated in the text itself. In this case, the strange patterns engraved on the sacrificial ceremonial stone form a network of different ancestry. One of the key steps to take to unravel the secret is formed at the foundation of the language.


Maya is based on monosyllabic morphemes, that is, words or elements for their formation that resist morphological analysis. The Mayan language spares vowels but fails to produce overly complex consonant clusters on a single syllable. Neither does the grouping of vowels occur in Maya, and each one of those that the habit allows becomes the axis of the syllable. Use a middle apostrophe, as it is used between two consonants.

Correlation to this within the patterns found is strangely similar to the language but at the same time different. Speaking frankly in current Spanish. The linguistic rules are reformed for the favor of the people, despite having all the classical rules, each consonant has its meaning. On the other hand, in ancient languages, ​​there are many linguistic irrelevancies.

This is where the Syntax takes place.

The peninsular Mayan language is of a synthetic type. This means that you use complex forms to express complex ideas. There are no articles, no gender. There is no infinitive mode and many verbs look like nouns and have a double function. So with this in mind decrypting the patterns of the ceremonial stone is not entirely impossible. But it takes a very knowledgeable and skilled person in these matters to even have a chance.

Gwen of course was one of these people. Outstanding talent was not lacking in the group of urban hunters, while she continues in the work of decrypting the text the boys kept the guard circle. After hearing those footsteps, everyone was on high alert. Weapons were drawn and always pointing the front in search of movement.

"This is very quiet," Clarence commented.

"It- Too much for my taste."

"Do you prefer something to appear?"


At David's argument, everyone fell silent again.

The only sound in the place was the constant movement of Gwen's pencil on the notebook.

Silence can be the most dangerous weapon there is. By not hearing anything, your mind suggests hypothetical scenarios, which on relevant occasions. They can become a person's worst nightmare.

At this moment as the minutes passed in silence, the tension in the place was increasing.

Faced with the imminent delay, Anderson pointed to the camera and began to speak in front of her. "Hey, what's up to people, this is your favorite hunter Anderson making me present. This exploration is turning out to be crazy, we have just found a strange shiny text on a ritual altar, the always strange Gwen, at this moment she is in charge of translating the text into Spanish so that we can better understand what is written all of us." Pointing the camera towards the aforementioned, he immediately returned her making a general plan of the interior where it was. "I think we've found something that even Archaeologists haven't been able to describe. I can almost smell the money and the fame of this, according to the boss and Gwen, this text is in a different language than those spoken by our ancestors. I don't quite understand, but that's why we have the expert on the subject." He pointed the camera at it as he crouched down beside her.

"Any comment, always misses Gwen?"

The aforementioned looked askance for a few seconds at Anderson with annoyance. "It is normal, that someone with the brain of a worm does not understand how incredibly exciting it is to discover this. The language mixed; both known and not, it is fascinating, they are strange patterns similar to hieroglyphics but at the same time to the Norse runes, all this mixed in the ancient Mayan. It goes without saying that according to history it is impossible that these three ancient forms of writing were together in a single text."

Staring at Gwen with a blank stare, Anderson looked back from her to the camera. "Well ... As he said, it seems that this is something big we will be updating you on how this exploration continues."

Pushing her face away from his face, she put it back on the helmet. "Guys, is it just me, or is the darkness getting more intense faster and faster?" Alex's voice brought the attention of the four of them. Looking sideways now, they could no longer make out the walls of the room, even the light from the lamps seemed to disappear upon contact with it.

* Whispers *

Adding more mystery since they entered the place they could hear a voice, very weak reaching the level of hearing themselves whispering something inaudible. That strange feeling of tightness returned with much more force.

"I'm sure, it's not just you Alex," Clarence explained.

"This feels bad guys, I don't mean to sound cowardly, but he thought we should get out of here," Anderson replied, everyone could hear the fear in his voice.

Some of this felt different, no one fully understood, but they were sure this place was no joke. It was precisely for this reason that David was stubborn to leave, after all his job was always to be able to record reliable evidence about something paranormal. Being so close he didn't want to back down.

"Gwen, how are you doing?" David asked.

"Almost ready."


Out of the dark gloom around the same time that Gwen was about to finish decrypting the patterns, a loud bang sounded across the room. As if someone had dropped a very heavy object.

"What the fuck was that!?"

* Punch * * scream *

"Something ... something is here!"

"Waiting! Anderson doesn't stray too far!"



* Shot * * Shot * * Shot *

The resounding sound of the firearm activation caused a deafening event. As Anderson's figure disappeared into the darkness.


"Shit this idiot!"

"Alex, stay with Gwen! Clarence with me!"


David and Clarence advanced in the direction where Anderson had been lost in the dark. The strange blow earlier had come from the place where he was standing guard, in a panic he had advanced inward instead of away from the darkness.

"Anderson!" David yelled.

Clarence pointed the gun the other way. "Hey, idiot, this is not funny," he replies.

The lights of both flashlights moved through the darkness trying to find traces of Anderson.

But the place was completely silent. Only the long infinite corridor in front, nothing else was in the line of sight of him, both of them moved slowly between nerves and fear forming a strange mixture.

But this was too unsettling both David and Clarence could swear they felt a gaze upon them.

"Where the hell is he?"



"Shit is him!"

"In this direction, we are going!"

A sudden scream shook both of them recognizing the voice and they ran in the direction. They came to the front of an old open doorway. The sound, coming from the inside, caused both of them to stop suddenly, from inside it was possible to hear a strange crackle as if someone were grinding meat.


