


This is the time!

An old woman said who called as the Queen Mother.

While they are having a tea with the King and Queen in the library of the palace.

We have to think of the royal future. With a royal wedding ceremony for the crown Prince.

We have to prepare it by following our tradition.

A long said of the Queen Mother to the King and Queen.

In other side.....

Are the arrival of the Crown Prince in the palace.

Welcome back to the Royal Palace your highness Prince Regan.

said the old man who greeted the prince he was called Royal Secretary.

The prince replied with a miserly smile.

His Majesty King Rashid, Her Majesty Queen Mother and Her Majesty Queen Lexine are waiting for you in the office room.

At once he bowed his head after speaking.

Would you excuse me a momment? And I will go there later. the Prince replied.

Sorry Prince Regan but the King's order is to take you there when you arrive. apologetic reply of the royal secretary.

He has an important matter to tell you. appendix of the royal secretary.

The prince was silent and it was obvious from his appearance that he had no choice but to go to where his father the king was.

When the Prince began to walk into the palace, the servants and guards immediately bowed as the sign of respect.

In the office room where the queen mother, king and queen were, the queen mother spoke again.

This is our important task of royalty succession. Moreover, together with keeping the promise of the ex-king that he gave to his close friend.

That both were helped and walked through a hard time together. And they never turn their back to each other.

Long litany of queen mother to king and queen.

Where does she live?

The king asked who was referring to the crown prince's fiancée.

We have to find her.

the Queen Mother replied with only a nod.

Is it suitable to let him marry with an ordinary person? Queen Lexine asked Queen mother anxiously.

That we does'nt know her yet. more of it.

The promise must keep it. No matter whom it gave.

Queen Mother's meaningful words silenced the King and Queen so the Queen Mother continued to explain.

In the past, its shows that ordinary people have always been with the royalty. It means the royalty will exist with all support of the population.

The Queen Mother smiled and was interrupted when they turned to the door when the Prince entered followed by the Royal Secretary and his bodyguards.

Prince Regan, you came here. the Queen Mother rejoiced at the Prince.

The prince bowed in respect and sat down in front of them with a smile on his face.

Are you tired of the journey?

Queen Lexine asked her son.

No your Majesty, Prince Regan answered immediately.

Did you know that you came back here for marraiage ?. King Rashid asked.

the smile immediately disappeared from the Prince's lips.

What do you think about it? King Rashid's additional question.

Prince Regan was silent for a moment before answering the King.

You already decided it. There was no hesitance answer of the prince.

However, We still want to hear your opinion. Answer of the Queen Mother.

However, It will be the same. You can't deny it. And make yourself suitables as the crown Prince as well. The King said again

the Prince did not answer but stood up and bowed before saying he was going to leave.

Excuse me, Your Majesty.

And Prince Regan left.

Everyone was silent as they left and just sighed and thought they knew that it would also understand what they wanted to convey here as a royalty.



Third Person POV - Author

Someone POV - Another Character



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