
Ruler of Infinite souls

One day Damian Woolf who is a man in his early 20s gets transmigrated into a different world filled with monsters as he rises from the ranks of awakened ....

Mr_Freaking_Fox · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Ch -3 A new skill

As Damian went into the cave he looked at the both sides which had flame torches burning in them as he looked around and found no goblins so he walked for few minutes as he came across three goblins that were 1.5 meters in height.

The goblins had wooden clubs as a weapon .when goblins saw Damien they started yelling .



Damien quickly started casting his ||Earth Spear || as multiple spears shot towards the goblins one goblin died on spot other was gravely injured and was unable to move .

Out of all three goblins one was able to dodge the spear by a very lose distance.as soon as the goblin dodged he started to run like a maniac towards Damien as he wanted to kill Damien as soon as possible.

Damien launched another spear that hit the goblins chest and the goblin was killed successfully .then he killed the remaining goblin that did not die in the first attack . Afterwards he collected all the cores and started moving forward.

As Damien came across many goblins and was able to kill all of them successfully .soon after he reached the boss room . The door that led to the boss room had a door made up of purple metal that was quite hard .

The door had runic markings on it that made it look ancient.as Damien planned on how he would defeat the boss monster . After resting for a while Damian opened the door .

The room was dark but as soon as Damien opened the door the flame torches started to lit up as the boss monster that was a 4 meter tall goblin king . That had a leather Armor and blunt sword that was big.

The goblin king looked at Damien and snorted "hmmmph" as he looked towards him menacingly Damien had a confident smile on his face as he moved in the room of the boss monster.

The goblin king came towards Damian as if he did not fear him one bit Damien quickly conjured his ||Earth Spear|| as his Earth spear quickly shot towards the goblin king .

The gobin king did not even dodge it as he got shot in the chest as Damien's spear did not penetrate deep into his chest and was unable to cause him any letal injury .

Damian shot back as he thought" what should I do the spears are not able to Pierce his defences." The goblin king ran towards him as he swung his blunt sword that hit Damien at his chest.

He got shot towards the door as Damien used his spear to slow himself down from the attack that casted him to be pushed back a couple metres . He breathed heavenly as the attack cracked few of his ribs.

He wasted no time as he quickly made more spears and this time he shot multiple of them towards the goblin king's eyes as few hit the goblin king on the shoulder while one was able to Pierce into his eye.

This made the goblin king rage as he started to run towards Damian and as he swung his blunt sword down Damien rolled between the legs of the goblin king . As he shot few more spears towards the goblins head and three of them were able to Pierce into his skull. the goblin king was finally defeated.

Damien stood up as he coughed some blood .Where the goblin king was deafeted a skill book emerged that had a red colour. he picked the book as he asked his system " how can I learn a skill from this book ."

The system shortly answered in a machanical voice [ All that the host need to do is say the word "learn skill" and the skill would be learned instantly ].

Damian nooded as he said" learn skill" and suddenly the book started to float as it turned into streaks of light and entered Damien's body . Soon he opened his stat panel after absorbing few cores and the skill book .


Name: Damian Woolf

Race : human


Strength: 10(+5)

Defense : 12(+4)

Mana: 16(+5)

Speed : 9 (+3)

Stamina : 7(+4)

Hunter Rank : F

Skill: Earth Spear ( Description )( Rank F )

||Earth Spear || - A spear made by the use of earth magic that the user can utilise in any situation. The user is able to call upto one earth spear which uses 2 mana per cast.

Skill: Beserk ( Description) ( Rank F )

||Beserk|| - A skill that helps it's user to double his attack as all the defences are decreased by 50%. The skill lasts upto 5 mins and had a cooldown of 30 mins .


As Damian looked at his stat pannel .he was happy to see a brand new skill. That would double his attack but also would decrease his defence but that just made his attack all the more stronger .

Damien then went to find some more Rank F monsters as soon enough came across a Rank F Dark wolf that he came to know from the people in the inn that were talking among each other .

The wolf was known for his strong offence and fast reflexes. He than utilised his || Beserk|| skill that made his body glow in dark red colour as his spears also had the same aura surroundings them.

The spears shot quickly as Damian said " let's see how fast his reflexes really are as the wolf actually dodged the first spear and ran towards Damien but before he could reach Damian one hit the wolf's chest and the wolf died in one strike . that was only possible because of the boost provided by his ||Beserk|| skill that doubled his offence that reached the peak of Rank F .

The wolf dropped some cores and an item that was wolf Armor . It was more like a Armor that was made up of wolfs thick fur that looked quite great on him .

After Damian hunted some more Wolfs and goblins and in the evening he went to his room and then he ate some fire lizard soup with some bread . As he truly enjoyed it as he slept thinking about the next day.

Damian woke up as he went towards the hunting area while passing through the streets of the town of Aersia. That was located near the dungeons. That had many types of monster living in them .

As walked and hunted some more he went to the same goblin cave . As after a certain time the monsters in a dungeon would be apprear again as many awakened hunted monsters so they would not case a dungeon break which caused for heavy causaliteis and attacks on nearby towns.

So the people of Aersia always send awakened to these dungeon to clear them on regular basis . The only way to know is that a dungeon break might happen when the population of the monsters in dungeon were higher then the normal .

A normal Rank F dungeon had around 30 to 40 monster including the boss monster . As Damien came to know about all this through the old man Drake. Then Damian reached the dungeon as he quickly casted his || Earth Spear || and took down the gaurding goblins .

The goblins droped various cores . afterwards he went inside " let's see how tough is it going to be defeating that oversized goblin " as Damian looked confident as he very easily was able to defeat many goblins with ease and arrived at the boss monsters room he craked his knuckles as he looked towards the goblin king who looked towards him in anger.

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