Clarence was about to call his name but was abruptly stopped by David. Making a sign of silence, I slowly advance inside. As the clearing progressed, the place began to light up. In turn, the sound, in the same way, increased in volume, now closer I could distinguish better.

Take a moment of quick thought. David could only come to one conclusion, this sound was strangely similar to that produced by a person chewing something. The very thought of this caused a shudder. Filling his heart with a very bad premonition, Clarence next to him was in no better condition, without the need to look he could hear his body shaking under the equipment. Stopping abruptly, while the flashlight was pointed downward, he prepared to listen for a few more seconds to the strange sound.

* Chewing * * Tearing *

The bad feeling turned into a heavy ache in the stomach.

They both shared a look.

In the end.

With a joint order, both David and Clarence lit up at the same time.



When the light illuminated where the sound came from, they could see something. A kind of crouched figure, his skin, wrinkled similar to wet cardboard, his skin felt a sick greenish color with skin falling out of place, despite being in a crouched position the height of this was still prominent. The darkness of the place did not allow to distinguish precisely, but under the figure was what looked like someone's body.

* Tear * * Drip *

David and Clarence felt their hearts stop when the figure seemed to have noticed them. Turning slowly, the face they were greeted with, a strange flat face, slanted eyes with no pupil, sunken nose leaving only a black void which is followed by a pair of large bleeding teeth with no lips.

Chunks of meat were still visible on these. The great rows of teeth seemed to smile as he watched them, the flashlight in Clarence's hand falling to the ground upon seeing what was in front of the creature. Anderson's lifeless body is gutted and headless lying in a pool of his blood. They were seconds, but it felt like years. Everything was silent as if the sound was afraid to break the tension in the place.

At least until the creature opened its largemouth.


But it wasn't his voice that came from his mouth.


It was Anderson's voice.


Then the creature got up.


Inadvertently Clarence stepped back stepping on the lantern that she had brought with him earlier.

That is a sign of the apocalypse.

He unleashed in Hell.



* Shot * * shot *

"Open fire!"

* Shot * * Shot * * Shot *

David and Clarence unloaded a full magazine.

But it didn't seem to even scratch the creature.


Seeing her standing was even more worrying, from a glance you could at least make out his figure. Long and thin, a sickly appearance, her arms, and legs were disproportionate to her body, instead of fingers, she had a kind of long claws, both David and Clarence ran right away as they opened covering fire.

* Shot * * Shot * * Shot *

"Run!! Don't stop Clarence!"


They could both hear the ground shaking under their feet.

He knew he was after them.

"Gwen! Alex!"

"Ahead! Gwen Alex welcome me!?."

* Static *


Kukulkan Castle Room, Ceremonial. November 29, 2019.

Second floor.

30 Minutes Before.

"I'm not a fan of silence," Alex replied as she directed the flashlight to all dark places.

"Yeah well, I like the silence, but I think this time I'll agree with you," Gwen responded to Alex's reply with a slight smile.

Raising an eyebrow in curiosity Alex asked. "Honestly, you think these writings or patterns are anything important anyway? What if it's just random words left behind by the ancient Mayan civilization."

Without looking at him Gwen answered him. "I can't be entirely sure, it may be a discovery of the century or it may be nothing more than a waste of time."


A smile crossed Gwen's lips. "Well, I would say that we are not wasting our time I would dare to assure it."

"Hey? What makes you so sure?"

She glanced at him she raised the notebook towards him. "Lost, other, will seek, god, she objected."

For a moment Alex's brain stopped working as she looked at the notebook. "I'm not following you."

With a sigh, Gwen spoke again, lowering the notebook. "That's the Spanish translation, even though it's not entirely 100% accurate, one can understand it with the naked eye."

"Oh, then, Lost, other, will seek, god, object. What exactly does that mean?"

Bringing a finger to her lip with light strokes, Gwen stepped into contemplation. "In order, they don't mean much, but if we rearrange them, it would be something like looking for, object, lost, other, God."

Frowning in doubt Alex asked. "Will you look for another god's lost object? I don't want to be pessimistic, but how is that different from finding only a text with no ancient value? It's not like this is literal, to begin with, ancient civilizations believed in many different gods, this seems more like superstitious writing than anything else."

This caused a loud laugh from Gwen. "Save the religious talks for another time. For now, we are going to rearrange the words in the ceremonial stone and we will leave doubts."

Quickly and gracefully the beautiful Latina arranged the words on the stone in the correct order. Just at the end, a noise is heard inside it, as if a clock mechanism will finally advance towards its corresponding place.

* Clip *

And then.


The whole place began to shake, shaking hard the walls creaked as a cloud of dust rose from the ground.

"Gwen! This should happen!?"

"What the fuck am I supposed to know!"

It was at that moment that they both heard it.


"What the hell is that !?"

Gwen ...

David's weak voice came over the radio. Startled, she is surprised to hear David's voice in a panic, considering his attitude and the time they had known each other it was extremely strange to hear the fear in him.


"Chief! Can you hear me!."

* Static *

She didn't know why she was panicking more. If from the structure in front of them destroying itself, or David's scared voice, she had been with him for a long time she knew firsthand that freaking out was something he didn't do often. So if anything I manage to take it to this extreme.

It terrifies her to the core to imagine what it was. Her chest filled with a heavy tightness and all she could do was let out a loud, heartbreaking cry.



The last thing she knew before the lights went out for her was to see the place collapse on them.

Creation is more difficult than it seems. If you like this story, do not forget to comment and leave your review, it is something important for the creators.

Chris_Mayocreators' thoughts