

Tector-Class Star Destroyer, Justicar

The ship was simply hanging in orbit, keeping the separatist fleet away with only it's sheer firepower. Unwilling to close into range of the Tector's guns, the fleet was content to simply stay out of range and avoid stray fire.

But inside the star dreadnought, an all out war had begun in its bowels. With brilliant trickery and tactics, a commander had managed to send droid commandos disguised in clone trooper armor into the dreadnought as infiltrators, sabotaging a great many critical systems before launching a partially successful strike.

Unfortunately, the ship's defenders were far too many and only Engineering and Cargo Bays; which included the main barracks and many armories in those sectors.

Fortunately for Admiral Himler however, he still retained most fire control systems and the best armories, but it limited his supplies of previous heavy ammunition by a great amount; something that did not apply to his opponent.

The only point of contention was the Life Support Bay. Both droids and clones were fighting tooth and nail for control for the bay. If the clones maintained control, then they had a better chance of staying alive. If the droids took it, all it took was a quick slice into the computer to kill all life support to kill every organic being on the ship.

Which was why, right now, Captain CC-21750 'Trask' was priming a rocket propelled grenade for short ranged combat and studiously ignoring the torrent of red blaster fire impacting the thick durasteel barricades. Even as troopers were forced to die for every blaster bolt those damn droids put out by the dozen.

Inserting the explosive warhead into the tube, he slung it over his shoulder when something clattered against the barricade. Trask didn't need to know what it might be as he pressed himself down against the floor, away from the barricade.


The thermal detonator exploded, shaking the solid barricade. It did little to damage it, but there were still clones who were thrown away by the concussive blast.

Trask pulled himself back up as more troopers reinforced the stunned clones, trying to make up for that brief lack of firepower.

It was too late, though. Two dozen B2 Battledroids armed with deflector shield gauntlets were slowly moving towards them in the tight four-man corridors. One of them had was carrying a satchel of timebombs. More than enough to penetrate even blast doors.

"Out of the way, you shinies!" Shouted Trask as he slid the tube forwards and quickly aimed down its iron sight. "Watch the backblast!"

The iron tip centered on the formation, just forty meters away from them. Blaster bolts raced towards him as he pulled the trigger.

The RPG launched itself out of its tube, the tail vane could be briefly seen before it's explosive warhead impacted the droids. The resulting explosion turned them all into scrap, scattering their metal parts in every direction.

Short cheers came from several clones as they reveled in their small victory, but Trask knew this was only going to be one of the many repetitions that will occur. The droids would throw grenades and other ordnances to hopefully stun their troopers so they could send heavy ordnance droids to destroy the thick barricades as the fire slackened, just as they had done to the blast doors.

It was only a matter of time, the Captain knew, before their supply of rockets and ordnance ran out. The thick hose of blaster fire filled the corridor again, downing droids and clones alike from sheer weight of fire.



Admiral Himler was a canny old bastard, I thought, watching him steadily withdraw into the central hubs of the life support bay, which were right below the main command structures. There were two hubs, the main and the backup.

Right now, Himler's forces controlled both.

He had the sense to immediately slave the entire fire-control network to his terminal in the bridge and retained control over some of the local communication systems and was presumably relaying messages to the planet below, calling for assistance.

Still, any message they would attempt to send outside the system would be intercepted and foiled by the jamming ships.

I giggled. I couldn't help it. This was so much fun.

"Sir!" Shouts an OOM Droid, turning it's overly long head towards me, "Clone troopers have begun assaulting the Engineering Bays and the Main Armories!"

"What!" I hurry to the table holding the holograms. It showed multiple areas under attack by dozens of clone troopers, all popping out of nowhere. "Where did they come from?!"

"Unknown sir."

"It is a good thing I left a strong force of droids behind to secure those facilities," I murmured, stroking my chin. "Divert a quarter of the reserves to assist the defensive forces at Engineering and Cargo Bays, place a higher priority on the Cargo Bays. Flood the maintenance network with buzz droids."

"By your command."

Oh yes, this Himler is a canny one, I thought with vengeance. But I was cannier by far!

"Are the jet-marines ready?" I demanded, glaring at a nearby OOM droid. It withered under my stare before nodding.

"Excellent, have them exit the airlocks and begin the operation. Scale the walls and secure the king."

"By your command!"

Originates from:


Terriercreators' thoughts