

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · TV
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84 Chs


Onyx smiled as he looked at the work he was doing because, for some reason, he has been able to get a massive amount of work done, he quickly checked all the work he had been doing he first walked up to the Runic Engine. "Runic engine Version 2 finally done meeting all the requirements master Shine required."

As he moved to his next project looking at the glowing box with pride. "Runic music box is working perfectly. I have finally figured out how to make sound with my runes."

Onyx smiled at the work he had gotten done. "With this, I have gotten two projects done while also making major progress on my Runic Radio."

He slowly made his way out of the lab and was surprised to see Pinkie looking at him with a severe face. "What is up, Pinkie?"

"Onyx, we really need to talk about something." She pouted at him in annoyance. "You have been in your lab for a little over 2 weeks and missed dates with us girls."

Onyx blinked and pulled out his calendar and was surprised that it had been that long. "Oh my god, I am so sorry, Pinkie is Rarity, and Applejack just as mad."

Pinkie waved it off before looking him up and down. "They understand that your work is something that has to come first so you can pay for our eventual children."

"But two weeks without major contact is a no-no, Onyx." Pinkie was looking extremely annoyed. "Am I understood, Onyx?"

Onyx nodded in agreement. "Sorry about worrying you, Pinkie, and I will make sure to apologize to the girls. I should probably head out today anyways."

Pinkie smiled at Onyx and pointed at a box by the front door. "All the toys are packed up and ready for you to run them over to Colt's Onyx."

Onyx smirked at Pinkie before pulling her into a kiss. "I am really sorry that I got wrapped up in my projects."

---After Colts---

Onyx slowly made his way over to Rarity's because he owed her an explanation as he slowly made his way over, he saw a Spike that was as tall as he was being pulled by Twilight towards the hospital. "Excess."

Onyx nodded his head and watched them round a corner before sighing because this was a time when the injuries were high. Still, there were no deaths in Ponyville in the show. Nevertheless, this reality had already shown that it was highly dangerous compared to the show. "Well, we will get there when we get there time to go see Rarity."

Onyx slowly walked his way up the steps of Rarity's boutique and knocked on her door. Rarity called out with a sweet voice. "Coming!"

Onyx waited at her door before seeing it swing and was surprised by Rarity smiling at him with sweetness. "Why, dear Onyx, how nice of you to remember me."

Onyx grimaced and nodded his head. "I know I screwed up Rarity, but I was Deeply in my projects and got lost in them, and there is nothing I can say that will make up for it, and I cannot even promise that it will happen again."

Rarity stood there with her arms crossed while looking down at Onyx while he babbled his best apology before sighing. "I forgive you Onyx, I understand what it is like to get wrapped into a project, and the juices just flow, but this was really bad. I thought you were dumping me before I talked to Pinkie about it."

Onyx sighed at her words before grimacing at her words before Rarity continued. "I know you cannot promise this will not happen again, but can you promise that if we ever break up can you tell me to my face."

Onyx nodded and looked up at her with hope on his face. "So you are still willing to try."

"Of course, I am Onyx, dear. It just this was really out of the blue." Rarity smirked while she looked him up and down. "You still look really good for not being here for two weeks."

Onyx slowly opened his mouth to say something before Rarity shushed him. "You need to see Applejack understand, so get out of here and go speak to her."

Onyx nodded before moving off, leaving Rarity alone in the doorway. Sweetie Belle hugged her from behind. "Are you alright, Big Sis?"

Rarity patted Sweetie's head. "Just fine, dear, now that Onyx has Apologized and that I got that promise out of him."

---Apple Acres---

Onyx slowly walked up before seeing Granny Smith sitting on the porch and walked up, knowing he was going to get yelled at by family before Applejack which he totally deserved. "Good Morning Granny Smith."

Granny Smith peered at him before sighing. "You do know you messed, don't you, young'un."

Onyx nodded his head and was prepared for the yelling he was about to receive before seeing Granny walk up and bop him on the head. "There, I punished you."

Onyx watched her hobble off before seeing Big Mac walk out of the door. When Big Mac saw Onyx, he slowly walked up to him. "Ready for my Punishment Onyx?"

Onyx nodded and did not expect to get out of this lightly what he received was a big right hook knocking him to the ground. "There, one punch, do not make me do it again."

Big Mac walked off before Applebloom walked up after letting her sister know Onyx was here. "So how are you punishing me, Applebloom?"

"Na, Big Mac did both of ours." Applebloom smirked before running off after Big Mac to help him with something.

Onyx laid there on the ground but slowly looked up when he heard the door open, and Applejack walked out. She was just as beautiful as the day they had their first date. "I apologize for not being here for two weeks, Applejack, and that I missed our dates and that I missed out a lot of things."

Applejack snorted at Onyx's words. "I was not worried about anything really after you missed our date and brunch. I came over to check on you, and you were so deep in your projects that you were not even paying attention."

Applejack looked at the sky before sighing. "I was kinda sad that you were so focused that you missed me in your lab, but I saw something amazing, Onyx. I saw you doing something that you love and realized that it is like me and these trees of mine."

