
Why is she angry with me!

Yu Yan couldn't help but feel uneasy with the car driving itself, she didn't know if she was supposed to just trust this high tech car or just drive it herself but the second option was more difficult for her, she couldn't understand the operation of the car so she just decided to trust the car.

"When that guy drove the car this morning, it didn't seem this hard, he must have done this on purpose" Yu Yan said then she removed her phone from her bag and called Han Chen. She bit her lower lips as she waited for him to pick his phone but he didn't pick the call, so she ended the call and called him again, this time he picked the call quickly.

"Hello" Han Chen said

"why did you leave your car for me?" Yu Yan asked as though she wasn't happy that she was saved from the struggle of taking the bus home.

"because I wanted to, I am partly responsible for your car breaking down so that is my way of apologising" Han Chen said