
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Fight at the factory

Snow was fighting the assassin along with the hero, the hero was Wildcat, the assassin used his powers launching Wildcat towards me, using the ice powers I managed to dodge.

"Wildcat what are you doing here?" Snow asked confused.

"I came to the hero meeting, I was late and I got a call about a possible invasion" Wildcat replied.

"Let's fight together" Snow said preparing for battle.

"Careful, his powers are like telekinesis. When I realized I was pushed away," Wildcat said.

"I get it, I'll distract him and you attack from behind," Snow said.

Snow and Wildcat go towards the killer, Wildcat uses his agility to hide while Snow uses his ice to create a snowstorm to block the killer's vision, however the killer creates a kind of barrier that repels Wildcat's sneak attack and the snowstorm.

Wildcat tried to use a piece of equipment he had on his belt, but it didn't seem to work, Snow tries to use his ice powers to freeze the barrier but he doesn't have much success. Wildcat tried to call for reinforcements through his communicator, but something was disturbing the signal, Snow used his ice powers on the ground to hinder the assassin's movement and hid.

"Aren't you going to run away too?" asked the assassin to Wildcat.

"I don't run away from fights, I face them head on" shouted Wildcat running towards the assassin.

"My name is Gray, I recognize you are brave but this is stupid" said Gray using some knives powered by her powers.

Wildcat dodges all the knives and again tries to attack the killer, but is again repelled, Snow took advantage of a moment of distraction to create an ice cage and then created a few more cages around the cage where the killer was.

"I hope it works" said Snow activating something on his watch and putting on his glasses.

"What did you do ?" asked Wildcat confused.

"I created three cages, one inside the other, with no space for air to pass through. The killer is definitely still human and needs to breathe, I'm using my equipment to see through all the ice when he falls I will arrest him" replied Snow.

The killer inside the cage desperately tries to get out of there, runs to a part of the cage and destroys it, but there was one more cage preventing him from escaping. Snow realizes that the killer has passed out, Snow uses his ice punch to break a part of the cages and goes towards the killer, realizing he was unconscious she takes him out of the cage and puts handcuffs on.

"We've finished with the leader of the assassins," Wildcat said happily.

"It's not over yet, we have to quickly get him to a hospital or prison," Snow said.

"Okay, but why don't we put a video of their boss's arrest online," Wildcat said, taking out his cell phone.

"You're crazy, for sure they'll put a target on us if they find out we were the ones who beat him" yelled Snow leading the assassin to his car.

Snow and Wildcat call the special super villain prison informing them of their capture, the 2 heroes take the killer to the newly renovated prison. Arriving at the prison they were greeted by the prison head, 2 veteran superheroes and some armed people, they took the still unconscious killer to his cell while the prison head thanked the 2 heroes for their service. Snow and Wildcat leave the prison, after a few minutes some heroes and villains arrive at the prison and demand they hand over the killer.

"Why do you want him, he is the head of the assassins, we need to extract all the information quickly" said the head of the prison.

"We want to use him to finish off all the assassins at once" said one of the heroes.

"He may be a murderer, but he has his rights. I'm not going to let anyone be bait," said the prison head.

"Besides your plan is very risky, this killer can escape. We still don't know how his powers to completely nullify here, I think it's impossible to move him to another location without risk of escape and deaths" said the person accompanying the prison head .

"Don't worry if he tries to run away I'll kill him" said Dragon.

"Whoever brought the killer here, we can ask that person for help" said another hero.

"It was Iceray and Wildcat, but they told you how the battle against him went. I don't think they will be able to help with your plan," said the prison chief's secretary.

"It's true, they managed to make the killer pass out from lack of air, it really won't work a second time" said the prison head.

"Tell us what you know about his powers, we'll find a way to solve our problem. When he wakes up, after you've asked all your questions we'll take him. For our plan to be more successful, speed is the key word." said a hero.

After a few minutes the killer wakes up, the heroes and villains are watching from afar, some government agents appear in the killer's cell for an interrogation, since the interrogation was not giving results the heroes and villains who were watching decided to intervene. They took the killer out of the cell, tied his arms and legs with chains and took him to an abandoned place, where several traps were being prepared and there were several heroes and villains gathered.

"We are almost ready for our counterattack," said the hero.

"Okay, let's get the video ready to put on the internet. Once we get them here, it's just a matter of time before we end this nightmare," said Dragon.