
Run of the Mill or Not?

Give it up for a misanthropic anti-hero of a teen protagonist who hates humanity in general. Grifton Tinroy, a draconic/humanoid hybrid as well as abandoned orphan. He's just trying to survive man, and do so in a comfortable way.

Draeme_Saekyr1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
163 Chs


Chapter 79

Flange Orphanage, City: Three Prongs Fork, Republic of Shantu, Continent: Barat, the Year 2030, Planet: Grimoire

Several days have passed since the vandalism occurred in the Orphanage and other buildings. Fortunately, Doyle Moline reflected, he'd salvaged something from that day. Even more fortuitous was the amount of funding he'd secured for the future of his foundlings and the grounds.

In light of all the incidents that could've left his buildings vulnerable to a potential series of hostile takeovers, Doyle made a few difficult decisions, one of which would be announced after this competition concluded.

Through planning, three joint committees were created from various departments under the governance's auspices. The intercity competition morphed into something greater than Moline ever imagined. It had gone beyond what the original idea had begun.

Moline wondered if he'd done a good thing or a complete disservice to his foundlings. He noticed that the Tinroy cousins were gathered off to one side and talking to Grifton. That youngster, one of thirty percent of the students who were somewhat disabled through various circumstances, now had an undeniable advantage to his benefit.

A sigh escaped Moline. "I suppose we should get this over with," He muttered.

However, since he wasn't the only one supposed to give a speech, Moline couldn't just start the process as he had. He damned the fact that there were so many formalities that needed protocol presided over first.

"I agree with getting this over with." Commander Darmono appeared at his side. "I don't agree with the decisions of who presides as director after this competition." He frowned at Moline. "Are you sure he's the best choice for taking over the directorship of the orphanage?"

While Moline understood his concerns, he shrugged helplessly. "that was forced upon me." Moline was glad he hadn't lost ownership of the Orphanage or any related businesses. "To retain ownership of all the land and businesses that are linked to the Orphanage." He scowled because something just didn't feel right with the arrangements. "I must accept reassignment to the fledgling republic for at least ten years before returning here." Moline exhaled in frustrated helplessness. "I don't like it, but I can do nothing."

Commander Darmono nodded. "Hmm, there is something wrong with what was done." He was frowning as he listened to Moline. "Even Lamberton was displeased with their political gambits regarding the Orphanage and its occupants."

What they'd really wanted to do was tear everything apart and sell all the land to business corporations that would, given their druthers, ruin the entire environment of this area. Moline shook his head with a sigh. "At least they allowed me to pick the person to take over the directorship." Though he'd been strictly limited even in that decision. "They hadn't even wanted to grant even that concession."

Darmono's mouth tightened. "Yes, I heard of the other candidates and was horrified when I looked into their backgrounds. Lamberton objected to them, including the one you chose, rather strenuously."

Moline rolled his eyes. "When pointed out that he was the lesser evil of all the other candidates, Lamberton finally agreed with my choice." Moline shook his head. "I'm glad that you two demanded to be allowed to audit what happens here for all the businesses and the orphanages."

Granted, he'd been rather sneaky when he made them the co-owners of the Orphanage and other businesses. At first, the locals had objected mightily when they heard what he'd done. Moline sighed when he remembered what he'd had to do to stop an outright rebellion. "I hope that they won't cause problems in the future." He admitted somewhat wearily.

Darmono looked amused. "I doubt they will. Not if they want more investment funds for expansion into their pockets." He shrugged and folded his arms. "How do you think Tinroy, and the others will handle the newest changes?"

Moline grunted, "I don't know." However, when they understood the reasoning behind his actions, they settled down. It hadn't hurt when word was sent down that there would be future investment and revenue opportunities for the locals who ran the businesses.

He turned his attention to the groups of foundlings below. "I just hope that he doesn't freeze from sheer shock," Moline remembered that happening when he'd been unable to speak.

Darmono commented. "I heard he went through quite the healing process in the bathhouse after being taken into the healing pool."

The changes came somewhat coincidentally right after such modifications to the rules occurred. Moline couldn't help but speculate on what made all that possible.

Darmono exhaled. "I think something else is at work." He shook his head. "I just hope that no one is accused of cheating after all this."

Moline nodded. "Yes, he is no longer horribly disfigured and can actually speak quite well now." He was no longer hampered by a speech impairment. Now, he just needed to adjust to being able to speak again. "I heard that he's relearning how to speak again. He's also relearning how to gesture properly as well."

On hearing what Moline told him, Darmono's expression darkened further.

His mouth tightened. "I recommend that everyone undergo testing for forbidden substances and illegally acquired artifacts before the competition begins." His advice made Moline sigh.

Moline was angered when he admitted. "I did think about mandating that but was rejected."

Right as the two of them reflected on their frustration in dejected silence, a welcomed new voice announced, "Maybe you were, but I wasn't." Lamberton grinned at them cheerfully. I made a fuss, and they had to comply with my demands." He shrugged when Moline rolled his eyes in disgust.

"Please tell me how you managed a feat I couldn't accomplish?" Commander Darmono looked resigned when Lamberton sighed.

"I used my connections with the other academies to force them to accommodate my demands." Lamberton shrugged when he explained his strategy. "As a merchantman, which makes others look scummy most times," He smirked to their ire. "I have more influence over that type of decision. I can also back up my demands with evidence of foul play in the past."

Moline grunted. "For once, while I'm speechless at your arrogance. I also appreciate that you're clearly doing this to stick it to the power-mongers worldwide." He knew precisely what Lamberton was up to.