Onyx smiled at her before he noticed her serious face. "But if you ever start something like this again when you are in a break, I am dragging you out because Pinkie said you missed a total of 18 meals, 4 breakfasts, and 14 lunches."

Onyx nodded, looking at the stern-looking Applejack. "You are beautiful when you are mad."

Applejack snorted before walking forward and sitting on him on the ground. "Big Mac gave you a big old shiner to the face, huh."

Onyx nodded before feeling Applejack's lips on his. "That is all you are getting for a while, mister, because you are in the doghouse."

Onyx nodded before he started walking down the road before Applejack called out. "Onyx, you owe us a couple of dates, remember that."

Onyx called back to her. "Understood Applejack"

---Time skip---

Onyx sat down at the café he was at and sighed at himself. "Good job, Onyx, nearly fucked up my entire relationship with the girls, and ugh…"

Onyx sat up when he heard a building explode. "No way this is going really fast."

Onyx quickly looked in the direction of the crash and saw Spike walk out of the Cakes Restaurant. "I thought there was a day between this starting and Spike meeting critical mass."

Spike was quickly walking off into a direction that was leading towards Rarity's Boutique, Onyx quickly spoke while he ran after Spike, "He is way too big for me to affect with my runes I thought I had way more time."

Onyx looked at Spike and sighed as he followed the massive Dragon. "No way to stop him at this point."

As Spike reached Rarity's Boutique, Onyx watched as he reached inside and grabbed Rarity before hearing her scream in fear. He listened to a bunch of hooves hitting the ground behind him and saw the girls before noticing Rainbow and Fluttershy fly up to Spikes' face. "So how is Spike getting affected by his greed excess Twilight."

Twilight grimaced because she had no idea what was going on. "It might be my fault because we gave him presents at his party."

Onyx blinked and realized that he had forgotten to give him the present he was going to give him. "I missed the party?"

Twilight nodded and smiled at him. "Pinkie brought your gift over a beautiful painting."

Onyx sighed happily that at least the painting got there. "Wait, how did him getting presents at his party cause his greed to go out of such a high control."

"He started telling random Ponies that it was his birthday for gifts." Twilight looked at Onyx while he was watching Spike.

"So he let his greed overwrought his normal reasoning." Onyx nodded his head before looking at Twilight and Blinked when he saw her clothes. "What are you wearing, Twilight."

"I did not have time to change my pants, so I am wearing sleeping shorts and a button-up shirt. What is wrong with it, Onyx." Twilight explained while she looked herself over and saw that her sleeping shorts and ridden up her hips and looked like booty shorts. She quickly fixed them and looked at the girls. "Why did you girls not tell me?"

Applejack and Pinkie looked at Twilight and snorted in low laughter. "I do not think that was truly important Twilight because Spike was rampaging."

Twilight blinked and looked at the Wonderbolts flying over the land and surprising her. "Celestia sent the Wonderbolts."

Onyx was still shocked at how beautiful Twilight was before shaking his head and focused on Spike. "I wonder how she had heard the incident was happing."

Twilight blinked and realized that was actually a good question before looking at Spike climbing up a mountain. "How do you think this is going to end, Onyx."

"If we cannot cure Spike, we will have to follow with the only option because he is way too close to Ponyville." Onyx answered honestly while Twilight grimaced at Onyx's answer because that is probably the only end. "Do not worry, Twilight. Hopefully, Rarity will be able to help Spike."

Twilight nodded before sighing and walking forward when Spike started to shrink and lose mass before falling to the earth, which surprised Onyx, watched her jiggling cheeks, and was surprised that Pinkie and Applejack walked up next to him, also looking at her butt. Pinkie spoke up. "She has massive booty cake."

Applejack nodded in agreement. "You think she would like to join the herd Onyx."

Onyx blushed because of what they were saying in teasing. "Sorry, my eyes keep straying; this damn heat season is kicking my ass."

The two girls giggled at him and kissed his cheeks, and Pinkie snickered while speaking. "We know Onyx, we are not judging you, but you have to admit when you are like this, I can see you just want to pin her to the bed and do many things to her."

Twilight quickly called back to them. "Girls, are you coming? You as well, Onyx?"

Applejack and Pinkie called out. "Coming Twilight!"

Onyx was quick to nod before seeing them wiggling their butts at him. Pinkie looked at Onyx over her shoulder, the same as Applejack. "Are you coming, Onyx?"

Onyx felt his mouth dry up, nodding his head, quickly followed the three girls, and quickly caught up to Applejack and Pinkie and smashed his hands on their ass cheeks. "If you two keep teasing me, I am going to take you to my house and let out my virile sperm into your unprotected pussy's."

As Twilight walked up to Spike and Rarity, Onyx could not help but look at Rarity's Ruined clothing, leaving her in torn shirts and panties. "Are you okay, Rarity?"

Rarity smiled at Onyx's question and looked him up and down. "I am just fine, Onyx darling."

"I am so glad you are ok Rarity I should have done something, but I had none of my gear on me." Onyx looked worried because he had done nothing for Rarity, who smiled and hugged him and was surprised when he heard her sniffle lightly and slowly rubbed her back.