
Chapter 4

Ally Pov:

I wake up and try to sit up but lay back down realizing I am not moving for a while. I open my eyes and groan at the sudden light. I look over to my right and meet those grey eyes that I know from anywhere.

Sirius yells," Mrs.Potter she awake" and stands when my mom walks in.

I try to sit up one more time but my mother pushes me down saying," you need to rest you inhaled too much smoke."

" I am a fine mom just a little weak," I said trying to get up, but a hand pushes on my chest and makes me fall back onto the couch with a thud.

I look up and see Sirius is the one who pushed me down onto the couch. He says," you need to rest."

Anger flashes through me and a say, "Well I wouldn't need to rest if you guys didn't mess up your stupid prank."

Just then James comes down and says, "You're awake."

"Well no dip Sherlock Holmes," I say irritated.

I go to stand up again but Sirius pushes me back down. I snarl at him and say, "Will you stop pushing me down I.. Am. Fine."

Sirius scoffs and just walks over to James shaking his head. Mom finally says, "You can go to your room," why turning to the boys, " Can you help her to her room." Both the boys nod and come over to the couch.

"I got it," I utter to them. I get up and sway a little and reach out to something or someone to steady me. I look up and see Sirius why every time I fall he catches me. This time he doesn't joke he just gives me a small smile and helps me up.

"Thanks," I mutter and start to go to the stairs.

"No problem Princess," he said and smirks. James shot him a nasty glare looking up at me with sorry eyes. I just shake my head and go up to my room.

When I get there I go in and grab parchment and a quil.