
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · แฟนตาซี
163 Chs


Chapter 80

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2030, Planet: Grimoire

This event had turned into quite the festival of mistakes, errors that went beyond comedic to become a horror story of epic proportions. Grifton sighed as he observed everything going on. He'd already gone through two gauntlets of inspection.

The first was for illegal substance usage. He'd passed that with flying colors. The second inspection had been rather intrusive. The inspectors conducted a body search for illegal artifacts. Luckily for Grifton, he'd never possessed anything of the sort. Though some of the comments he overheard made him wonder why anyone would view him as an artifact? Weirdos. They'd let him go upon realizing that he knew nothing of artifacts, let alone how to properly use or activate any item. Grifton hadn't appreciated their reactions of outright contempt.

He shook his head in disgust when he thought about the second group. "I'm actually grateful that those assholes found nothing to tamper with when it came to me."

The first group had actually tried something nasty to falsely accuse him of using some substance or other. However, they'd been busted red-handed when Lamberton had strolled through the area. He'd been commissioned as an official inspector to ensure no one attempted foul play before the competition began.

For once, Grifton was grateful to the arrogant merchantman for his timely interference. A new group of medics came into the area. He'd patiently gone through the second inspection and discovered that he was a dragon. Still, his heritage and genes had hints of water and spirit elementals. He'd seen shock and something else in Lamberton's reaction, especially after looking at Grifton's physical appearance. He'd seemed thoroughly flummoxed and worried.

At last, though, Lamberton had exited the area, and Grifton was passed through that rather time-consuming ordeal. "I still don't understand why Lamberton interfered." It was strange how he'd shown that myriad of emotions. Grifton had noticed the peculiar glances the medics displayed when glancing between him and Lamberton. However, they had the intelligence not to make any remarks in his presence.

After obtaining his certificate that certified his passing of the substance clearance inspection, Grifton left before they could detain him any longer. "I still don't get why everything has gone weird," he murmured in confusion.

When had everything spiraled out of the Director's control? Somehow, Grifton didn't believe everyone's gossip that Moline had intentionally lost control. He folded his arms on the wall before him, watching the activity absently.

No, Grifton thought this was meddling from powerful corporations and families that wanted to get their hands on such fertile lands. "No surprise that greedy fools are trying to steal this place from beneath him." A sigh escaped him as he perched on a bench in the shadows.

From there he could watch everything going on. Grifton idly wondered how much longer people would be allowed to mill around so carefreely on the grounds.

So far, no one had lined up with the intention of showing off their superiority or rank within the Orphanage. That was the single mercy Grifton was grateful for. "I kind of wish Marlayne, Calico, Amberly, and others were here." He sighed wistfully.

His cousins had been on a merchant caravan when news spread about the competition. It was now mandatory that all students, even apprentices, journeymen, and newly minted primaries, participate if they wanted to formally graduate. "What a great way to incur enmity from other academies," Grifton muttered. He wasn't familiar with everything he'd heard of the other institutes. Some of them were really shady in their dealings with merchants, the military, and commoners or street people in general.

Grifton let out a sigh. He wasn't sure he wanted any part of higher education that dealt with advanced education, not after what he'd gone through so far in the schoolhouse attached to the Orphanage.

Not only that, but he'd gained more hours of tutelage from his team members and instructors on how to relearn speech and motor control. He'd gone through another inexplicable growth spurt, and it made coordination almost impossible lately.

"Well, now, if it isn't our dear cousin. Why're you moping in here?" It was Calico full of mischief as usual.

Grifton's mood brightened when he saw them. "You made it!" He stood up to smile at them and hesitated when he viewed their shocked expressions. "Oh right, I guess I didn't get to tell you about my growth spurt."

Marlayne blinked. "It isn't that what surprised us." She admitted. "I think it's cool that you're already sporting scales and horns." She looked him over. "You're definitely going to make an impression. Do us proud, dear cousin." She reached over and hugged him, much to Grifton's shock. When the other two did the same, he smiled and hugged them back gently. "Thanks, I needed to hear that from someone my age." He murmured.

"So, we are the same age?" Calico wanted to know.

"Yep. I'd be wary of the inspections for health and artifacts, though." Grifton told them what happened to him. "I don't know if there is only one team or more."

"Hmm," Marlayne and Calico frowned at each other. "We'll get a second opinion from one of the teams you worked with then." Marlayne declared.

Calico nodded. "I thought there was something fishy going on." He grimaced with disgust.

"They tried to inject me with something blatantly harmful," Amberlyn growled, her dark grey eyes glinting with wrathful vengeance. "I screamed, and some indigo-haired, orange-eyed man showed up." She winced. "I won't forget what happened once he showed up."

Grifton chuckled. "Ah, so you encountered Lamberton, I take it?"

Amberlyn nodded. "Yeah, he did a doubletake when seeing me, Calico, and Marlyne." She looked confused. "He mentioned something along the lines of, 'How can anyone not believe those four aren't siblings?'" She shook her head.

Grifton grunted. "Yeah, they were wondering if I wasn't possibly Lamberton's illegitimate son or something." He unwrapped his arms from them. "Either that or I'm one of Commander's innumerable bastards." None of them were amused at the notion of either possibility.

Grifton studied their faces. "Well, whatever the case may be, we should have fun with this competition since it might well be the last one, we participate in together," he said.

One of the dreams he'd had in the past had occurred as predicted when they worked in the field. However, since then, they'd never worked together again in anything at all.