
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

27th! preparation to sail!

"we are going to water 7!" I said

robin caught what my goal is and said "do you want to build a ship?"

"what is water 7?" sugar asks , the rest also have this question, robin gave them the answer by saying " water 7 is a city in Paradise known for its shipwright ,There are water-ways and canals that are used for transportation almost like roads, often surrounded by sidewalks on the canals. Many citizens use Bulls which are seahorse-like creatures that are attached to boats to move around the city. Also, some shops rent bulls of various sizes.."

basically explanation from the wiki but I tell something she doesn't know "but what you don't know robin that now some of shipwrights are undercover agents try to find the one of 3 ancient weapons sheets"

this made her stiff and look at me with shock , her eyes is saying 'how do you know' and I simply smirk 'I know my sources' look

"but if what are saying is right, won't be dangerous for us to go?" robin ask

"for now no , they won't blow their cover for us, and if you afraid in case they discovered you , then I have the solution..." I then took the zipper dimension a ring I developed from alchemy and said "wear this" she looked at the ring and wore it and like magic , her hair become blond , her eyes become red, her skin become pale, or this what the ring did to her, it's basically bend the light around the wearer and change it the look of him according what they desire , I made from a chameleon in near forest, tho someone with good CoO can see through but they need to focus it to discover it's illusion

"woah , robin-nee-chan become vampire!" sugar claps her hands and said , and indeed she does look like that, a sexy one!

I gave her a mirror to see , and she said "hmm, I like it, can I keep it?"

"sure I have a ton" I said with smile

"mou~ tai-chan give robin-chan a ring, I thought I be the first~" mom at my right pouted I roll my eyes and said "it's not even gold, besides you don't need it" she pouts even more , she is adorable!

Monet then ask "wait, why need a ship if you can teleport?" oh good question I then answer

" to teleport I need to first to be the place to save it , also the more distance, the more consumption of is needed, and it's boring honestly to teleport always"

"anyway, in another 2 weeks we will set sail, it's not much , but enough for Monet to get used to her new abilities, and the three of you to train your haki a bit, at least to able to touch Monet, and sense Presences around you , the three of us will train you the best we can"

I said and train to robin and tell of something she igonred "robin, you abilities has so much potential, but you have 2 major weakness"

robin frowns but still asks "what are they?"

I explain to her "first , you physical strength, you limps are just as strong as the original,and well, you strength is pifull, so first we need to build up youe physical power" this made her frown and I can see a small pout ,{ An : I previously made her strength at commander which is horrible wrong so I gotta edit that }

I then finished her off "and second, which is the bigger weakness, is your pain tolerance, because every organ is connected to you , any damage happened to any part , your will receive a phantom pain which affect you overall situation and might distracted you and have from a fetal wound" I end my ted talk

robin had a ponder face , maybe she thinks why she never thought of her ability like this which sounds strange since she is quite smart , she then ask "then tai-kun, what would you suggest me to do?"

"build up your physical capabilities and pain tolerance, how many parts can you make at time"

"hmm around one hundred"

"good enough for now, now take this" I give her a pill

"what is this do?" she asked

"this rise your all physical capabilities by certain amount , but can only taken once a month , and it's effects decreased by half each time you take it, but the weaker you were when take it , the higher the the factor of multiplying them" so if kaido took the pill it's like throwing a water drop in ocean, I give the pill to monet and sugar too where near by

"thank you , tai-kun/Taiger-san/onii-chan!"

"you are welcome girls!" I said

then I give her another thing that look like arm bundle and prepare another 100

"what's this?"

"this is weight bundle, you can edit it's wight by entering the desired weight" this thing was inspired by Goku who wears them all of time, I mass product them to sell them later, why when I can make gold? because not everything can bought with it and the gold price will goes down if continue to make it without control, besides being a merchant will give me good connection for feature plans

"then why why you brought a hundred" robin asks , she already got used to my invention , but nonetheless was impressed

I give her smirk "for you my dear~ btw how much weight can you left?"

"hmm about my wight" robin answers

"which is?"

