
Ruined (Damaged)

Sometimes one needs someone who is just as damaged to get better. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° A perfect life, family and friends. After finishing high school with flying colours Elicia Rae and her best friend Jeremy enjoy their four months before heading to UCLA where they planned on following their parents' footsteps in partaking medicine. Tragic events unfold leaving Elicia shattered, nothing is perfect, was one thing she got to understand. A few visits to the psychiatrist and uncountable visits to a certain woman named Lydia, a therapist. Results in Elicia taking a gap year. She meets Tradeway, a victim of abuse and becomes his light at the end of the tunnel. When a depression patient meets a victim of abuse. Mild bad language Mild Triggers

Reign03_18 · Urban
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21 Chs


Time flew and it was already April and I was looking forward to my college application response as they responded April-May-June.

I told my mom what was happening with Treadway and she wanted to help him so she talked to a friend of hers Mr. Gentry who was a lawyer and he wanted to help as well.

"You have to bring him here so that we set the facts straight, take him to court and put this monster behind bars." Mr Gentry said to me and my mom.

The next day at work I told him what had happened and how Mr Gentry wanted us to drop by his office.

"What? You went behind my back to do all this El. Why didn't you tell me before doing anything?" He questioned me angry.

"I don't understand why you are angry at me; I was trying to help. Don't you want him to go to prison?" I ask him raising my voice to match his.

"That man is sick in the head if he comes to realize that is what I am planning, he will overdose my mom and kill her. Did you think about that?" He says exasperated.

"I---," I try to say something but nothing comes out.

"Of course, you didn't, you were just being selfish."  

"No, I wasn't and I hate that you said that to me when I have always had your best interests at heart." I say tears fighting to spill but I can't allow it.

"How so???" he questions.

"Since the house is in your family name and you are old enough to claim it they will put a restraining order on him until the case is finished and he has been put behind bars." I say.

"So, even if he finds out he won't get the chance to do that." l add wiping a stray tear that escaped my right eye.

He then softened. and his eyes show regret for shouting at me but as he moved towards me to hold my arm I stepped back.

"How could your first reaction be to blame me for trying to help you." I say

"El, I-----," he tries to say something but I don't listen.

"I sent you Mr Gentry's address on your phone, make sure you go after lunch." I say and exit the changing room where we were having our conversation to get back to work.

At lunch he asked Melchior, the manager to be excused from work and he agreed.

I was hurt at the same time l understood where he was coming from.

My day dragged on until it was time to go home.

At dinner with mom.

"I understand where he was coming from, if you were in the same situation you would have reacted the same considering he had gone to almost three police stations to report and there was no change instead it worsened. He was scared." My mom explains after I tell her what had happened at work.

"Whose side are you on?" I ask annoyed that she is taking his side, I get her point but I was just being too stubborn.

"The right side." She replies smiling.

"Why are you even angry at him?" My mom asks.

"Because it's easier to be angry than just accept it and move on." l say pouting.

"Crybaby," my mom says laughing at me.

We continue eating until we hear a knock on the door. 

I answer the door expecting it to be him.

And yes, it was him,

But he had Mr Gentry.

For the next hour and half Mr Gentry presents the facts he was going to file at the court and proof that the house was left in Treadway's name so that he will be able to kick him out and get a restraining order without any difficulties.

Fortunately, Mr Gentry managed to file the case at court, Santa Monica court.

He got a restraining order and Treadway was able to go back home to where his mom was.

The court date was set 1 June and Ron was given a summon letter to come to court on the court date.

Treadway sent his mom to rehab, California Rehab Institute, with the money that he had managed to save up for his college tuition.

Police officers guarded Mrs Conerly's room just incase Ron tried to do something.

Treadway invited me to his place a week after he had moved in and I agreed.

I know we hadn't talked about his outburst but l had missed him so l could not afford to miss a chance to be alone with him.

His dad was a doctor, l managed to see some picture frames on the wall.

The house was really beautiful, it was modern just like our house, it had eight rooms, all the four bedrooms were upstairs.

He had cleaned the house and it was sparkling clean, a few furniture was missing, I guess Ron had sold some to get money but all things considered, the house was beautiful.

He guided me to the dining table which was filled with food.

"I can't believe you cooked all this." I say in awe.

"It's the least I could do." He says as we sat to eat.

The food was delicious and I was glad I couldn't be anywhere else.

After eating we cleaned the dishes together and sat to talk.

"I want apologize for shouting at you the other day. I was just scared that what you did would cost my mom's life but you had already thought ahead. So I am sorry." He said staring at me in all honesty.

"It's okay, I understand. I was hurt but it's okay. " I say and he cups my face with his hands.

I end up looking directly at him.

"l am sorry l hurt you. I don't ever want to hurt you El." He says and leans in to kiss me.

"l love you, El." he adds and kisses me gain.

"l love you, Treadway." l say smiling into the kiss.

We spend the next few hours cuddling on his couch watching TV until I had to go home.