
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

26th! haki awakening pill! a new trip!

both of us return to to the table and the girls noticed robin expression which was brighter than usual

"Ara?, robin-chan, did something good happened?" mom asked joyly

and robin replied with a laugh "fufu, maybe? maybe not?" she then sits in her chair

"good thing you are better robin, now let eat" Monet said with a smile

and so we now eating breakfast , of course something must need to happen

"~ahn~ so good~" x2 two sexy moans and destroyed clothes can be heard and seen from two sources

of course it's Bonney and mom, they still want this treatment, I don't complain it's feast to my eyes!

the other girls get used to such view and doesn't comment except for sugar who had her eyes and ears closed my robin hands , the girl in question doesn't complain since she thought it was a kind of game? but that does not mean that the line of thoughts of the teenagers are normal...

'I wish I can ask to have some of that! but it's too embarrassing! m-maybe when we solid our relationship..' Monet thought with a red face

'maybe I should ask for that..no no..that not a dignified lady do with a straight face!' robin though while forgetting that she was voyeuring yesterday...

and so the chaotic breakfast come to an end...





the family sit on a couch and make themself comfortable , I cough to gather their attention

" *cough* now that we have eaten, I decided to tell you something" I said and they are silent give the signal to continue

"I decided to go sailing to sea to visit some important locations, now I ask you your opinions if you are going with me?"

"my place is with my tai-chan~ no matter where he goes~" mom said while hugging my right, if you interested in our setting , then mom on my right , Bonney on my left eating pizza , both of them hugging my arms, sugar on my lap ( no horny!) eating grapes flavor icecream , monet and robin in front of me setting on chairs reading physics and history books respectively

"I knew that would your answer" I playfully pull her cheek

"mou~ naughty boy~pulling your mother cheeks like a kid~" she said that but didn't give a resist whatsoever

"what about you girls" I ask the rest of them

"I n-need to be with you to not seduce more girls!" bonney said in tsundere fashion , which none of us believed , but not pointing it out, I simply squeeze her springy ass this making her silent in process while having a red face

"is onii-chan going to adventure?" sugar asks excitingly

"hmm? yes a lot of adventures and a lot of cool and weird places!" I said with a smile

"then I will go~" said sugar in happy tone

"then I will go to look after her." Monet says while use her fingers to pick up the remain ice cream on sugar face and eat it

"what about you robin? someplaces have important history you know?" I throw my bait and it was successfully eaten

robin wasn't keen on going since she was interested in earth history but then she heard my sentence and perked up "hmm? if tai-kun said that, I guess I have no choice but to come~" said with sparkling eyes

"good since we all going, eat this!" I then give them each a pill.

then I was about to explain but a tug from my right stops me "can I explain it , can I explain it, pleeease~" mom said with excitement

which I give a wry smile "god, you hopeless..mom, fine" which made her giggles "that what you love about me right~ tai-chan~" said mom that made me smile "yes, that what make you adorable~" I give her a peck and she reciprocated

she then begin explaining "this is haki awakening pill that tai-chan invented~ haki is the form of way to use someone spiritual energy for their advantage~ usually awakened by haki is really rare~ everyone has it yet hard to utilize ~ but my genius tai-chan~ made this pill to give the eater a right direction on how to train it~ it's doesn't increase your haki or make it stronger~ just puts you on the right track ~ without it it maybe requires months ~ or the untalented years before awakened it the way the pill does ~ and the best part about it ~ it doesn't give disadvantage against natural way of awakened ~" she finished her talk with a flying kiss towards me

and I catch it with my mouth and nods before nodding "like mom said , before eating like always thing of your favorite flavor , and didn't worry about explanation about how haki works and it's types , it's all recorded in the pill" honestly this pill is a cheat , if world government knows about it , the will do a void century move on me to get how to make it, but of course they can't , since it's made with my alchemy, just by eating it you know what to do , the rest is your talent and your hard work.

robin heard about haki from me so she was eager to eat it, Monet om the other hand though of way to protect her sister with this , lastly sugar didn't understand much but thought 'more power, more being with onii-chan!' and without too much suspense they eat it


after a while of digesting and understanding the haki... robin said "now I understand... honestly, with this my combat power will increased exponentially!"

"hmm! now I can train to protect sugar!" Monet said

"me too! I can like onii-chan punching sea monster like nothing!" sugar said with excitement

"but I have a question, why conqueror haki wasn't included in the pill?" robin asks

I then answered " well, because unlike CoO and CoA , it heavily depends on someone will power , eating pill won't increase that like in real life or death situation, besides it's not something you gain by training, it's up to question whether you have it or not" I explained

"then how did you awakened and train it , you and mom?" Monet pondered

"I awakened it by facing sea monster without using any power , while mom on another hand I pressure her with my CoC for few months until she naturally gained and able to counter my pressure" I said which made mom adorably pout

