
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · แฟนตาซี
104 Chs


Snow didn't recognize the people who were waiting for her, she used her telepathy to talk to her sisters but they simply told her to listen to what they had to say.

"Hello my name is Snow, what do you want?" asked Snow.

"We belong to the heroes' union and we came to summon you to participate in our meeting that will take place in three days, my name is Thunder" said the hero introducing himself.

"Sorry, you said union, is there a hero union?" Snow asked confused.

"We are, we are heroes but we also have our rights and we are not above the law, the union is there to help us" said another hero who was sitting in the chair.

"Simplifying the union serves to solve some issues that the heroes often face, for example the union helps with lawyers and with medical problems" said the hero who seemed to be annoyed.

"May I know why you want to talk to my daughter?" said the Zoe's mother.

"As everyone knows, we are going through great problems, not only is the union worried about the constant attacks of the villains on our headquarters, but thanks to the assassins that have appeared, the union is overloaded. The union together with the government decided to hold an emergency meeting, hired some heroes to call several heroes to participate in the meeting" said the angry hero.

"I hope you have a good afternoon we have to go" said Thunder leaving with the other heroes.

Snow went to lunch with her family, Star and Heart were talking about her day at school when Joe shows up with his new invention, a glasses that allows you to see through objects and analyze the composition of any object. After that Snow, Star and Heart went to do their homework, Snow went to rest while Star and Heart went out with their friends, Snow later went to his friends house to have fun with them. At night Snow took his friends home with his flying car, when he got home he went to get ready to fight crime. All night there were not many crimes, the bad guys were terrified of the assassins, Snow realized that the villains seemed to be losing the war, as they only managed to kill 1 assassin while the others side killed more than 14 villains.

"Looks like there's no crime today, I think I'd better go home" thought Snow.

Suddenly Snow realizes that there was something burning in the street, Snow went down with the car to see. Arriving at the scene he saw Liz and some villain fighting one of the assassins, next to them was the lifeless body of a villain. Snow tried to use the glasses that Joe made to analyze the killer, but she needed to get closer, she approached without being noticed and hid behind a car. Liz was losing the fight, the villain she was helping got hit by a needle and passed out, the killer used his powers to repel Liz away and walked away laughing.

"Looks like he didn't notice me here, maybe Liz and that villain are okay" thought Snow.

Liz appears, looks at the villain who was on the floor and cries. Snow doesn't react, Liz leaves and Snow goes to the villain who was down to see if everything was ok, since the villain was alive he called the police and left. In the car Snow was analyzing all the information she could from watching the fight, she realized that the clothing the killer was wearing was a strong material like his heroine outfit and thought that maybe Joe might be able to find some weakness. When Snow got home she left a message for Joe asking him to analyze the information she got, she went to shower and went to sleep.

If it took some time for Joe to give his answer about the information she got, it was the day of the heroes' meeting that would take place in the afternoon according to the information on the syndicate website that the heroes passed. After school Snow put on her uniform, she went to her car and flew to the meeting place, when she arrived at the place she noticed dozens of heroes from various states. When Snow came down she realized that she had some villains among the heroes, she got defensive when suddenly Dragon arrived with her group and 4 of the most important and powerful heroes of our country. They went to the stage, the heroes and villains that were there started to pay attention, Snow realized that probably the heroes want to do teamwork with the villains and decided to announce. Snow decided to leave, she didn't want to be a part of it, when suddenly she was stopped by a hero she knew, it was Moonlight.

"Hi" said Moonlight.

"Hi, I have to go" Snow said trying to leave.

"But it hasn't started yet, don't you want to know what the villains want?" asked Moonlight.

"I've got things to do," Snow said when she received information on her watch about the data she passed to Joe.

Snow said goodbye to Moonlight, as she was approaching her car she noticed that Liz, Serena and Jack were following her.

"What do you want ?" Snow asked angrily.

"You're not going to stay and listen, it's important, the union might be mad at you," Jack said.

"I'm not part of that union, I only came because they invited me and I had time today," Snow said.

"I'll make it short for you, heroes and villains are teaming up to fight a common threat, I came here to see if you're okay" Liz said laughing.

"Goodbye" Snow said getting into the car.

Snow left, she halfway put the clock data on a part of the car window and started to read a little. Snow received an alert of a factory invasion and went to investigate, arriving there she realized that she had a hero facing one of the assassins, it was the assassin who fought Liz, Snow rushed into battle.