
Ruined (Damaged)

Sometimes one needs someone who is just as damaged to get better. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° A perfect life, family and friends. After finishing high school with flying colours Elicia Rae and her best friend Jeremy enjoy their four months before heading to UCLA where they planned on following their parents' footsteps in partaking medicine. Tragic events unfold leaving Elicia shattered, nothing is perfect, was one thing she got to understand. A few visits to the psychiatrist and uncountable visits to a certain woman named Lydia, a therapist. Results in Elicia taking a gap year. She meets Tradeway, a victim of abuse and becomes his light at the end of the tunnel. When a depression patient meets a victim of abuse. Mild bad language Mild Triggers

Reign03_18 · สมัยใหม่
21 Chs


Day before the court date, I went to see Michaela and Valerie and told them what happened.

"I am glad you finally took a step against that bastard." Michaela says venom lacing her words.

"It was Elicia, who had the balls to do all that. If it was me alone, I would still be sulking." I tell Mick and she raises a brow.

"What?" I ask her.

"Who is Elicia?" Mick goes on to ask.

"My girlfriend." I say and see pain flash in Mick's eyes.

I knew Mick liked me from High school but I could not just bring myself to ask her out, at first I did not want it to seem like I was dating her because of my situation so l restrained myself but after I met Elicia I figured I never liked Michaela more than just a friend.

Elicia showed me what real love is.

"My brother has a girlfriend!!! My brother has a girlfriend." Valerie chants running around the kitchen where we were talking with Mick.

"It was high time you came to take your crap car that's in my garage." Mick says snorting.

"You wish you had one like that baby." I say referring to the jeep my dad used before he passed away.

I had asked Mick to keep it because I knew Ron would definitely take ownership of the car if he knew about it.

"I will come take Val after the court case is done." I tell Mick and she nods.

"That is a good idea just in case Ron tries anything stupid." Mick agreed with me and with that I went home.

The court day

Elicia, her mom, Val and Mick are seated in the front together and I could not be happier.

I could not ask for anything more, this, was all l wanted and more.

I never thought l will have someone in my life who would love me let alone fight my battles with me.

Dad once talked about how mom was send from heaven for him and how he believed that his mom had ressurected in her wife.

Now that l think about it l think dad sent me El to look after me.

I really don't believe in this shit but it somehow makes sense.

Either way l am glad l have her in my life.

Once the judges entered the courtroom, it began and just as Mr Gentry had predicted Ron was guilty.

"Abuse, drug possession, administration of drugs to a second party. I sentence Ron Henning to a maximum of fifteen years in prison."

"Court rise," The Judge goes on to say and as soon everyone stands, the police officers arrest.

Ron and as they drag him out of the court, he smiles at me, an evil smile and it isn't until I feel a sharp excruciating pain in my lower abdomen that I know why he was smiling.

I hear screaming and I know very well the person screaming was my girl, El.

I stare right at her wondering why she is screaming but my body feels heavy and l fall to the ground with El already holding me, her hands filled with blood and I wonder whose blood is it.

I scan the room looking at people's horrified faces that when I see a man holding a smoking gun and that is when I realise I had been shot.

As if it was waiting for me to know what had happened to me, my eyes start getting heavy and the last person I see is her, screaming in her phone telling whoever is on the other side of the phone to hurry up tears flowing down her face.

I hate that I always make her cry, is the last thought that enters my mind before all I see is black and lose consciousness.

"It's been five days, I really miss you and I know you miss me too so please just open your eyes." A female voice says.

Who is talking to me, I try to open my eyes like she said or move my body but nothing happens.

What is wrong with me?

Memories from the court flood my mind and l figure that I am at a hospital but why aren't I responding or opening my eyes.

Am I unconsciousness?

"You should go home and freshen up El, you have been here for the past three days." Another female voice says.

"Mom he moved his fingers yesterday. What if he wakes up today and I am not here?" the previous female voice says, that must be El.

My girl is here.

I try my best to move but still nothing happens.

I miss her very much.

"Okay mom." El says and I hear footsteps walking away.

How much I want to grab her hand and pull her into a bone crushing hug.

"Make sure you pick Val up from school, today is a half day so they finish at twelve." That must be her mom, Carol.

Val? School?

"Okay." El says and the door shuts.

Val, school????

What, Val is going to school now. How long have I been like this??

El said five days.

Seems like a lot can happen in five days.