
Rules and roses

Delilah Frost uncharmed by the suitors that her father had fancied for her tends not to care about the young gentlemen from whom she had to pick from. Giving up the idea of true love and a man who loves her for who she is rather than crown and kingdom goes to a ball and meets a handsome charming man Eric Corrigan is he the man delilah had longed for was he a friend for a foe???

mahe_ale_aba · Urban
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19 Chs


I decided not to see Adrian and instead wandered the castle, speculating about what could happen as a snowstorm moved in from the east.

I headed up the stairs to Eric's room; two guards were watching over it, but they moved aside as I drew closer.

I entered the room and saw him lying down. I exhaled slowly.

''Come on, wake up; I miss you." I spoke while sitting on the bed and holding his hand while a few tiny tears trickled down my cheek. I gently brushed his hair away from his face, hoping for any sign of a response. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of my breathing.

''I missed you too, darling," Eric said while opening his eyes slowly.

I gasped and looked at him "You scared me'', I said, placing my palm on his chest.

Eric let out a weak chuckle and gently squeezed my hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," he whispered. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I realized he was okay.

'' ss... I am not leaving you; I promised you a little something," he said, taking a deep breath.

"I let out a soft chuckle, though my heart ached to witness you in such pain," I said softly, a tear finally escaping down my cheek. The emotions were raw, swirling between us, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of our shared experiences.

"Seeing you cry hurts more, my love," he said, wiping my tears.

I held his hand. I should call the doctor to check on you. I said I was getting up from the bed.

"No, don't. Just stay with me for sometime; it has been a while since we talked for more than 10 minutes," he said as he held my hand and stopped me. I nodded, understanding his need for companionship at that moment. We sat in silence, cherishing each other's presence without needing words to fill the space.

''Alright, your highness '' I sat down on the bed again.

I traced my finger around his bandage. "How do you feel?" I asked.

''I feel relaxed knowing that you are here by my side," he said, caressing my cheek.

"Do you have any idea who could do this to you?" I asked, looking down.

''I don't know. My eyes did fall on someone in a black cloak, but I could not point at the person; my whole body burned within seconds when that arrow struck my chest. But you don't need to worry; I am fine now. I will find the person behind this," he said, coughing.

'' hey..'' I quickly poured him a glass of water, and he drank it.

''Thank you...'' He said, closing his eyes, '' Delilah'', he called my name.

"Yes love," I replied, looking at him.

"Stop the time right now," he stated.

chuckled, "Hehe, what do you mean by that? I can't just stop time."

"Then just don't tell anyone that I am awake," he said, sitting up.

"Ay, lay down; you need rest, and why should I not tell anyone?" I asked him.

Because of this, he explained in a serious tone, "I cannot see you sobbing and being frightened again, and moreover, this is so pleasant, just me and you here with no one interrupting. I will become busy with my tasks again, and perhaps I will have to deal with threats again.

I chuckled and stated in a draconic manner, "It's okay, we can sort this out. Besides, I've always had this detective side inside of me, and I want to discover who dared to wound my king.

He chuckled. "No, no, I am not dragging you into this. Not a chance, my queen," he said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Hey, but I am already involved," I said, chuckling.

"Do you have any theories, my angel?" he questioned me.

"Not yet, but I will have..soon..'' I said proudly.

"When there was a knock on the door,'' come in," Eric said in a deep, cold voice.

a rich man just for the sake of your kingdom," he said.

'Your Highness," the doctor said. My suspicion that a scorpion was used to poison His Highness was accurate, but Sir Orion has something more intriguing to share with you. I have some news.

"Your Highness, this jar was found near the royal stables. On examination, it was found that this jar contained the blood of the deadly scorpion. Its venom is the same as found inside your wound," said Orion as he emerged from behind the scene holding a jar of some sort of black material. He continued, "This suggests that the scorpion was deliberately used to poison His Highness, and we must act swiftly to uncover the culprit behind this treacherous act." The doctor nodded in agreement, confirming the urgency of the situation.

"It seems like the assassin is not even trying to hide," Eric said, standing up from his bed, that the anger in his voice was sensible.

''Eric...''' I said I was holding him.

