
Ruler of Shadows in One piece

A random book falls out of the sky and a Mob character found it and learned the truth. Watch the Mob as he changes his fate! Learning that the world revolves around the Strawhats, What advantages would he get from the events he learned. Would being the love interest of Strawhat could change his status as a Mob? Being the monarch is just the starting point of... 『Shikage』 ◇ ◇ ◇ One piece isn't mine! I only own my OCs... Writing Format: "???" - Dialogue (???) - Thoughts [???] - Moveset

wakadanna · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Chapter 15 (3D2Y)

◇9 months passed since the Summit war◇

The place is Saboady Archipelago.

At grove 16, part of the lawless area. This single grove became the sole exception to the lawless area. All the people here heed to Hunter's creed.

Because grove 16 is the home base of the Bounty hunters. A Guild hub is present here. It's a bar that welcomes the bounty hunters.

It's also the bounty station. The Hunters Guild has the influence and money to build it.

Guild hubs have their own staff and provide hunters a place to pick their hunt.

A request board is always present in a Guild hub. Lots of bounty posters are posted on the board. It's also arranged to a different category of prices.

It always has a registration desk for any people who wanted to change their profession to a Bounty hunter.

The Guild hub is also a place for hunters to socialize. It is populated by many races. It isn't only humans who have the profession of a bounty hunter.

Due to the announcement of the Guildmaster, for the past 6 months, The Bounty hunting profession boomed! A rush of people is going out the sea to hunt!

And if we're speaking about the hunt, There's no way the term natural hunters wouldn't show up.

Animals are natural hunters. And some furries people have these qualities. The mink tribe!

There's a lot of mink people in the Guild hub. Not only the mink but there are also fishmen, long arms tribe, and more that are part of the Guild.

And they're all connected by their profession. In the Guild, All that matters are your ability to hunt.

Right now, a small cat mink kid is looking at the request board. He has white hair and white skin. His ears are also white and his eyes are blue. Even his tail is white. His height is 133 cm and has a slim body.

The kid's name is Raiden. He's a white cat mink. He is 13 years old. But don't underestimate this kid. He's a genuine hunter!

He has a katana at his back. Its sheath is tied to the thin chain around his shoulder. And it is held by a round, star-like clip.

Every mink has the ability to generate electricity in its body. It is called [Electro]. And this kid is also a cat mink. Making him a natural hunter with the abilities of a cat.

His story is a bit out of place since he only wanted to be a hunter because it's manly.

You see, Raiden isn't like the usual male mink. His features are more like the female mink since they tend to look like humans. That's why he was bullied a lot by his peers. He resolved to become more manly and the announcement came right at the moment. What's more manly than hunting pirates?

And so, The kid decided to be a hunter. He joined the other minks who also want to be hunters. It's was easy for him to leave his home because he's an orphan.

They first needed to join the Guild to get a license and they headed to Paradise. During the travel, He was still bullied by the people he joined. And he couldn't take it anymore, He left them when they arrived on the other side of the world.

After he left, he was all alone in a strange land full of bubbles. In order to survive, He made use of his natural talents and flexibility to steal foods and fought some pirates in the lawless areas. He even captured a pirate with a bounty of 21 million ฿.

He quickly rose through the ranks and achieve the D-rank. It made a stir in the Guild hub and he became a promising rookie.

One day, A man with blue eyes like him came to him to recruit him to his team. Raiden was surprised since hunters who have C-rank and above were the only ones who are able to make a team.

The two teamed up and hunted together from that point on. And Raiden would be joined by that man in enjoying their earned money. It's to play around at Saboady park.

Back to the present, Raiden is on the verge of being promoted. He only needs to capture pirates worth 50 million+. After getting a poster, He ran quickly outside and heads to Grove 13.

He arrived there immediately since Raiden is that fast.


He opened the door to a bar called Shakky rip-off bar.

He instantly saw the man he's looking for. But he's a bit wasted at the corner.

"Ara... What a cute little kid."

Raiden saw a pretty lady, He blushed and walked past her.

After arriving close to the man, He nudged him to wake him up.

"Forget about it kid... That boy had drunk too much whiskey. But he does have a good taste for a young man."

Raiden nods to the pretty lady. He then looked at his partner for the last few days. He charges his [Electro] and touched the man.

*Zap Zap Zap*


The man danced like a robot and he was screaming.

Raiden let out a giggle from watching him.

"Kid... You're one naughty child, aren't you?"

The pretty lady joined him in giggling.

After the man recovered, he moved to the kid and directly pinched his cheeks.

"Raide~n!!! You can wake me up using water you know!"

"... Sowwy." (Raiden)

The man stopped the pinching and he sigh.

◇Shikage POV◇


Why did I recruit this kid?

Well, I do acknowledge his potential but he's just a kid.


Anyway, I'm awake now. Eh? Since when did I sleep?

