
Prologue 2-2

His footsteps were soft as he gazed in wonder at the shimmering tree canopy, the leaves forever molting into everlasting color as he walked farther in. He had heard extravagant stories of the Aeterna forest; it was truly eternally autumn. He hoped he could walk with the winged lizards as his sister had done. He looked into the flowing streams, the rocks dazzling silvers, the water beautifully clear. He looked closer as he walked, wanting to see the color-changing frogs that his eldest brother chanted about for days.

He began his trek up a small hill. He let his eyes wander whenever he heard bird calls or the scraping of hooves over the earth farther away. He had till midnight to find his lifelong companion to share his future magic with for the rest of his magical career.

His nerves began to rear their head as he watched the sun sink lower. He had hoped to all the gods out there that he would find his familiar before he had to face the night. The air chilled considerably; he cursed in his head at his luck of being born in the in-between of not quite winter but will be soon. The trees have already browned outside of the eternal forest he was currently surrounded in. The forest floor was bathed in the dying light as he worked through his nerves. He stilled himself to help stop his panic, his small hands working their way into his pockets under his robe, his jeans and long sleeve keeping him warm. He made a small noise of triumph as he pulled a small lantern out of his pocket. He tapped it twice on the handle and it changed to a medium size as he swiftly lit it with a leftover matchbox.

He looked up, now comforted by the light source. His emerald eyes gleamed in shock at the clear night sky overhead. He reined himself in soon after, knowing he had to keep looking as the clock was ticking. His eyes widened as he almost walked into a low hanging branch. The more peculiar thing was the young songbird perched there studying him with an intelligent air. The bird nodded its head to the boy's amazement as if approving of him. It gave a joyful tweet as it took perch on the frozen boy's arm. He came to as he felt the little weight of the bird weighing his arm down. He slowly smiled a meek one at best, still in mild shock. He cautiously brought milky fingers to the bird's feathers and began to stroke it with care. While distracted by the attention the boy gave the bird a quick once over.

He felt his heart oddly warm at the similarities he spotted between them such as the bird's body was rich blood-red ruby shades just like his hair. The bird's feathers faded to black at the tips, its eyes were an intelligent mahogany, the black surrounding its eyes bringing the deeper brown to light. White flecks speckled across the black, never leading into the red. The young bird experimentally grasped onto his shoulder to pull

itself up finally. The small boy smiled fondly as he heard the chirp of contentment as it settled on his shoulder. If he knew what a pirate was at the time he may have stopped to consider the scene. Instead, he pulled out two smooth stones, each a bland grey except for the silver planted in the middle of each. He carefully stepped back, clicking them together before throwing them onto the ground and quickly retreating.

Lavender wisps painted the sky above as a small door appeared in front of them.

He approached the bird on his shoulder with a gentle hand and carefully situated it into his palms knowing the travel is a doozy for first-timers. He walked closer to the door, using his elbow to open it as he had his hands full. He closed his eyes. He knew if he looked at the black void on the other side then he would hesitate and being stuck out in a forest he wasn't familiar with wasn't appealing in the slightest.

He walked through getting hit with the full force of dizziness that he had grown used too. His stomach lurching was what he felt the most as he traveled to the other side of the dark space, seeing the door on the other side. He opened it much the same way as the first. He let out a relieved breath as he felt the grass underneath his shoes. He deposited the bird gently back onto his slim shoulders, receiving an appreciative chirp in return. He sighed in relief as he made out the outline of his family's winter estate.

It was quite the sight later on when all his family were waiting for their youngest member to return hopefully successful. They first heard his voice carried by the wind. Melva was about to rush to her younger brother's side when she felt a soft tug on her own robe. She turned to see her eldest brother, Anton, who was trying to keep his snickers in check as he watched something in the distance. She turned a curious eye to that direction and had to do the same seconds later. There in the distance was her youngest brother talking animatedly with a bird on his shoulder and the bird in turn giving its few sense, its eyes locked onto the boy like the conversation was the most interesting thing in the world. It occasionally flapping its wings in a gesture of

'Im listening, continue'

Her youngest brother was so involved in his debate about which light spells produce the most that he startled as his whole family laughed fondly and began filling off the porch.

That night was painted in warm shades as the stars above dappled the night sky. The family danced and celebrated their youngest's milestone.

Melva smiled fondly as she rested her head in her palms, watching her little brother light up at the name suggestions for the newly found out young falcon perched on his shoulder. They were going to do wonderful together. She scratched the ears of her own familiar as the lynx purred under the touch, its leaf-like markings glowing in the warm lights. She smiled down at him as she continued to run her fingers through his fur. She looked out at the scene in front of her. She smiled softly at the new bond that was growing before her eyes.

'Roblin will be a great wizard one day'

She joined the celebration with her familiar at her heels. She smiled back just as brightly as her younger brother.


The events that follow towards that nightmarish day are only just an untouchable dream to be forgotten when woken.

The young boy seems to be the only one that doesn't forget the dream when he wakes.

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