''I am okay," he said, walking towards Orion.

While holding the jar, he said, "Quick poisoning, pretty neat trick, but I think maybe the assassin wants me to think it was someone from inside; maybe it was someone from outside. Not that I suspect you, Orion, but who told you about that scorpion?"

I answered in a hushed voice, "I did, Your Highness; I was just trying to gain some information about it."

All right, I need to know every single detail of what happened that night. I also need a list of everyone who remained at the castle that night and to call Duke Adrian immediately. Some guards in the room were given orders by Eric.

The guards went out nodding. "Your Grace, do not stress yourself out right away; your body is still very weak," the doctor said.

''I am fine." I will rest at night, thank you, doctor," he said coldly.

I was observing his body language; he seemed tense. We made quick eye contact, and then I looked away.

Adrian came inside. "Your Highness," he said with a small bow.

He just smiles at me and pulls me into bed with him, and we just lay down for some time.

"I need a complete report of everything that has happened in the town—any new faces or suspicions—ask the citizens or salesmen, pay close attention to every detail, and I want guards around everywhere in the town, especially in the alleys."

''I will get to it right away. May God grant you a long life, your highness." Adrian stated

"Disperse, '' Eric replied while tilting his head at an angle.

I was about to go out when he said, '' Except you love me."

I looked at him and said, "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"No, not in particular, but I don't think you need a reason to stay with your fiance, am I right?'' he said, smiling at me.

The forest seemed to end and a leveled plain appeared, with so many flowers surrounding a small wooden house, the flowers seemed to never end. Two horses were munching on grass, one white and one black. It was so beautiful the sunshine made every detail shine even brighter. A carpet of fine evergreen needles covered the forest floor perfuming the clearing with a sweet scent. We both walked towards the house and opened the door, just then a dog pounced upon Eric, wagging its tail in excitement. 

The dog's barking echoed through the peaceful clearing, breaking the silence of the serene scene. he took a few steps back, the dog was licking his face again and the room filled with laughter make this  better

The forest suddenly opened up into a vast, level plain adorned with endless fields of vibrant flowers encircling a quaint wooden house. Bathed in sunlight, every petal and blade of grass seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow. The forest floor, carpeted in fragrant evergreen needles, added a sweet perfume to the serene atmosphere.

As we approached the house, the door swung open, and a bounding dog leaped towards Eric, its tail wagging furiously with joy. The playful barks of the dog pierced the peaceful silence of the clearing, infusing the tranquil scene with a burst of lively energy.

Eric took a step back, laughing as the dog affectionately licked his face, filling the room with shared laughter and warmth.

The forest abruptly gave way to a sprawling plain, where a multitude of flowers encircled a charming wooden house under the brilliant sunshine. The air was filled with the sweet scent of evergreen needles carpeting the forest floor.

Approaching the house, we swung open the door, only to be greeted by a scene of unexpected delight: a lively dog pounced on Eric, its tail wagging in exuberance. Its playful barks shattered the serene quiet of the clearing, injecting a burst of energy into the tranquil setting.

Eric stepped back, laughing heartily as the dog showered him with affectionate licks, filling the room with shared joy and laughter.

As the forest thinned out, a vast, level plain unfolded before us, carpeted with a riot of colorful wildflowers that seemed to stretch endlessly under the bright, warm sunlight. The air was perfumed with the sweet, resinous scent of evergreen needles that covered the forest floor like a soft, fragrant carpet.

In the midst of this picturesque landscape stood a quaint wooden house, its walls weathered to a warm, honeyed hue by the sun. Surrounding the house were two horses peacefully grazing—a majestic white steed and a sleek black mare—adding a touch of serene beauty to the scene.

Drawn by curiosity and the allure of the peaceful setting, we approached the house. With a creak, the wooden door swung open, revealing a cozy interior bathed in the golden light filtering through the windows.

Before we could fully take in the scene, a flash of fur and boundless energy launched itself at Eric. It was a playful dog, its tail a blur of excitement as it barked joyously, breaking the stillness of the clearing with its exuberance. Eric staggered back, laughing heartily as the dog showered him with affectionate licks, its antics filling the room with shared laughter and warmth.

