
Chapter 30:- True terror of Apocalypse [I]

Similar to Shadow, Vulture's stats also increased a lot. Now not even Tank can defeat it.

'System add all the free stats in agility.' Aditya wanted to make his vulture the agility-type fighter. Since Tank was the berserk type and Shadow was the Knight, Vulture was going to be the agility-type fighter.

[Ding! All of the free stats have been used up.]

[_Name: - Vulture

_Race: - Supernatural Undead

_Level: - 29

_Job: - Sky Lord

Blessing: - Blessing of the Moon Goddess, Blessing from Norse Goddess of Love

_Skills: - Extreme Flight, Wind Blade

_Strength: - 46 → 71

_Speed: - 99 + 25 + 29 → 153

_Stamina: - 84 → 109

_Health: - 69 → 94

_Mana: - 84 → 109

_Free stats point: - 29 → 0]

Vulture, Aditya's third undead that was currently flying 200 meters above the ground felt the sudden increase in its power, and especially the increase in its agility had made it very happy. Within a few seconds, the former mutant bird reached its peak agility.

"Now time to check on my own stats." Aditya smiled seeing how happy Shadow and Vulture looked when they sensed the improvement in their strengths. The more higher the undeads level gets, the more intelligent their minds become. Aditya's undeads weren't some machine-like creatures with no emotion. His undeads had emotions and unique characters.


[_Name: - Aditya Benjamin

_Age: - 19

_Level: - 20 → 23

_Job 1: - Marshal Necromancer

_Job 2: - Prince of Darkness [Locked until level 100]

_Job 3: - Sovereign of holy Lightning [Locked until level 299]

_Blessing: - Blessing of the Moon Goddess

_Power: - Shadow Manipulation, Undead Summoning

_Strength: - 43 → 46

_Speed: - 50 → 53

_Stamina: - 50 → 53

_Health: - 43 → 46

_Mana: - 78 → 81

_Free stats point: - 28 → 37

_Can save up to 11 undeads: - 3/11

_Undead one - Shadow level - 14 -

_Undead two - Tank level 24

_Undead three - Unnamed - level 29]

'I have been accumulating a lot of free stats points.' After hesitating for a while, Aditya decided to use his free stats points. There was no use in letting his free stats points root. It would be better to use them to improve his stats.

'The more strength I have, the stronger my body becomes. Meaning if my strength was 1000 then my defense would be also 1000. Each time my strength increases, every single muscle fiber in my body also becomes stronger and tougher. The changes happen to not just my muscles, it also makes my organs, my bones, and my tissues stronger. After reaching a certain point it would be possible that my body can even stand a nuclear missile.'

'Aside from making my body stronger, strength also increases my power. At the current level, my body is almost 5 times stronger than the body of an average human. It's not good to put too many stats into my strength as my other stats will start lagging behind which is definitely not good.'

'Agility not only increases my speed, but it also increases my heartbeat which in turn also pumps blood faster throughout my body, my processing speed, reaction speed, and reflex speed. Now that I have 53 agility points, my body works 5 times faster than an average human. If this had happened before the apocalypse, then I would have been called the real-life superman.'

'Moving from agility, stamina in my opinion is one of the most important stats. This is the power, the energy that my body needs to function. Stamina also determines how long I can keep fighting. Most importantly if in case I am injured, my health recovery speed is directly related to how high my stamina is. The more stamina I have, the more faster my body will heal. The more energy my body will have.'

As for health, there was no nothing complicated about this. Once the individual's health reaches zero, that individual dies. There were some beings in this world who has very high health points making it almost impossible for other beings on the same level to kill them.

As for Mana, this stat is another form of energy. But unlike Stamina that is produced by the body after digesting the food, Mana can only be recovered if the atmosphere has sufficient mana. This is the reason why ancient Gods and Goddesses left and even sealed themselves. With the amount of mana in the atmosphere rapidly decreasing, the Gods and Goddesses who stood at the very top of the ancient world, the beings who had the power to destroy plants, it took those beings longer period of time to recover their mana. Eventually, the situation got worse to the point where every bit of mana on the planet Earth and in the solar system had dried up.

As a result majority of the Gods and Goddesses had to either seal themselves in hope that one day that home planet would regain the mana that it had lost or migrate to another solar system and find a new home.

Mana is also like extra life to all living beings. It is normal for some beings to fall unconscious when they completely end up using their mana.

'For now, my primary focus will be on increasing my mana and my agility. With agility, I can take on higher-level beings while having more mana will allow me to keep using my Shadow Manipulation.'

'System, add [15+] free stats to my agility and while add [12+] free stats to my mana.' Aditya decided to save the remaining [10+] free stats for emergency purposes.

[Ding! The host's agility has reached 68]

[Ding! The host's mana has reached 93]

[Ding! Now the host can save up to 13 undeads.]

"System log." Last night when Aditya reached level 23 he had gotten a strange message from the system.

[Ding! You have reached level 23. The host will need to reach level 25 to awaken and unlock the new system.]

'By new system, did the system mean a new function of the system is going to be unlocked or I will have a new kind of system?" Aditya already knew that the system he had was very special. It was clear that every being, whether it was God or Gods or even the beings who have the power to destroy plants had only one job. But Aditya had three jobs which itself made the system that he had very special. Aditya had kept this a secret from Selene and Freya.

