
Chapter 2: NadiaHudson


I followed as Hudson approached the table his friends and Gena were sitting on. He was just as curious about what they were talking about all this time. Looking at their faces, they seemed to have been talking about just one topic. I wonder what it was.

Hudson and I arrived at the table just about the same time. We both knew what each of us were going to say.

Among the chatter of the cafeteria, Hudson spoke first.

"Yo, guys... what's taking so long?" he asked his friends. "We don't have all day. Let's go eat."

"Gena, why is this taking so long? We could've been gone by now."

"I'll be with you soon, Nadie, don't worry. You can start eating with Hudson for now." said Gena with a grin. "You don't mind sitting with her for a few minutes, right Hudson?"

"Yeah I don't mind. It's totally cool." replied Hudson.

"Okay, but make it quick. We're sorta running out of time."