Inside, the atmosphere was inviting and rustic, with worn wooden furniture and the scent of freshly baked bread mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest outside. The walls were adorned with paintings of landscapes and portraits, capturing moments of tranquility and joy.

Settling into the cozy space, we couldn't help but feel welcomed by the peacefulness of the surroundings, as if the very essence of the forest had found a home within these walls, creating a haven of beauty and serenity in the heart of nature's embrace.

Eric was such a mysterious man, last night he was simply a duke in my eyes, whom I liked, but this Eric seemed like a common man, of daily tasks, who finds happiness in the darkest moments, he was like the light you see at the end of a cave, he was like the light you see at the end of a cave.

Eric appeared mysterious to me. Last night, he was simply a duke—a figure I admired. But now, he seemed like an ordinary man, finding joy in simple daily tasks, his happiness shining through even in the darkest moments. He was like the light at the end of a cave, a beacon of warmth and reassurance amid uncertainty.

Eric had always carried an air of mystery about him. Initially, he was the duke—a nobleman of stature and charm whom I found myself drawn to. Last night, amidst the grandeur of the ballroom, he had been the epitome of grace and elegance, effortlessly commanding attention with his dignified presence.

But now, as I observed him in this rustic setting, Eric appeared transformed. Here, away from the trappings of nobility, he seemed like an entirely different person—a man of simple pleasures and everyday routines. He found joy in the mundane tasks, whether it was tending to the horses or greeting guests with a genuine warmth that transcended social status.

His smile was genuine, reaching his eyes with a brightness that spoke of resilience and a deep-seated contentment. It was as if he carried within him a quiet strength, a steadfastness that illuminated even the darkest corners of his life. Eric was like the light one sees at the end of a cave—a guiding beacon that offered hope and comfort in moments of uncertainty.

Despite his aristocratic upbringing, Eric embraced life with an openness that was refreshing and endearing. He didn't seem burdened by the weight of expectations or the complexities of courtly etiquette. Instead, he reveled in the simplicity of these quiet moments, finding beauty in the harmony between man and nature.

In his presence, I began to see beyond the title of duke, beyond the facade of nobility. Eric was a man of depth and character, whose true essence lay not in his social standing but in his genuine kindness and resilience. He was someone who found happiness not in grand gestures but in the everyday moments that filled his life with meaning.

As I reflected on these thoughts, I realized that Eric was not just a duke or a common man—he was a rare blend of both, embodying the grace of nobility and the down-to-earth wisdom of a man who had learned to cherish life's simple joys.

Just as I was standing I left two arms around my neck. The stranger put his sword up to my neck. Before Eric could react I elbowed the man in his stomach, I twisted his arm around his back and put his sword up to his neck, 'You want to try that again sir ' I said making sure he felt pain and fear. The stranger's eyes widened in surprise as he realized he had underestimated me. I held my ground, ready for whatever may come next. 'Woah!, serves this stranger right to attack a lady from behind, You keep impressing me Del ' he said proudly

As I stood, I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my neck. Instinctively, I reacted as the stranger pressed his sword against my throat. Before Eric could intervene, I swiftly elbowed the man in the stomach, causing him to gasp in pain. With practiced ease, I twisted his arm behind his back and held his own sword against his neck.

"I let out a soft chuckle, though my heart ached to witness you in such pain," I said softly, a tear finally escaping down my cheek. The emotions were raw, swirling between us, heavy with unspoken words and the weight of our shared experiences.

I smiled and replied, "Yes, you're right. But you know, you sound quite intimidating when your voice gets deep and cold."

"Is that why you were about to leave?" he asked, settling onto the bed.

Quickly, I moved to his side, helping him settle in. "Um, no," I reassured him gently, "I just thought you might need some space to sort things through." I wanted him to know I was there for him, ready to talk about anything on his mind. As he settled into bed, I sat beside him, taking his hand in mine, offering silent support and comfort.

I smiled warmly at Eric's teasing remark. "Yes, you're right," I chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "But you know, when your voice deepens like that, it can be a bit intimidating."

