
Chapter 3

~Sirius pov~

How was I supposed to know that our prank would explode? I didn't that's for sure, but when I saw Ally's body passed out on the couch all I wanted to do was scream at myself. It was all my fault. I looked over to my best mate while he looked down at his sister's lifeless body the only moments were her sharp intakes of breath.

"Mom!!" James yelled with panic lacing his voice.

"What did you boys do this time?" Mrs. Potter's voice yelled back. She walked into the room and gasped as she looked down at her daughter. "What did you boys do," she yelled outrageously as she looked at Ally.

" Are prank messed up and exploded and there was smoke and we couldn't see?" James said trying to explain what happened but with no such luck as Mrs. Potter yelled, "Get out both of you."

We walked out of the room and went upstairs so we could at least try clearing the smoke away. When we got up there the smoke died down but there was still quite a bit. James huffed and said, " She will never forgive us for this."

I answered back, " Which one your sister or mom?"

"Ally you know how she gets when we do these."

"Yeah I do but she always forgave us in the past what the difference this time around?"

James replied, "Oh I don't know she passed out this time."

I just nodded my head and pulled out my wand and started casting spells to clean up the place.

I got to Ally's room while James went to clean his room. I walked in to see if I needed to clean anything in here when something caught my eye. I walked over and it was the pendant I gave her when we were twelve I am surprised she still had it. It was heart-shaped with her entails in its ALP.

I walked out and left everything in its place. I walked down to see Mrs. Potter still looking over her. I came up from behind her and asked, "Is she ok?"

Startled she looked up at me and said," Oh Sirius she should be ok just a few minor injuries."

"Well, that is good," I said looking down at Ally with a regretful look on my face.

"Sirius I am going to make dinner call me if she wakes up," she said while getting up and heading to the kitchen. I just nodded at her words and looked at Ally.

After a while, I heard a groan from the couch and looked up to meet beautiful ocean eyes.