

Third Person’s POV

Eight years ago…

Hot. He felt hot. “Wa-water” he croaked out not having the strength to do anything, he could hear a heartbeat thumping steadily as quiet small footsteps moved around him in a hurry.

He could not think clearly as to where he was or what happened as his entire body ached, something cool was placed on his lips before a liquid poured into his mouth. With surprise his hand moved holding a wrist and pushing the glass towards him.

“Slow down or you’ll choke” a small melodious voice said next to him causing his closed eyes to snap open to bright lights, he blinked to adjust just as a shadow blocked them “My bad, I didn’t expect you to wake up this quick” the voice spoke again.

The boy looked at the person who still held the glass as he greedily drank the water, his breath hitched as he saw her and he choked startling the girl who pulled the cup away from him and with surprising strength she pulled him into a proper sitting position.