
Prologue part 1-2

I'm a new writer so please excuse any rough dialogue. I will get the hang of it eventually!-

A young red-haired boy tried to keep step with the rest of the family as they crossed the turbulent stream. His traditional robes felt soft to the touch as he clung onto them. He attempted to mimic his older sister's attempt to keep her robe dry while striding through the rushing water.

The dark forest beyond drew his eyes as he crossed, hurrying after his older siblings. He nearly collided with his sister as the family stopped ahead of him.

An older wizard adorned in the same robes rose his wand with practiced ease. The rubies embedded in the wand glinted brilliantly as the red-haired wizard whispered a spell the little boy could not quite catch. The forest before his eyes began to form into new shapes, his eyes widened in awe as he watched the unwelcomed greens turn into warming golds, oranges, browns, reds as vivid as his own hair color, and fresh emerald green sprinkle in, matching his eyes.

He felt the familiar tingle of magic at work and looked down at his robes and his eyes widened even more, a dazzling amazed smile on his face.

'My Own Family Robe!!!!'

The boy could barely believe it, he was finally going to be a true Mistle like his older brothers and sister who were smiling amusedly at the younger brother. Sweet memories stirred in them when they watched his face light up. He then looked at everyone else in his family; pristine cloud-soft robes replaced their previous midnight black that had dawned in their quarters very early that morning. The only difference his had was that his was a solid weight with no beautifully unique designs painted on just yet. Everyone else in his family had the same white robes but the sleeves were decorated in designs unique to that person specifically.

His most favorite of his siblings' robes had to be his sisters; her sleeves had the delicate woven patterns of evergreen vines painted on them along with hyacinth flowers, there flowing blue captured perfectly as many spread through the design accompanied by daisies and lastly delicate pink roses, each baring meaning to his older sister. He would have to jog his memory with the flower meanings list he was gifted later.

He stepped into line with his siblings, his oldest brother patting his shoulder in encouragement. His graceful lip quirk ever-present, he schooled his features as did everyone else when their father began to speak, his deep voice soft but heard just as well.

"Another year is to pass and it is now time for another young boy to be granted his partner for the rest of his magical life. Roblin Verdilian Mistle will have till midnight tonight to find a suitable familiar that will accompany him when he returns. Good luck my son, we all wish you find a bond with one of the many animals in this forest as generations of select families before you have done!".

The little boy tugged at his plain sleeves and gulped back his nerves. He looked over and each of his siblings gave a curt nod of encouragement or a smile. He waved to them as he took confident strides into the forest before him.


Thank you for reading! Updates will be out once a month till we finish the last few chapters we have left to do.