
Roses or Thorn

"What happened last night and why am I here" "Don't you remember.." He paused and continued "Last night you begged me to-" "Stop! I remember now" Skylar meets drey who sweeps her off her feet. But there is more to this mysterious man. She new there was something dark about him She knew he was dangerous.... But she was determined to make him her's

Jenny_candice · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Waking up in his bed

I woke up as sun rays pierced through the window bind. I sat up and the duvet fell up my half naked body.

I was putting on a t-shirt, which was obviously not mine but belonged to a male.

Where am I?

The last thing I remember was drinking with Drey.

My head ache really badly and I felt nauseous.

The door suddenly opened revealing Drey.


"What happened laat night and Why am I here? " I asked interrogatively and an amused smile made its way to his face.

What's funny?

"Don't you remember.." He asked scruntinizing me. "Last night you begged me to-"

"Stop! I remember now" I quickly said

Images of last night suddenly appeared in my head. Me kissing drey as he fumbled with the door lock, then me beneath him on the couch, before we kissed all the way to his bedroom.

My face turned red in embarrassment as Drey kept staring, never diverting his gaze from me.

"There's a spare brush in the bathroom, brush your teeth and come downstairs for breakfast" and like that he was gone.

I let out a scream immediately he left.

But why did he take me to his home yesterday, when we were supposed to be at the party.

I made a mental note to ask him when I got downstairs.


"Water or wine, which do you prefer" Drey asked as we ate breakfast. I could sense the mockery in his tone.

"Water obviously" I replied in the calmest tone I could muster.

"I thought so too" he said and continued eating

The door bell suddenly rang and Drey stood up to go get the door and returned with two shopping bags.

I eyed him curiosly.

"I got some clothes for you" he answered my questioning look.

"Thanks, but what about my old clothes" I asked curiosly.

I haven't set my eyes on them

"It's no longer useful"


"It's shredded beyond recognition. If you still want them you are welcome to wear them"

My face instantly lit up.

I nodded and continued eating breakfast.

I wasn't the one to get embarrassed. So why?