I immediately looked around and saw an old lady behind the kid.

"Huh? Shakky-san?" (Shikage)

"Morning~ Although it's afternoon now."

I facepalmed. Shakky left us two to talk.

Looks like I blacked out.

"Shika-niichan, Look! Let's hunt him!"

I turned my head to look at the cute but terrifying child.

Uhm? The kid just said a disturbing thing. I can't believe how casual he sounds.

"Let me see... Uh. You sure your ready?.. Let's go then." (Shikage)

"Okay!" (Raiden)

We said goodbye to Shakky-san and left the bar.

We are headed to grove 27. To the port, My ship is docked there.

You may be surprised why am I here at Saboady. It is because we're summoned by the WG. I meant we, the Royal Shichibukai.

I was quite early because of the Black Pearl's speed. Hence I decided to roam around the Saboady since it was close to the Red Line.

I ended up babysitting a kid. It was just a coincidence that I was amazed by Raiden's hunt and I immediately recruited him.

Have you seen a kid waiting for his prey to let their guard down?

It's like the kid is a cat. Oh, He is a cat mink.

By the way, the reason for the summon is to hunt a pirate called Byrnndi World. What a manly name.

He is also manly since he destroyed an Island. What a badass. Even his bounty is manly. A half a billion price for his head.

I can't stop salivating! I need to hunt him!

I think it's about time we move. We boarded the Black Pearl and set sail for the Red port.

Right now, My team is composed of three people.

This kid beside me and another one at home.

We are the Shadow gear!

In the past 6 months, I've been hunting pirates in all the blue seas and the Grand Line. These hunts also count as training for me. Haki would grow stronger the more you fight strong opponents. Sadly, there wasn't a challenge here in Paradise.

That's why I rushed when I heard about the summon and met the kid.

I decided to recruit Raiden after learning about his story. I saw myself from him.

I didn't talk about it but I was also an orphan. I was born in the Grand Line, I already forgot the name of the island I grew up on.

I become a wanderer and chose to live the life of a sailor.

Sadly, I ended up being a victim of Moria's antics. Then I found the thing that broke my mob mentality.

I felt reborn. I think I'll be the one who'll remove the shackles of the mob mentality to this young kid.

That's why I recruited him.


The Black Pearl always has a crew of 30 or more sailors. We have a decent helmsman and a decent navigator.

I would always hope for a naval battle every time I sail with this ship. During the 6 months of hunting, The Black Pearl had sunk dozens of ships already.

And so, the ship continues to sail.

Meanwhile, I was looking at the newspaper and comparing it to the Divine book.

The same thing happens to the Navy.

Aokiji and Akainu fought a duel to the death at Punk hazard. The fight lasted for 10 days.

Akainu won and becomes the fleet admiral.

Lucky for me, That guy seems to approve of my Guild. Or maybe he's biding his time.

I did panic when I was summoned by the WG. I've never heard or see the name of World in the Divine book.

It looks like I shouldn't rely too much on the book.

Aside from him, There's also Blackbeard who keep on conquering the islands under the late Whitebeard.

The world had already accepted to add Blackbeard's name to one of the emperors of the seas. This guy is now hunting for Devil Fruit users and I'm sure he will someday come to my teammate who had the Suke Suke no Mi.

But there's also a guy who's opposing Blackbeard. The world had also called him an Emperor. Because his rise to power is just like Blackbeard! Unstoppable!

It's Fire fist Ace. This guy declared to succeed Whitebeard's position and the job of protecting the Islands.

Even Whitebeard's title as the World's strongest man.

One seeks to protect while the other seeks to conquer. Both want to succeed the late Whitebeard.

Meanwhile, The other Emperors are spreading their influence and recruiting the rookies to expand their force and territory.

There are now Five Emperors in the New World. The New World is really different from Paradise.

I can't wait to go there!

I already have a plan on how to go there. Well, I think I should visit Fishman island first.


"Guildmaster, There's a lot of ships ahead of us. They're all pirates!"

My door was opened and a sailor reported to me.

Quite rude. But the report is more interesting.

"Is that true?! Yosha! Time for a hunt!" (Shikage)

I rushed past the sailor and moved up to the deck of the ship. Then I saw a huge ship and a familiar ship beside it.

Huh? Isn't that?

"Men! Let's sail to that ship and anchor beside them. I need to talk with them." (Shikage)

"Aye, sir!"

"Shika-niichan, Take me with you." (Raiden)

"Eh?.. Okay."

The Black Pearl sails towards the red ship.

If I'm not mistaken, That's the Kuja pirate crew's ship. Is Hancock-senpai there?

Soon after, The ship reached its destination. I boarded the other ship by leaping and using the [Geppou]. Also, I'm piggybacking the kid.

"Stop right there! One move and we let loose!"