"mou~~ you never made you mommy rest~ I fainted nearly 10 Time before awakened it!~ how are you gonna make up for me , hmph!" mom said with a hmph , which I just smile and said "by pampering you everyday~" , her pout got replaced by a bright smile and said "Kya ~ iove you ~ tai-chan~" and hugs me tighter , this made the room warm and relaxed

this time Bonney said "well don't get down if you don't have it, it only occurs 1 in few million and heavily depends on linage, so if you parents didn't have it , you won't probably, and vice versa, besides it's not like you can't build resistance against it , I was subjected against both of them pressure for 6 years, and now it's barely tackles me,so be prepared to get fainted a lot~" she gives them a nasty grin while chewing her pizza

this grin give them a chills but nonetheless nodded and then I moved to next subject, a I zipper the air and took out something

a weird looking white fruit with spirals on it

robin looked and surprised "devil fruit!" I then moved to Monet and throw it to her

"to me? what about mom? she deserves one first.." she said with a frown

"don't worry I have when in mind for mom , this one is rightfully yours , btw since the subject is devil fruit, robin , I'm gonna do something to you,trust me and Dont resist" I said to her which she smiles and nods, the earlier interaction cause her faith in me to be high which I was grateful to know

I touch her on heart and transplant substance goes out my hand to goes directly to her heart, she felt something entered her heart and she could force it out if she resist but didn't

after a few dozen seconds I removed my hand and said "hoof, it's done"

"what did you do?" robin asks

"I removed partially the curse!" I declared to her

"you did what!!" she was shocked , well it must be this reaction, Bonney didn't had such reaction when I did it to her thinking because I can do anything..which I was flattered

I then looked at the stats of the devil fruit in Monet hand

[ devil fruit : yuki yuki no mi

type : logia

current status : cursed

options : 1- invest 1000 EE to remove the curse partially { it removed the inability to swim but the devil fruit abilities can't be used underwater and doesn't removed the weaking affect of see-stone }

2- invest 10k EE to remove the curse completely like user own fruit


'invest 1k!'

{ devil fruit is now partially cursed!

remaining EE : 13541.54 }

I did discover I can use EE on other people or object to edit them but also depends on what to edit and on people it can be resist by a child so I can't force it on someone

"now Monet, the fruit is partially cursed, you can swim but can't use it's abilities underwater and see-stone does affect you, but don't worry , sea stone can build resistance against it until you immune it to!" both girls shocked and have their heart warm

"thank you , Taiger-san..I promise you I won't let you down ever!" Monet declared with conviction

"good , this one is a snow logia , make you transform into snow, it makes you practically invincible aside from natural counter element like fire or stronger element like ice and haki, head up tho, it's taste terrible.." Monet nods and eats it right away , but almost forced herself not to vomit it and hatefully swallows


right away the difference is noticed , the air around monet become colder and a snow starts building up around her and after a minute her whole body become snow like yuki clan for yokai animes

"... amazing..I don't feel cold at all, but feel extremely comfortable.." she said while getting excited and start make different things with snow

"woah! onee-chan become snow-women! now she can makes me ice cream every day!" sugar said with stars in her eyes while drooling a bit

robin was interested since this is the first time she saw a logia she she puts arms on Monet's snow neck and forcibly break it

Monet head fell off on the ground but her body is moving like it's alive!

"kyaaa! onee-chan head fell off , how can she eats! robin-nee-chan you killed her!" sugar crys in shock and began to blame robin but before anything a snow hands was on her shoulder

sugar looked up and so headless Monet waves at her

"kyaaa!! onee-chan is moving without head?! is she a zombie?! a snow zombie?!" sugar even more shocked

Monet decide to ends her prank and from her neck a head appears and her head was it "mohahaha, you fell for it sugar, Taiger-san said most attacks doesn't work on me, so don't worry about it" Monet laugh after then sugar calm down and pouts

" mou~ onee-chan tricked me~"

"hehe it's ok sugar I will make you ice cream, whatever you want!" Monet said and make sugar unpout "really?! don't back down now!" she give a bright smile while giggling

robin saw the sisters playfully bickering and smiles , then looked at me with moist eyes and said "thank you , tai-kun, this debt , I don't if I can repay it to you in this life..." she wasn't exaggerating , in a world 90% of water and most of it are the natural enemy of devil fruit user , it's easy to say by doing this, he saved her life million Times

I give her a tease smile "oh? then how about paying with your body?" sugar was far and distracted to pay attention to my words

robin cheeks become rosy but didn't deny and said with seriously tone " if that what tai-kun desire , I'll gladly comply, besides, fufufu, with my devil fruit , all kind of different scenarios I can create" she finished with teasing laugh

I then gulp and start to imagine what kind of kinks I can create with her and my imagination run wild..

but i felt a pain from my waist and I got the legendary waist pinch! from Bonney who gives me death glare! another thing to check on my list!

" *ahem* I was just kidding, we can starts slowly, no need to rush..." I give her smile and rub on her head, god I love giving headpats!

she didn't resist and start relax under my caresses and giggles "hmm~, then I look forward to it ,fufu"

then mom asks " so where are going first?"

I then answered "our next destination is...a cliffhanger!"

everyone: "cliffhanger??"

"you wouldn't get it." I said with a smirk...





