
Rules and roses

Delilah Frost uncharmed by the suitors that her father had fancied for her tends not to care about the young gentlemen from whom she had to pick from. Giving up the idea of true love and a man who loves her for who she is rather than crown and kingdom goes to a ball and meets a handsome charming man Eric Corrigan is he the man delilah had longed for was he a friend for a foe???

mahe_ale_aba · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs


Adeline and I discussed various Clovelly customs that I was unaware of. There would be a big Christmas celebration in the town square, with lots of food and carolling, and everyone would enjoy themselves. We mostly had a simple Christmas back in Brookeland.

Adeline mentioned that in Clovelly, families would exchange handmade gifts and participate in a community gift exchange. She also explained that the town had a tradition of decorating the streets with colorful lights and festive decorations during the holiday season.

I had a thought as we were conversing: "Hey Adeline, I have an idea; how about we make some Christmas treats just to spread cheer?" I exclaimed.

"Your Highness, that is a good idea, but are you sure it might be a lot of work?" she said.

"It's nothing I cannot manage, besides I want to calm this tensed air," I said.

"Sure, your highness, shall we go to the kitchen then?" she asked.

Yes, of course. We entered the building and made our way to the kitchen. There were several tables and chairs all around, giving the room a pub-like feel. The servants were mingling and drinking when they noticed me standing in the middle of the room.

The phrase "Your Highness!" They all stood up when someone shouted, which was heard by everyone.

Oh, please go on; I didn't intend to interfere; all I wanted to do was see how things worked around here and try to prepare something for everyone.

Oh, your highness, it will be a lot of work, and his highness will be incensed, and you must be aware that royals are not allowed in the kitchens. In a troubled voice, the head chef said

I remarked with a smile, "I'm aware of that, but His Highness will understand. Besides, it's just one dessert, and everyone here works so hard, it would be crucial not to give you all a few hours to relax."

"Oh, that is a very kind thought, your highness, but I would like to help you around; it will be an honour for me," a woman said.

''Oh yes, definitely, please let us help you, your Highness,'' another person added, with huge smiles on everyone's faces, as if they had received gold sacs. They all seemed overjoyed to help around.

"The pleasure will be mine to have help from such talented and wonderful people like you," I said, smiling


While the sweets were being made in the kitchens, something was happening in the marketplaces; the soldiers were checking up on every little business and asking around whether they had overheard or seen anything unusual. The news that the king had been poisoned travelled swiftly, and every civilian was concerned and prayed for the king's safety

. The tension in the air was palpable as rumors and speculation spread like wildfire. The people awaited anxiously for updates on the king's condition, hoping for a positive outcome.

General Harold learned from a young boy that a man was asking another man if there were any vengeful pests here, to which the man replied, ''There is a woman who lives in a forest who collects such things; you should talk to her,'' and then that man paid him some gold coins in exchange for the information.

The general asked him if he knew what that man looked like, and the boy said he couldn't see him since he was dressed in a cloak with a hood covering his head, so he couldn't see him.

This information was relayed to Eric, who was so enraged that he immediately went in search of the woman's hut with the general and some other soldiers.

They went and searched for a while, and when they found her whereabouts, they went inside and saw that woman's corpse. The blood on her body was fresh as if she had been killed just a few hours ago.

Eric reasoned that the assassin must have known we were coming for her, so he decided to kill her. His body was blazing with rage.

One of the soldiers' gazes was drawn to a small letter that said, ''So close, but not close enough, dear king.''

He gave the note to Eric, and Eric crumbled the note and threw it. Looking outside in frustration, he saw someone on a horse holding a sword in blood, and then that person ran.

Everyone ran outside, got on horses, and began to chase after him.

There was intense pressure in the air, and then one of Eric's men shot an arrow at him, but he dogged it. After a lot of chasing, they lost him, and he got away.

They went back to the castle, and it was getting dark. Eric felt stressed, so he went to his room and pushed

the door open in anger. He needed to clear his mind and come up with a plan to capture the escaped man before he caused any more trouble. As he paced back and forth, the weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders.


I was in Eric's room, placing the plate of Yule log on his dresser. I was very worried about him; I hadn't seen him this evening. Just then the door opened with a bang. I shrieked but turned around to see Eric.

He was looking very tensed, but his facial muscles relaxed as I locked my gaze on him.

Sitting on the bed and gazing down, he remarked, "I'm sorry for that." I could see the exhaustion in his eyes, and I felt a wave of relief knowing he was safe. Without saying a word, I walked over and gave him a comforting hug.

I questioned him, "What's wrong? You look stressed," as I looked at him.

"Nothing, don't worry," he said. "I just lost track of the guy who tried to kill me." I felt a chill run down my spine as Eric's words sunk in. I knew this situation was far more serious than I had imagined.

''What...'' I exclaimed in shock.

''Yeah, the general had obtained some information and had gotten a lead, but we lost it,'' he cried in anguish.

"Oh, I don't know what to say; that is something hard to process," I said, holding his hand.

"Yeah," he said, looking at me.

"By the way, I made a little something today," I said, getting up. "May I present to you a Yule log?" I said, smiling, hoping to make him smile, and handing him the plate.

"You baked?'' he asked while grinning softly.

"Well, yes," I said, smiling at him.

"It looks beautiful, very pretty details, love,'' he said and took a bite. "Oh wow... mmhmm.. that tastes so good. I love the texture," he said, smiling widely.

"I'm glad you like it, darling." "I kissed his cheek. " "By the way, did you take your medicine yet?''

"Oh no, I forgot.. erm, can you give it to me, please?" he said.

'' Eric!! "You cannot just skip this, you know; the doctor said you have to take them for a week," I said, raising my voice a bit.

"Sorry, love, don't be angry," he said, winking at me.

I handed him his medicine and a glass of water. "Good night," I said, walking out of the room.

"Oh, are you tired?'' he asked

"Yeah, a little. Why do you want me to stay with you?" I said, chuckling.

"I do want you to stay, but I do have a meeting with a few Dukes and Barons, so if I told you to stay and I leave, that would be wrong," he said.

"Aww, you are right, just don't get too stressed. Know you can do this. Good night." I said, smiling at him.

"Good night, my love," he said, looking at me.

I walked towards my room and changed out of my dress into a soft, airy nightgown.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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