Just after I landed, many women were targeting us with their snake bows. Eh? What bows? Oh. just like my teammate!

Yikes, Better do some diplomacy.

"Shaa~!" (Raiden)

All the furs of Raiden were standing up, he thinks we're in danger. I need to calm him down.

"Wait wait... I came in peace! You see, I assumed that Hancock-senpai is here. So, It's my fault for just showing up right away. Raiden, Stop that!" (Shikage)

"How rude! How dare you call the snake princess like that! Girls! Kill him!"

A woman with her bikini armor started to order something scary.

Oi oi isn't this bad. But they're Hancock's crew. I prepared my shadow to expand.

"Stop! Everyone stop!"

An old lady took care of the situation.

(Phew. Thank you, Grandma.) (Shikage)

"Dear, What's your name?"

"It's Shikage, Grandma." (Shikage)


Damn it! I slip up.

"... Uh, ma'am." (Shikage)

The old lady nods to herself as if something clicks.

"As I expected. Aren't you one of the Shichibukai?"


All the ladies who pointed their arrows at us were shocked. To think I could be on the same level as their Empress.

That's right if it wasn't for Hancock-senpai, Who knows what would happen. I do like battles, Especially naval battles!

"Ehem... ma'am, Where is Hancock-senpai?" (Shikage)

"Call me Elder Nyon. She's... She is fighting World on that ship."

I can see some hesitation in you Grandma, you're not telling me everything.

"I see. By the way, Who's World? I do know that he's the reason for the summon." (Shikage)

"World is blah blah blah..."

Okay, Finally got some information. About his story and ability. A few of the amazons also talked about the night they encountered that guy.

Hmm... Who's that babe? What a beauty, That blonde amazon, and her bikini armor look good. Ugh! Maybe I have a thing for blonde ladies!

But I am loyal! We're finally an Item! I can't mess up, I won't!

"That's why World is enacting his revenge. He is just a broken man."

Oops, What was it again, Grandma?

"Oh, dear. How sad... Never mind." (Shikage)


I pacified Elder Nyon.

Raiden is already preparing to hunt. Well, No matter how tragic his life is. He's still a pirate.

In just a few days ago, He blew up an Island. Is it a good thing? NO!

I moved to the rail of the Kuja's ship and talked to my sailors.

"Men! Prepare to broadside! We'll sink that massive ship!" (Shikage)

"Boy! What are you doing, Snake princess is still in there!"

"Don't worry, Elder Nyon! I'll go with her and hunt that guy." (Shikage)

It does sound good considering that two Shichibukai are facing World. But the problem for the Kujas is Luffy.

They keep whispering about Luffy, and I could hear it clearly.

I see, Luffy's in there. I guess I can't fight with World. Too bad, I wanted to challenge myself to know my strength.

Anyways, My goal is his bounty. It's a lot of money. I won't have to work in my life if have that kind of money.

"Welp, I better get going. See you later everyone! Rai~ Let's go!" (Shikage)

I used [Geppou] and went to the huge ship. It's like an island but mine's bigger.

After landing, Raiden instantly took off. I chased after him and encountered a battle between Buggy and World's crewmate.

Raiden draws his katana from his back and activated his [Electro]. Basking him and his katana with electricity. Sadly, his katana isn't a meito.

"[Thunder style: Thunderclap]!" (Raiden)


"Take this~! [Muggy Ball]!"

Buggy's attack exploded and there was a lot of smoke hence they didn't see what happened in that split of time.


A thunderclap resounded!

Raiden's straight lightning strike hit the guy with the hammer. They didn't even know what happened. Unless you have Haki, You wouldn't be able to dodge the lightning!

"Huh? That easy?" (Raiden)

"Y-you... You're a scary kid." (Shikage)

We rush past the battlefield and continue ahead.

And finally faced the man, the main character of the book I've got.

"Luffy! I can't believe your here!" (Shikage)


"Who's there?!"

"World! That man isn't ordinary! He's one of the Shichibukai!"

Oi. This half-dead geezer! Why did you have to expose it?

Anyways, I approached the injured Luffy. Looks like I'm a head taller than him. Oh, Did I tell you guys that I hit a boost in the height department?

Remember when I was using the [Shadow's Asgard]. Absorbing shadows could make you grow taller and bigger. And just like the skills, sometimes, I can retain the height I got and my puberty also didn't end yet.

I am now at 193 cm.

A little bit taller than Hancock-senpai.

What am I doing explaining this? A battle is happening in front of me.

"Shika! Take care of those girls! Please!"

What a guy, sometimes you can't help but agree with Luffy's request.

Oh man, I guess I can't battle with that guy.

Let's do our best!

"Osu! Leave it to me!" (Shikage)

A free bounty would be much better to take when someone else would do the job of beating the pirate!


6 months timeskip~! Also, another OC~!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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wakadannacreators' thoughts