"Ara? tai-kun didn't Lona-san teach you not ask woman weight?" she ask with smile

mom next to me giggles at robin remark 'she insults us both, why are you laughing' I thought but decided to ignore her and I flick robin forehead


"ouch~" robin hold her forehead with pain and pout at me , so you can pout? how adorable~ but I am not letting her of hook

"don't make trouble and say it"

"...52 kg " she said grudgingly

"see , wasn't that hard, it's not even a lot and most of it on places I like so don't be sad" I rub her forehead to make her feel better

".. pervert.." she mutters

"says the voyeur flower" Bonney give a hiss with a smug

robin didn't say anything to keep what remains from her dignity and change the subject "you didn't answer my previous question about the amount of weights wrist band"

"oh easy, create a fifty arms fifty legs and put them on half your weight and from tomorrow you will train until you can't move" I turn into sadistic trainer mode

" I-Isn't that a bit much...how I can s-survive" robin had a bit of fear inside her

mom said with assuring tone "oh~ don't worry robin-chan, tai-chan made pill that recovery you stamina quickly~ so your survive is guaranteed~"

this didn't assured her at all 'so I can't excuse myself once I am tired! what hell is this!'

bonney smirks and decided to add oil on fire "oh, and you will use the virtual reality headset to do mock battle and increase your nerves sensitivity to make you pain tolerance~ like we did~" she ended with evil smile

'oh goodness, I hope I survive this family to know the history of the world' robin grimaced the black future ahead...






two weeks later..

the group of us is standing is the island shore and to buy a boat and eternal pose to water 7 , robin knows a bit of navigation from her experience so we can survive the sea, I plan to find nami later either recruit her or if she don't want , learn from her I didn't decide yet

the fortnight was incredibly fruitful for the new trio , Monet now control her logia at instinctive level , she yet to develop technique since not much time passes , sugar on another hand like mom didn't have a fruit so focused on haki and physical training, she is only 9 but quite hard working especially since she is getting relatively quick results unlike normal people who in that time can't achieve as much , she can now a harden one arm for about a minute and since the life around her 5 meters , she yet to success to achieve any of six powers but she is getting there

but the most admirable is robin , the pill triple her physical capabilities! she was really that weak,but now the situation is different , now she as physical capable as commander that focus on speed and assassination, her pain tolerance increased tremendously and need a lot of damage with make her lose concentration , she also focused on one aspect of six powers trying to grasp it , which was shigun,also focused on CoA to more enforce her attacks

the other three(me mom and Bonney) didn't achieve something worth saying but I did breakthrough something , I hade a fruit user test subject for a month and now I know the way to extract the devil fruit! sadly the user must die for that to happen, but it's for the greater good! my good...

"TAI-CHAN!" A voice woke me up from my narration

"hmm? what mom?" I ask

"you have been in daze for while now.." Bonney who were next to me said

"sorry girls, I was thinking, now let go buy a boat" I said not waiting for answers and went the ship seller

"Hi boss, can we have a ship that has 3 rooms at minimum. and has moderate size?" I ask the boss

"ohh young man, I have the perfect ship for you, it's made from good wood that can handle the Stroms and can tolerate a few Conan balls! just for 10m beri" the middle age man said joyfully, he was looking for a buyer for this ship but couldn't find any so he hope this young man can afford it

"can you sell in gold?" I ask

"of course! in gold that would be a 1k coin"

"fair enough! please lead us the ship so we can take a look" I said


the ship is good, strudy , not as good as going merry but it's will do for our trip , I gave the boss the money and said "here boss, and I want to ask if you have eternal pose to water 7?" I ask

"ohh? in fact I do! and since you were a generous client I give it for free! and water 7 in now quite in happy mode, since in one month their water train will be finished, crazy right?! a long cars runs on water! , I can't wait to try it!" the boss give me the pose and said

I nodded and the man left and all of us now on the ship resting on shore

'hmm..so tom is still alive.. good maybe if we save him ..we can have his favor , him and his two students , normally it will takes a lot of time to arrive there, but since I got push the ship with my telekinesis and the water with alchemy I can move in calm belt , and maybe...we can go to a certain women island on the way...' I thought while looking at the sea but I pinch on waist I looked and Bonney pouting

"hey are you thinking on woman again?" bonney glare at me , I said without ounce of shame "yeah , about certain tsundere pink head" I pinch her cheeks

"hmph! don't dare to deceive me! I know that look!" said Bonney while cheeks get pulled

"Ara Ara , tai-chan is full of vigor ~ do you plan to bring me another daughter/sister~ maybe she can help us defeat you in 'adult wrestling' , fufufu"

mom laugh while licking her lips

"heh, even 20 like you can't defeat me" I said with pride and this isn't my final form too!

the other girls head red faces except sugar where are excited "wow , onii-chan is so strong! can't wait to wrestle you!" she said while clutch her hands cutely

the girls give me the death stare saying 'never touch her outside of hadpats and hugs before 16...got it!' expression

"ha.ha.hahahaha, I can't wait sugar..." I give an awkward laugh and change the subject "anyway, now that we ready let's go!"

"Yes!" x5