He shifted on the bed, his expression thoughtful. "Is that why you were about to leave?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

I moved closer, sitting down beside him and gently assisting him to get comfortable. "Not at all," I assured him, my voice soft and reassuring. "I simply thought you might need some time to yourself, to process everything that's been happening."

I looked at him earnestly, wanting him to understand that my intention was to give him space out of respect for his thoughts and feelings. "But please know," I continued, gently squeezing his hand, "I'm here for you, Eric. We can talk about anything you need to."

He nodded slowly, a hint of gratitude in his eyes as he squeezed my hand in return. "Thank you, Del," he murmured softly, his voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and appreciation. "I appreciate your understanding."

I smiled gently, relieved to see a small weight lifted off his shoulders. Sitting there together in the quiet of the room, I offered him my presence and support, silently hoping that my words and actions would bring him some measure of comfort in his moment of need.


As I rose from my bed, the familiar creak of the floorboards beneath my feet seemed to echo through the silent chambers of the castle. Eric lay peacefully on his side, his chest rising and falling in the rhythm of deep slumber. His face, usually animated with determination and warmth, now relaxed in repose, betraying none of the recent turmoil we had faced.

Drawing a heavy woolen coat around my shoulders, I made my way downstairs, guided by the flickering glow of the castle's torches lining the stone corridors. The air was crisp and cool, carrying with it the scent of winter that lingered on the edge of the breeze. As I approached the main hall, a quiet hush enveloped me, broken only by the soft crackling of the hearth.

Standing by the large, arched window overlooking the castle grounds, I beheld a scene that captured the essence of a winter's dream. Outside, the landscape was draped in a pristine blanket of snow, untouched and glistening under the soft moonlight. Each flake seemed to shimmer as it descended, adding to the enchantment of the night.

The courtyard below, usually bustling with servants and visitors during the day, now lay serene and tranquil, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon. The tall, ancient trees that lined the pathways stood sentinel-like, their branches adorned with delicate icicles that glimmered like diamonds in the night.

I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty before me, the way the moonlight danced on the snow, creating an illusion of a world suspended in time. It was a moment of serene stillness, a stark contrast to the recent events that had shaken our kingdom to its core.

In the quiet solitude of the night, my thoughts drifted to Eric and the challenges we had faced together. His resilience and unwavering determination had always been a source of strength for me, but now, seeing him vulnerable and recovering from the attempt on his life, I felt a pang of fear and uncertainty gnaw at my heart.

I longed for the days when Eric and I could stroll through the castle gardens, hand in hand, amidst the blooming flowers and vibrant greenery. Those moments felt like a distant memory now, overshadowed by the urgent need to safeguard Eric and our kingdom from unseen threats.

As I gazed out at the winter landscape, a flicker of hope kindled within me. I yearned for the day when the castle would once again ring with laughter and joy, when the warmth of hearth and home would dispel the chill of uncertainty that now lingered in the air.

Lost in my thoughts, I recalled the countless nights Eric and I had spent planning for our future, dreaming of a kingdom where justice and compassion reigned. His vision for our people was noble and steadfast, a testament to his commitment to serve with integrity and humility.

The snow continued to fall gently, creating a soft, muffled silence that enveloped the castle grounds like a protective embrace. It was a reminder of nature's resilience, its ability to transform even the harshest of winters into a season of renewal and hope.

I found solace in the quietude of the night, grateful for the peace it offered amidst the stormy uncertainties of our world. The castle, usually alive with the sounds of bustling activity, now seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for the dawn to bring with it a promise of brighter days ahead.

A sudden movement caught my eye—a lone figure approaching through the snow-covered courtyard. It was Adeline, her footsteps muffled by the soft carpet of snow. Her presence brought a sense of companionship and solidarity, a silent understanding of the weight of responsibility that rested on our shoulders.

"Your Highness," Adeline greeted softly as she joined me by the window, her gaze following mine out into the winter night.

"Adeline," I responded, my voice barely above a whisper. "Isn't it breathtaking?"

She nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Indeed, it is, Your Highness. A winter wonderland, untouched and pure."

We stood together in silence, sharing the quiet beauty of the moment. The bond between us, forged through shared challenges and unwavering loyalty, brought a sense of strength and resolve.

