

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
84 Chs


Onyx looked at the fifth Volume in surprise because it took him a little over 4 months to complete this, while it took him way longer for the fourth. "This was really quick."

Onyx picked up the book and put it in the box to give to Princess Celestia. He was surprised to hear a knock at his door; he slowly walked to the door and saw Rarity at his door with a packed bag. "Rarity, what a surprise, and you have a packed bag."

Rarity smiled and looked up at Onyx. "Can I come in, Onyx; I wish to talk about something."

Onyx nodded and quickly let her inside the house. "Come in Rarity, I thought you had to run and catch a train."

Rarity smiled while walking inside and seeing Pinkie in the kitchen. "Hello, Pinkie."

Pinkie blinked when she heard Rarity's voice before looking in surprise. "What are you doing here, Rarity? You are going to be late."

"Oh, I know, my dear, but I need to speak to Onyx before I leave." Rarity replied before looking at Pinkie as she replied before turning to Onyx. "Onyx, would you like to come with to Canterlot? I forgot to ask?"

Onyx looked up in thought before shaking his head no. "I am working on a project, and my new engine is almost done, and I am slowly running out of time."

Rarity smiled before kissing Onyx on the lips. "I still should have asked before I headed out, now I have to go, or I will really miss my train."

Onyx nodded his head and was surprised that she leaned up to whisper something into his ear. "I think I am ready to start taking the next steps, Onyx."

Onyx nodded at her and pulled her into a deep kiss which surprised Pinkie, who was watching. "Let her go, Onyx, or she will miss her train."

Onyx nodded and looked at the panting Rarity. "When you come back, I will take you on a sweet date, alright."

Rarity nods back before picking up her bags and smiling at Pinkie, who walked up before pulled her into a deep hug. "I will see you soon, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded while squeezing her back. "You be safe, Rarity, alright."

Rarity was quick to run out of the house, heading to catch her train, Onyx watched her jiggling behind and realized that his breeding season has not gone away. He looked at Pinkie before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "We do not have to eat Breakfast, Pinkie."

Pinkie giggled while playfully smacked his back. "You big brute, what are you going to do to me."

Onyx smacked Pinkies ass while carrying her up the stairs.


Princess Celestia smiled while eating breakfast as Luna looked at her newest book. "Luna, is the new book interesting?"

Luna smiled before nodding in thought. "This fascinating it is book about the evolution of Herds."

Celestia was confused before remembering how long Luna had been gone and thought about it. "Herds have changed greatly since you have been gone."

"Indeed, it says that Herds are no longer based around safety." Luna was surprised that herds had changed so much from her time. "Why are herds becoming something about money."

"Children cost a bunch of money to raise in this day and age, Luna, it is causing herds to slowly fall out of style." Celestia sighed at the fact a part of their culture is going away. "I wonder how Onyx is going to affect the culture of Equestria."

Luna blinked before remembering that she has not had a relationship in a while. "This been about 200 years for me, but what about you, sister?"

Celestia blinked at Luna's low number before remembering because how long she was in the trap. "It has been a little over 700 years since I have found a good relationship and a little over 170 years since I have gotten laid."

Luna was surprised that it had been so long for Celestia. "Have you thought about looking for a new relationship?"

Celestia smiled while looking at the window. "I have; he has been nice so far from what I can tell, and he does not treat me like I am some unattainable deity."

Luna blinked before she realized who her sister was describing. "Rune Maker Onyx?"

Celestia nodded before looking at Luna seriously. "The only reason I am hesitating is because what happens when he ascends."

Luna thought about it, two immortals with each other never to know the loss of another of their lovers to not watch them age and die. "Sounds perfect."

Celestia smiled when Luna got it. "Of course, but I will only approach him if he ascends, of course."

Luna nodded in agreement and looked at the book. "Have there been any more information on Onyx's Reincarnation?"

Celestia nodded. "We know he is not really Flawless Steal because of the information about Scáthach and Cu and the really accurate outfit he had made."

Luna nodded before she looked at her. "How long has it been since Cu and Scáthach been forgotten truly."

Celestia smirked and nodded her head. "A little over 1500 years, and there was no information about those two anywhere in the rune library."

Luna nodded her head. "So, who do you think he could be now?"

Celestia sighed because that was the big question. After all, anyone from those days was a true-blooded killer of the enemies of pony-kind. "There are really no Rune Makers that fit his personality from what I can remember, but I will not allow myself to stop looking because now it is a mystery, and people want to know."

Luna smirked at Celestia in Detective mode. "Do you truly need to know, or do you wish to know?"

Celestia smirked back at her, seeing Luna was getting. "I want to know, and if he is that far back, then it does not matter at this point who he was. I just want to know, and I won't ask because that is cheating."

