
Rodent Supreme

After his death, Adrian was reborn as a monster. Will he embraced his new life as a monster or will he cling onto his humanity.

Anxiety_000 · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Chapter 27 Evolved rat

[Name Adrian Walts]

[Level: 7(I)]

[Species: Flesh Craft Rat]

[Skills: Bite(Level 1), Double Jump(Level 2), Scratch (Level 1)]

[Abilities: Flesh Graft(Level 4), Flesh Melting Strike(Level 4), Flesh Morph (Level 4), Terra Intrusion (Level 1)]

[Partial Evolution: Monstrous muscles +5, Growth +5, Efficient stomach +5, Carving claws +5, Agile prehensile tail +2, Dextrous limbs +5, Perceptive eyes +5, Magic Core +1, EvoFlesh Conversion Organ +1]

[Health: 10/10]

[Mana: 41/35]

[Strength: 36]

[Speed: 9]

[Durability: 5]

[Intellect: 30]

[Will: 11]

[Skill point: 3]

[Ability point: 3]

[Evolution point: 7]

[Stat point: 13]

Things are looking good here. For some reason I gain two additional level, and the stats points I got from those levels are five per level too, unlike the three stats points per level like before. My mana increase by and additional 6 points, I'm guessing my mana core had something to do with it. I now want both the magic core and the conversion organ to level up even more, so I'll be eating alot more, as for ability I'm not saving it I'm using them now.

Two more points on flesh magic and one point for terra.

[Twisted Flesh: Allows you to reshape the flesh you touch permanently.]

[Viral Infection: Create a contagious virus to infect a host, killing them form the inside.]

[Flesh analysis: Grants you the knowledge of the flesh you consume.]

I like the first one and the third one, fortunately I have enough points for both. I just realised something, the bonus flesh ability points doesn't let me choose a new ability just increase the level of the ones I already have. Which was too bad, really needed more abilities but the level up was also good.

Anyway Twisted Flesh for now. I used the second point on flesh magic again right after the first.

[Super Viral Infection: Create a super contagious virus to infect a host, killing them form the inside.]

[Flesh analysis: Grants you the knowledge of the flesh you consume.]

[Flesh Spawns: Inject your flesh magic into a host to create an egg inside there body, the egg with hatch into a spawnling under your complete control.]

Wow, I said I'll take the analysis but the spawns will solve so many of the problems I have, good thing I have two points left. No way I'm giving up the chance to go all zenomorph on the fools who dared to go against me. I'm choosing the spawn now and the analysis on the next. Also it feels like the system is trying real hard to make me choose the infection one.

[Ultra Viral Infection: Create an ultra contagious virus to infect a host, killing them form the inside.]

[Flesh Inspection: Allows you to access the memories and the information of any flesh you consume.]

[Flesh mimicry: Transform a part of your body into anything you have consumed before.]

Changing the adverb isn't going to change my mind system. The analysis ability got upgraded as well, accessing the memories of anything you eat will allows me to learn alot about this world, frankly it's an overpowered ability, the down side would be that I'm gonna feel alot of guilt if I learn about my victims past. It wouldn't be healthy for my mind at all but the ups are so good I'm still choosing it.

The other ability Flesh Mimicry would also be good, but I already have the flesh morph ability which was hard to use but it kinds of does the same thing. So I'll leave it for now.

[Abilities: Flesh Graft(Level 7), Bio Liquefaction(Level 7), Flesh Morph (Level 7), Flesh Mold(Level 7), Life Spawn(Level 7), Flesh Inspection(Level 7), Terra Intrusion (Level 1) ]

At flesh magic level 7 looks like some of my abilities got further upgrades. Flesh Melting strike turned to bio liquefaction, I wouldn't be just melting flesh from now I'll be turning them into liquid, a puddle of flesh will be all that remaind. Twisted flesh turned to flesh mold, with this I will be capable of more that just twisting flesh but molding it, shaping flesh it to my liking. Flesh spawn to life spawn, don't really see the difference here but as long as my spawns got stronger I'm more than content.

Half a week had gone by at this point. It's hard to tell when your in a pit with no light comming from above, the fire of the barn had died out long ago. No one was approaching the pit, I expected the nation to do something at the loss of its knights and wizard but no action form them so far.

Of the eighth people who fall in the pit, two of them were still barely breathing, they were too hurt to move arround. With starvation and dehydration kicking in they weren't in the best situation right now. They've lost the ability to speak a while ago, all they could do was breathing and whimper once a while. I'm actually surprised that they have oxygen down in this pit, a rat like me don't need much and with the fire that was burning days ago which collapse the barn sealing us in here there should not have been much breathable air down here for this long. Maybe we weren't sealed air tight.

They were unlucky, the most unlucky. I'll be spawning life from there bodies so it was sure to be a painful death. I have nothing against them but a rat gotta do what a rat gotta do. With my own army I will have a fair chance of stopping the big rat invasion. All for the greater good.

When I walked up to them they didn't notice me, if they did they have long lost the will to fight back. I use my life spawn ability on both the survivors, the other five corpse were mine, the living two for the brood. I excited what will come form it, will it be little rats? Or something else completely. Either way I will have to wait.

I still have alot to eat, and with my new flesh inspection ability I will also be learning alot. Not long after the screems started, it was really weak. Looks like they still have some voice left, good for them.