
Chapter 3: SkyWin


While in the shower, the water raced down my back. It felt warm. Comforting. I hate how I had to get out of the shower eventually. What I hate more is having to wake up early so I could get to the hall before Mr. Wilson makes it. I didn't want to be late again. Last time I barely made it. I hope all this is worth it and doesn't turn into a shitshow.

I got out of the shower, dried myself up and began dressing up. Looking in the mirror, I noticed my hair was growing too long. It was almost at neck length. I needed a nice trim over the weekend.

Beams of sunlight shone across the floor. They lit up the room. Wasn't it a little too early for the sun to be out at 5:30? Oh well. I approached the windows and opened them. The breeze was surprisingly less cold than compared to two days ago. That's better anyway, less cold mornings. I went back on my bed and started checking out social media for like an hour.