"I miss him," I admitted softly, my gaze drifting back to Eric's sleeping form upstairs. "I miss his laughter, his warmth."

Adeline placed a comforting hand on my arm. "He will recover, Your Highness. Eric is strong, and he has the kingdom's best healers tending to him."

I nodded, grateful for her reassurance. "Thank you, Adeline. For everything."

She squeezed my arm gently. "We will get through this together, Your Highness. We will protect Eric and our kingdom, no matter the challenges we face."

As we stood side by side, watching the snowfall paint the world in shades of silver and blue, I felt a surge of determination swell within me. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with dangers and unknowns, but I knew that with Adeline by my side and the unwavering support of our people, we would weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever.

The first light of dawn began to peek over the horizon, casting a golden hue across the snow-covered landscape. It was a new day, filled with promise and possibilities. With renewed hope in my heart, I turned away from the window, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"We should return," I said to Adeline, my voice steady. "There's much to do before the ball."

She nodded, her gaze lingering on the winter scene outside. "Indeed, Your Highness. Let us prepare for a night to remember."

Together, we left the window

I stared outside for a while when someone stopped behind me and said, "Fancy seeing you here." It was a male's voice, a bit raspy.

I turned around and saw Benjamin, yes, the Lord Benjamin.

"Oh, nice to see you here as well, sir," I said.

"Sir, are you really going to address me formally, dear? I thought we were friends," he said.

"Oh, I don't seem to remember such details or ever mention our friendship, sir; I would rather use the word acquaintance," I said in a low tone.

"Well, I have heard you have trapped the king here in your so-called love," he grunted.

"I beg your pardon?" I said, my confusion mixing with a growing sense of anger at Benjamin's audacity.

"Excuse me, I will not let you insult me like that; you should better watch your words, Benjamin," I snapped, my voice sharp with irritation. Benjamin's demeanor had always grated on my nerves, but this time, he had crossed a line.

"Oh, what will possibly happen? I don't—" he began, his voice rising in defiance as he took a step closer, his face contorted with arrogance.

"Then you might just get this," I declared, cutting him off sharply. In one swift motion, I swung my foot and landed a solid kick to his stomach.

Benjamin doubled over, letting out a pained groan as the air rushed out of him. He staggered back, clutching his abdomen, clearly caught off guard by my sudden retaliation.

"Maintain your distance next time, Ben," I said, my tone cold and unwavering, my eyes locking onto his with a mix of defiance and warning. His attempt to intimidate me had backfired spectacularly.

He straightened slowly, still holding his stomach, his expression a mixture of pain and disbelief. His usual cocky demeanor had been shaken, and for a moment, there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

"You... you'll regret this," he managed to spit out between labored breaths, his voice laced with both anger and humiliation.

"I regret nothing," I replied calmly, though my heart raced with adrenaline. I knew Benjamin wouldn't easily forget this confrontation, but I also knew I had asserted myself in a way he hadn't anticipated.

With a final glare, Benjamin turned and stormed off, his footsteps echoing down the hallway. I stood there for a moment, catching my breath and trying to calm the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

As I turned back towards the window, the snow outside seemed to glow in the soft light of dusk. The tension of the moment began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of satisfaction and a hint of apprehension about what might come next.

Taking a deep breath, I resolved to stay vigilant. Benjamin's threat lingered in the air, a reminder that despite the tranquility of the winter scene outside, there were still challenges to face and adversaries to confront in the days ahead.

I walked towards the garden and roamed around there. I plucked a rose from a bush and just held it in my hands.

"Your highness, it is freezing outside. What are you doing here?'' Adeline asked; she was holding a basket full of flower crowns.

"Oh, I just walked to have a light walk around; it is too suffocating inside," I said. These are beautiful; did you make them yourself?''

"Yes, your highness, I make these every Christmas for every maiden in the castle," she said brightly.

Oh, that is lovely, Adeline. I am glad someone mentioned Christmas; time is passing by so quickly that I did not even think about it.

"It is a beautiful holiday indeed," she added. "It brings joy and warmth to our hearts," Adeline continued, smiling warmly at the princess. "I hope these treats bring a bit of that holiday spirit to you as well."

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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