



Amara is arranging my belongings that I brought when we went on vacation to England,

I just took a picture with her.

Regan don't forget this!.

while he was holding my passport, he was referring to me not to forget.

All right, you might not be able to go home. haha

he was still joking but I couldn't keep up with her but I was sad because we will be apart again and I don't know if we will meet again because when I return to Norway it is about marriage.

I don't want to go at all. I want to be here with you.

I sincerely spoke to him.

Her former sweet smile disappeared and was quickly replaced by a miserly smile as she turned to me and walked closer.

I stared for a moment before I pulled out my cellphone.

Let's take a photo.

I said.

She smiled sweetly and nodded at me before straightening her hair to the right and standing next to me.

I opened my cellphone and pressed the camera and presented us in order that I pressed the record button which I really meant.

You record video, don't you?

Natatawang sambit nya.

I looked at him again but the camera was still facing us while I was recording.

She looked at the camera again and waved at it while laughing.

Would you marry me?

I had the courage to ask her.

She was stunned and quickly lost his sweet smiles.

She turned to me and stared at me to see if I was telling the truth to her.

I did not take my serious look away while still holding my cellphone that is still on recording, after he saw my seriousness she turned back to face my cellphone.

She picked it up and stopped the recording and turned it off before turning to look at me again.


she mentioned my name in a very soft voice but it sounded different to me than it used to be when he mentioned my name as if she was already sorry.

We are not yet twenty years old yet. We are not ready. I still want to reach my dream. There are many rules in the palace. I can't do it surely. I am sorry, And the olympics is coming soon. I want to be a great tennis player.

She stared at me passionately before continuing.

Everything is going well.

she stared at me again.

I can't explain the pain I felt because she refused me,

I can't mention about the Royal Wedding where I will marry another woman and not her.

I averted my eyes from her to stop the tears in front of her.

Let's take a picture.

she said again smiling when I looked at him again.

She was holding my cellphone and she took pictures of the two of us.


she said arranging the camera in front of us.


as she count before pressing the button to take a picture.

I couldn't make a smile when she noticed.

Smile, please

she said with a smile I tried to smile a little but I couldn't help and she noticed it.

then squatted slightly to reach my cheek and kiss me while he took a picture.

I was surprised by what she did but it was hardly noticeable in my appearance.

I slowly turned to her and stared at her and she did the same.

Wait for me.

she said while staring at me.

If you love me hmmm.

she added and she stared at me for a while before she hugged me with a smile

I hugged him back with one hand and just closed it tightly ....


I don't know but the last time Amara and I met in England suddenly came back to me.

I felt pain again as I looked into the distance. After I left the palace library I wanted to be alone so I could think.

Maybe if I wasn't the Crown Prince I wouldn't have experienced this.

Where Mavrick is the crown prince we would have no problem with Amara.

After a while I thought about going back to the palace and just thinking about my room but by accident I heard King Rashid and Royal secretary talking in the library of the palace the door was slightly open so I heard their conversation.

I was going to leave when I heard the Principal Secretary mention my name.

His highness Prince Regan seems verry unhappy. Said by the Royal Secretary

That he has to marry in hurry. Im afraid your Majesty. In addition of the Royal Secretary

He has to know who he is. What he born for.

King Rashid said firmly.

And with that thought I clenched my fist and left and didn't listen to their conversation anymore.

I went straight to the Bedroom and there released the annoyance I was feeling annoyed I was punching the soft bed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I shouted angrily. Because of the inability to do for my own life.

To my great displeasure I fell asleep on it.

The tommorow came with a heavy heart but little by little I also accepted my destiny. I got up and quickly got dressed to head to the kitchen for breakfast.

And unexpectedly I passed by the library again and I saw the Royal Secretary enter followed by the Assistant Minister of the country when the door was closed I approached and slowly

I opened it a little to hear their conversation.

The family of ex-royal guard are still living in here. Said by the Asisstant Minister.

But they have no any niece's or grandchild in the same age with the crown Prince at age of 18. continue by the Asisstant Minister.

So, the Royal wedding will not happen. King Rashid said.

And with that I smile sweetly

Asisstant Minister, do you have any idea to repay them back? King Rashid asked the Asisstant Minister.

With that I smile bigger.

I have one your Majesty. Answer by the Asisstant Minister.

The ex-royal guard has a son. But he ran away from home since he was a teen age. He's been opened a restaurant he has a daughter abd her age is the same as the Crown Prince. a long litany of the Asisstant Minister

And that thought made my smile fade away. especially the next thought of King Rashid.

The Asisstant Minister give a picture to k

King Rashid.

and I think it was the picture of the girl.

So, this girl is Prince Regan fianceé. King Rashid said while looking at the photo.

my face went wrap with that thought.