Even though both Goddesses have fought beside him. Even though both Goddesses have helped him many times since the start of the apocalypse and even though both goddesses have promised to help him to create his faction, Aditya felt that there are certain things that should be kept a secret.

Besides, Aditya hasn't learned to trust both goddesses to the point where he would tell his deepest and most shocking secret.

Aditya was cautious by nature. He did not easily trust people. From childhood, Aditya has grown up in an environment where he always had to be on guard and alert.

"It looks like we have party to deal with." Freya voice snapped Aditya out of his thoughts. When he looked front, he saw the road in front of them was blocked by more ten thousands zombies.

Aditya noticed that some of the people in the group had began panicking. This was not good for the group. "Everyone calm down. My undeads will deal with these zombies." All the people calmed down seeing three of their leader's undead going forward. This calmed the panicked ones as they knew how powerful these undeads were.

"Sir, I have a request." Aditya raised in eye brow. It was Dylan Miller who had called Aditya.

"What is it?" Aditya asked while looking at the horde of zombies that had blocked their paths. He can sense that almost half of the zombies were above level 1. It seems these zombies had killed other zombies or humans to level up. But they were not a threat to his undeads.

"Do you mind if I joined the fight?" Miller wanted to use this chance to gain more experience and also level up.

Before Aditya could reply, following Miller, Ivan and Myra also walked up to Aditya. "We would also like to fight."

"Alright, I won't stop you. Just be careful out there. Once you get any scratch or any bite from the zombies, there is no saving you anymore." Myra, Miller, and Ivan nodded their heads and then went to fight the zombies. The reason Myra, Miller, and Ivan were willing to take the risk is because they knew that Aditya's undeads were going to cover them by taking out the strong zombies.

Aditya then looked at Maria and Clark who were also looking at him. "Those who wish to level up and gain experience can go and join the fight." Now that the leader had given them permission all the new evolvers followed Myra, Miller, and Ivan to the battlefield.

"Was it okay to send inexperienced evolvers to the battlefield? What if someone dies." Ruoxi asked Aditya while looking at Myra and Miller. After Aditya, Selene, Freya, and Ruoxi, Myra was the 5th highest level and 5th most powerful evolver of their faction.

Aditya looked at Myra who had reached level 4 and now it looked like she would reach level 5 soon. The girl was killing zombies with a kitchen knife. Seeing her in action with a kitchen knife, Aditya remembered about a certain anime where the girlfriend murders the MC who had cheated on her.

"Don't worry, my undeads will protect them." Aditya paused for a second before looking at Ruoxi.

"You should know that being overly dependent on my undeads will do more harm than good in the long run. Right now they are unpolished gems. Only through enough experience, they can become the main and core supporting members of the faction." Unlike Ruoxi who has experience in combat and knew how to fight, these people were ordinary people 4 days ago.

Aditya won't be there to protect his faction every time. At that time, the evolvers of his faction will have the duty of protecting the faction.

"By the way, what is your current level?"

"Level 8" Ruoxi replied in a cold and indifferent tone. It always has been this day. The survivors have gotten used to Ruoxi's cold and indifferent attitude.

[Aura of Rejuvenation]

[~The skills allows the user to double the stamina recovery speed

~This skill can be used on others as well

~Every time this skill is used it will consume [5+] mana.

~Whenever the user's stamina is low, the passive effect of the skill will increase the user's stamina recovery speed by 15%.]

'This is a good skill.'

'Advanced Sword Dance has given Shadow the experience and the skills of a sword master. Horse riding is a passive skill. Meaning now Shadow can be considered an expert in horse riding. As for Mystic blast, it's a form of energy blast attack.'

When Myra, Miller, Ivan, Clark, Maria, and the other 5 evolvers joined the battle, Aditya's undeads slowed down knowing that if they were not careful they might end up hurting their allies. The fight which easily could have ended in a matter of few minutes lasted for more than 10 minutes.

By the time the fight ended, everyone evolver has managed to reach level 5 while Myra had managed to reach level 6.

"Let's continue."


Just as Aditya and the group had resumed walking, Aditya stopped after hearing a loud smashing sound.

"Did you hear that?" Myra, Clark, Maria, Miller, Ivan, and other evolvers looked at Aditya and shook their heads with a confused look.

"We did not hear anything." Replied Maria.

Aditya looked at his undeads. Shadow nodded his head while pointing to his right. Tank was looking in the direction of the west. While Vulture who was flying in the air let out a chirp as if warning Aditya of the danger that was coming toward them.

"I also heard that." Selene and Freya also had managed to hear that.

Seeing all this, Ruoxi quickly understood that why they could not hear the sound. It was because Aditya, Freya, Selene, Shadow, Tank, and Vulture all of them were on level 14 or above. Their senses were sharper than others as a result sound was only heard only the powerful people.

At this moment Ruoxi felt something that she never has felt before. 'I am too weak compared to Aditya and Selene. I must level up.' No one but Freya noticed the newfound determination in Ruoxi. Freya only smiled slightly after sensing Ruoxi's emotions.


This time another smashing sound was heard. Everyone was able to hear the sound this time. The group did not have to wait too long as a few seconds later, all of them widened their eyes in shock seeing the giant that was more than 40 meters tall walking in their direction.


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