
Ruler of Darkness: I have 7 goddesses in Apocalypse world

What will happen when one day, the whole world changes into a place where all kinds of mythical animals, beings, Gods, Goddesses, and various fantasy races began existing? What will happen when one day, every animal evolves to become stronger? This is the story of Aditya, 19 years old boy who suddenly found himself in an apocalyptic world with Goddesses. One by one various kind of Goddesses from various mythology comes up to Aditya. If one planet-shaking event wasn't enough, Aditya learns that another big evolution is going to take place in 6 months. For that, he will have to build his own faction if he wants to survive. How Aditya and the Goddesses who now have lost their powers will survive in this dangerous world? ------------ This novel will heavily focus on Kingdom building in Apocalypse world. Genre: - Romance, R-18, harem, Goddess, Gods, Kingdom building, Apocalypse world, zombies, dungeon, level up, system, magic.

Dark_Bangali · สมัยใหม่
32 Chs

Chapter 31:- Becoming 1st-tier Powerhouse

This time another smashing sound was heard. Everyone was able to hear the sound this time. The group did not have to wait too long as a few seconds later, all of them widened their eyes in shock seeing the giant that was more than 40 meters tall walking in their direction.

"What is that?" Everyone except for Aditya, Selene, Freya, and Ruoxi took a step back in fear while looking at the 40 meters tall giant that was slowly walking toward their direction.

"It's a Titan. But judging from its Aura it seems this Titan originally was a zombie who somehow managed to obtain a drop of titan blood and has managed to evolve into Zombie titan."

The 40 meters tall zombie Titan had black hair. The zombie Titan's face muscles were rotten and falling off and his cheek bones were seen. This only gave the zombie Titan a scary look. The Titan had a red triangular-shaped crystal that was around 5 meters big and was located at the center of its chest. The zombie Titan's eyes were black. The Titan was looking in their direction. It seems Aditya and others were its targets.

"This is a level 35 zombie titan."

"The question should be how a zombie managed to obtain Titan bloodline in this age. It shouldn't be possible unless someone left Titan's bloodline legacy." While Ruoxi, Myra, and others were confused by Freya's words. Only Aditya and Selene were able to understand why Freya looked so shocked.

Right now all the survivors were beyond terrified. Who would have thought that one day they would see something so tall and big?

"Titans are very slow. They are like tortoises in terms of speed. But their strength, health, and stamina are something that shouldn't be underestimated. This fake zombie Titan should have the strength of a level 60 evolver." Why Freya called this Titan fake is because a real Titan has more strength and power in their attacks. This zombie was just a cheap copy of the real Titan born from a drop of Titan bloodline.

Currently, Aditya cannot fight this zombie Titan but his undead Vulture can. Aditya pointed in the direction of the zombie Titan that was around 200 meters away from them. "Vulture kill it."

Since Vulture was an agility-type fighter, against a Titan it was the best choice.


"What is it?" Aditya was surprised to see Tank angry.


Tank pointed in the direction of the zombie Titan. Tank, the fiery Monkey wanted to fight this overgrown human-like-looking monster. It was unhappy when Aditya asked Vulture to kill it.

"Next time I will let you fight." Aditya can somehow tell that Tank was a battle lover. The fact that Tank got angry when Aditya did not send it to fight the zombie Titan showed that with each level, Tank was developing his intelligence and his personality.

Meanwhile, the zombie Titan's attention was taken by the strange-looking giant bird. The zombie titan let out a loud earth-shaking roar before trying to punch the strange-looking bird.

For vulture whose agility was [153+], it was very easy to dodge the zombie titan's punch. The vulture changed its path and began flying over the zombie titan's head. Everyone was looking at the battle in a mix of shock and amazement. Especially the new survivors who joined the faction last night.

Wind Blade!

Under everyone's eyes, 10 arc-shaped wind shaped was released when vulture flapped its wings. The wind blade hit the zombie titan and instantly severed both of its arms. As both of its arms fell down, it made a loud sound. While the zombie titan let out a painful roar while taking a step back.

While Vulture was taking care of the Zombie Titan, other enemies had their eyes on Aditya and the rest of the group of survivors.

Aditya felt someone or something dangerous was staring at him. It was a strange type of feeling. It was as if he can tell that he was in danger. It was not just Aditya, even Freya and Selene also felt that.

The trio turned their heads and looked to their left side, only to find a person whose body was hidden under a black cloak and whose face was hidden by a black hood standing 300 meters away, on the roof of a building.

The person in the black cloak was holding a flute in his right hand. In his left hand, he was holding a steel greatsword.

Ruoxi noticed that Aditya, Selene, and Freya were looking to their left side. She also followed their gaze and found a mysterious person standing on top of a building while holding a flute and a greatsword.

"Who is he?" Just looking at this mysterious man, Ruoxi was having a bad feeling in her heart. Even though the man in the black cloak was standing 300 meters away from them, just looking at him, Ruoxi felt pressured.

Meanwhile, Vulture had finished killing the zombie titan by using wind blades.


As the zombie titan's huge body fell on the ground while crushing several buildings, everyone celebrated.

『Ding! Vulture has reached level 30』

『Ding! Vulture has reached level 31』

『Ding! Vulture has reached level 32』

『Ding! You have received half of the experience points. You have leveled up.』

『Ding! You have leveled up. All of your stats have been increased by one point. You have received one free stats point.』

『Ding! You have leveled up. All of your stats have been increased by one point. You have received one free stats point.』

『Ding! You have leveled up. All of your stats have been increased by one point. You have received one free stats point.』

『Ding! Congratulations to the host for becoming a 1st-tier powerhouse.』

『Ding! You have leveled up. All of your stats have been increased by one point. You have received one free stats point.』

『Ding! You have leveled up....』

『Ding! You have reached level 28.』

『Ding! You have unlocked the new system.』

『Ding! You have learned a new skill called Night Walker.』

Without realizing as Aditya's power continued rising, the Aura of 1st-tier burst out from his body. Everyone who stood around them felt pressured by the Aura of 1st-tier. Freya and Selene looked at Aditya in shock.

Even the mysterious person who was standing at the top of the rooftop looked shocked feeling the increase in Aditya's power. "How did he reach 1st-tier without killing anyone?" The man's eyes then fell on the strange-looking bird, monkey, and the human that was standing behind Aditya.

"I see"


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