Your Majesty we can also deny it if it is you want. Because ex-royal guard's son did'nt hse his last name. a suggestion from the Asisstant Minister.

Why? thought from my mind

If we didn't emphasize it. I think no one knows this. continued by the Asisstant Minister

What if you were kn that person's position, What would you do? King Rashid asked the Assistant Minister who was able to calm him down.

I'm sorry your Majesty if I am in your position.... I will keep my promise. answer of the Assistant Minister.

I am glad that people choose you to be the assistant Minister of this country. King Rashid replied.

I couldn't paint my face when I left the door. I also lost my appetite so I just went to the Balcony on the second floor of the palace where my favorite place is...

where I can see the relaxing view there. also the grand piano which is my favorite instrument.

I sat down and began to pass parts of it.

through the music I can show how I felt.

When I finished the song there was a hand holding my right shoulder and when I looked at who it was she smiled at me and I also smiled I stood up to pay my respects to her then I guided her to the sofa here on the balcony.

I helped her to sit down then she asked me to sit with her beside her I bowed my head agaid before following.

She looked at the royal maids before speaking.

Can you leave us alone for a while. Queen mother smiled.

The royal maids immediately obey and bowed before finally leaving.

Queen mother turned to me and spoke.

Prince Regan. You have not yet answered my question to you yesterday. She said

What do you think about the marriage? she repeated her question yesterday.

I was silent for a moment, and avoided looking at the Queen Mother before I looked at her again and answered.

If I answer as an libertarian, I can say that I do not agree with your decision.

I smiled and she just nodded and I continued.

But if I answer as the Crown Prince with a marriage promise I can't escape it.

I'm finishing.

Good answer. Queen Mother smiled.

So, Queen Mother how close is that person to grandfather?

Why he promised him like this. I asked Queen Mother not to continue speaking because

I was curious why my grandfather had made such a promise to that person.

Thag person was his only close friend. Queen Mother said with a smile as if she was remembering what that person had done for them.

The thing thag we have to do is we will repay him back as promised. Queen Mother said seriously.

I bowed down and could not speak.

Soon after Queen Mother stood up and approached my seat.

I tried to smile at him when she could get close to me.

Princs Regan. You would keep his promise or not. Queen Mother refers to Grandpa's promise.

While standing by my side and holding my shoulder.

It depends on you. I smiled again before I looked at her again and left and

I was left wondering what I should do.


The day I returned to S.A or SKY ACADEMY which is owned by our family.

I was looking out the Living room window while adjusting my uniform when my royal butler slash royal guard came.

Your Highness. Ian greeted me respectfully I also knew his bow even though I was still turning my back on him.

The vehicle is ready. its continuation. I turned to him and stared at him for a moment.

I don't need anyone just you. I said in a commanding tone.

Yes. Your Highnes. He answered and bowed then I left him and took my belongings to the car headed car.

When we got to S.A. I could hear the left and right screams of the my schoolmates making me gasp at the thought that they weren't so tired they always knew this was the scene every time I came back here.

Even though I haven't been able to go down, it's still deafening when I go down.

From where I was standing I could see my friends approaching me.

When they got close Ian stopped them immediately I grabbed Ian by the shoulder and said.

Its okay. It complied. I immediately addressed my friends with a smile.

What's up! I said while smiling.

Long time no see Prince Regan. Tom joked and he did a fist bomb.

Colt shook hands.

You are still cool as always. Rev said and also fired a fist bomb.

You didn't stop called me like this. that I'm referring to them calling me Prince.

I joked with them and laughed a little.

Are you really sure that you are willing to study here? why don't you study in the palace? laughed colt's question after another.

Because you guys are here. My answer is simple.

They allow you to do this? Rev. asked.

I smiled before answering.

I will study here. If I do what they want they must do what i want. I simply said again and the three of them nodded.

Let's find something to eat. Tom changes the subject.

Before we got to the cafeteria, I said goodbye and went to the comfort room and they nodded so I went straight to CR.

I entered a cubicle inside the CR and although I didn't stay there long, a series of footsteps came in.

Someone spoke, but a woman's voice. I didn't bother why they are here at mens comfort room.

Then I opened the cubicle door and a splash of water meet my face.

Without emotion I wiped my face with my hand.

PRI-NCE RE-GA-N stutter stutter citation of the woman in front of me holding a water tumbler.

SO-SORRY PRI-NCE RE-GAN she stammered again and at the same time another woman came out of the left and right cubicle.

While I had no emotion looking at the woman who splashed water on my face.

CHIARA? A woman mentioned and at the same time they were surprised who was in their front.

One by one they left and only left the woman who splashed water on me.

Where are you going? When the woman in front of me trying to left, and in the end she left and followed her companions.




His/Her Majesty for King and Queen

His/Her Highness for Prince and Princess



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IG: @JaneLee

Thank you love lots.❤