Luna nodded before noticing Rose walk in. Luna nodded at her before Celestia looked at her in surprise because she was carrying another note. "Onyx sent the fifth Volume in my lady."

Celestia and Luna were surprised that Onyx got it in so quickly. "He sped back up despite him having struggles before why?"

Luna looked at the information that she had. "There might be less information in these last two volumes than the first ones, or it is because he is getting closer to completion."

Celestia nodded her head in agreement and quickly took the note from Onyx. "He says for some reason the Runes are going out faster and faster; he says he will be finished in a few months because that last Volume is pretty much just a finish refinement of the words."

Luna nodded and quickly figured that Onyx might be done before the wedding itself. "If he finishes before the wedding, we will be able to see Onyx and his most likely Nightmare."

Celestia smirked as well because this would be an interesting bit of information to learn from. "I wonder how his Nightmare will be different from him."

---Dream realm---

Daybreaker looked at Nightmare Moon in annoyance before sighing. "Another one in our house while the newest Princess is here."

While they were talking, they felt Candaces Nightmare make its way into the room. "Hello, girls."

Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon looked at the Nightmare of love Clíodhna, the siren of loving mind control. "Hello, Clíodhna."

"So, what are you two old ladies bitching about now." Clíodhna asked while moving much more sensually than Candance was.

Nightmare Moon snorted at Clíodhna. "The potential Alicorn Onyx has almost completed his god magic, and it looks to be done before your wedding."

Clíodhna smiled extremely happy because that meant an immortal male Alicorn. "I wonder how much better it would be to be with him."

"God, you are such a slutty Alicorn Clíodhna." Daybreaker said, annoyed with the way she was acting.

"Just because I enjoy sex does not mean anything, I would never willingly cheat on my husband." The smile Clíodhna gave was pure sin. "But if Shining wanted to watch, well, there is nothing I could do about that."

Nightmare Moon snorted at her words before watching the three Princess interact. "You are a welcome reprieve from everything else despite how you act."

Clíodhna looked at the two old Nightmares and sighed because of how long they been alone, they were willing to even accept her. "You know I meant to ask has there ever been another Alicorn before Candace and me?"

Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker went tight-lipped before sighing. "There was one, but she had to be destroyed because of what she was planning to do pony kind."

Clíodhna blinked in surprise before looking at the two in thought. "What did she do?"

Daybreaker smirked. "She wanted to free Discord and bring about another age of Chaos."

Clíodhna looked at Daybreaker, shocked. "That is crazy. I mean, she had to know that was a terrible idea. Why on earth would she think that was a good idea?"

The two nightmares shrugged their shoulders while looking at each other. "We have no idea because, until the end, her Nightmare would not reveal anything."

"What was she the Alicorn of?" Clíodhna was really interested in this dead god.

"She was the Alicorn of Shadows." Nightmare moon answered. "She created the magic of our spies."

Clíodhna nodded and decided to sit down on the edge of the table, watching the girls interact. "Do you think Onyx's Nightmare will be a studly one or what?"

The other two nightmares let out groans at this.

---Ethereal Realm---

Harmony watched three of her people interact as well as her Nightmares before thinking of the failed one they mentioned. She quickly entered Tartarus and found Scáthach having absorbed the dead Alicorn. 'Hail to the new queen of shadows.'

Harmony quickly bowed in greeting to her new Alicorn and smirked while looking around before noticing Discord. 'How was it Discord.'

'Well, you have a new princess, and Shadow magic will be making a massive comeback.' Discord nodded and looked at the Alicorn in the death realm. 'How on earth did she absorb… what on earth was her name.'

Harmony nodded and looked at the dead Alicorn. 'She was able to absorb her because in the lands of death all you are a soul, and she started roughly 500 years ago… and the reason you cannot remember her name is because I have erased it because she tried to fight me, my own agent.'

Discord nods because he would do the same to any of his agents, and the only reason Nightmare Moon was not destroyed was because of the Filth. 'Will she able to escape Tartarus with her new power.'

Harmony hummed and looked at the slowly stabilizing Scáthach. 'Not for close to a little over 20 years, but she can be pulled out by the other Alicorns if they find out she is down here, but she will be able to get out on her own eventually.'

Discord looked the new Alicorn up and down and saw the sleeping Nightmare slowly form. 'I wonder what her Nightmare will be like.'

Harmony nodded while quickly teleporting away to the books and watching the language slowly give an even more apparent shape. 'This is extremely powerful. No wonder he added a rule that only certain runes and can be put on certain things.'

Discord sneered at the language. 'I am slowly liking it less and less Harmony, so I most likely going to make him a top target for my agents.'

Harmony nodded before looking Discord up and down. 'Not for 500 years, right.'

Discord nods because that agreement has been in place for a little over eon to protect their agents when they are firstborn.