
Rise To The Zenith

Faced with the ruthlessness of the world of cultivation, Blade must forcefully evolve his ideals and goals. Morality? What was it in this murderous world? Only supreme power mattered in an accursed world filled with indiscriminate slaughter where strength was absolute and the weak can only sigh at their hopeless destiny.

Slewpy · แฟนตาซี
126 Chs

Blade vs Ape Monster

"Why are we still here, even though it's highly likely that the boy is already eaten?..." The deep voice of a perverted and disgusting old-aged man resounded in between some bushes.

Their group, who had been searching for Blade for a week, finally started to doubt Blade was alive. Even after hearing the man's question, the others merely ignored him since it was his fault that they were here in the first place.

Sensing the tension in the air, and the fact that his comrades were blaming him for everything, the old man clicked his tongue in annoyance as he also zipped his lips, and decided to not speak his opinion.


But, while walking through the forest, all five members of the group were left startled by a booming sound that resounded in their surroundings. Immediately thereafter, the group halted their forward movement and dashed through the bushes as they approached the origin of the sound.




(Moments Ago)


A punch from a massive furred fist landed on Blade's unprotected chest, sending his body flying a few meters back.

His eyes contained shock from the speed of said punch as there was visible blood all over his body. But, he wasn't the only one damaged since the beast also seemed to be suffering plenty.


A mouthful of blood escaped Blade's lips and splattered on the dirt ground of the forest. Blade did not even know how to properly fight since, in his first world, there was no logical reason whatsoever for him to learn such a thing.


The air parted as the black-furred right fist of the ape-like creature rapidly rushed toward Blade's kneeling body. Blade instantly rolled over to his left side, and even though he did not learn any kind of martial arts, he was able to barely evade the fist. After all, he wasn't a fool to remain unmoving.

"Hah..." Blade grunted as he jumped to his feet and dashed toward the body of the creature a few meters in front of him. Blade pulled his right fist backward as he prepared himself to send a punch that contained his full power toward the body of the monster.


A loud explosion boomed in Blade's surroundings. The creature was sent flying back because of the power contained in Blade's arm. Blood escaped from the creature's mouth as it landed on the dirt flooring of the forest.


Even though it was sent flying with incredible momentum, the creature instantly got back to its feet and roared in visible anger.

Such a monster was what one can label as the predator, yet it was suddenly being bloodied by some weird-looking entity? The ape-like monster wasn't having any of it as it began beating on its chest, causing multiple thumping noises to resound in Blade's ears.


The ground shook as the creature blasted toward Blade on all four of its limbs. With its hefty weight, the dirt ground couldn't hold up, and this caused numerous cracks to form on the ground.

Feeling the intense bloodlust contained in the eyes of the ape-like creature, Blade, felt cold sweat trickling down his back.

One must know that Blade was rather new to this lifestyle of brutality and when seeing the monster heading toward him with visible killing intent, his movements froze in fear!

But, such a feeling disappeared almost instantly because of the adrenaline that began coursing through his veins. The hesitation he once felt disappeared while his focus honed in on the incoming enemy he now faced. Yet, such a moment of hesitation was all it took for Blade's fate to be sealed.

The battle between inhuman creatures such as Blade and the ape was so incredibly unreal, that such a moment of delay was all it took for the ape-like monster to appear in front of Blade's body and to send a powerful punch toward Blade's chest.


Without any time to react, Blade received an attack capable of blowing any earthling to bits. His body momentarily went airborne as his pupils which were surrounded by a crystal blue hue dilated and he spat a mouthful of blood that went on to land on the outstretched fist of the beast.


Blade's body exaggeratedly landed on the ground. The sight of his now seemingly lifeless body still wasn't enough for the ape-like creature. And, even though it saw the blood seeping out of Blade's lips, the ape-like beast walked on all four limbs toward Blade as it then went on to...


The beast began hammering multiple punches toward Blade's body. If one was present, they'll be able to hear the sound of bones cracking and see the gruesome sight of Blade's blood splattering throughout the surroundings!...

Blade's previously lost consciousness immediately returned when the creature began hammering down on Blade's body.

Even though he was in great pain, and every punch from the monster felt like a bowling ball falling on his mortal body, Blade gritted his teeth and fought the intense pain even with tears trickling down his cheeks.


A growl escaped his lips as he twisted his way out of the barrage of attacks. The only reason he was even able to move was mainly due to the regeneration he had that was multiple levels higher than any average lifeform.

Even though he couldn't even feel his legs, with the threat of death on the line, Blade forcefully stood to his feet in time to luckily evade the punch that was aiming to blow his skull to pieces!

The wild punch from the ape creature caused it to lose any sort of form, leaving its ribcage area open for Blade to send a punch of his own.


The beast was once more sent flying through the air but, this time there was a difference. It was not merely a full-powered punch this time. It was in fact, a punch that contained Blade's full power under an immense adrenaline boost.

Blade was able to unlock a newfound strength when under such a life-threatening situation, and even though he felt incredible pain, he also felt some strength he wasn't aware he had, coursing through his body.


Yet, even after being on the receiving end of such an attack, the ape-like creature was unwilling to throw in the towel, as it weakly got up to its feet.

Seeing this, Blade wasn't planning to wait for his enemy to regain his bearings, so with a newfound power running through his body, Blade rushed toward the beast and sent a kick toward its chest.


The kick from Blade was so powerful that the ape-like monster was sent flying straight up and into the air. It had reached a dozen or so meters in the air before it began descending once more...this time at an incredibly quick speed.

Because of the power contained in Blade's body, and the power Blade was able to burst forth with, the consciousness of the ape creature had long dissipated. Sensing this as his opportunity, Blade crouched down and prepared to send his final punch toward his opponent.


The surrounding winds churned wildly when the fist and the chest of both creatures connected. A loud explosion boomed in Blade's surroundings that went on to startle every creature in the 30-meter area around Blade...




The blood of the ape monster dripped onto the dirt ground as its chest was penetrated by Blade's fist. The bloody scene didn't affect Blade one bit since he had been bathing in blood for the past couple of weeks.

After the fact that he had just defeated the monster was processed by his brain, Blade's body dropped to the floor as the intense pain he was previously feeling multiplied by many levels.

Blade felt his body giving up on him, but just before he was about to allow himself to drop to the floor and succumb to his exhaustion...


The sound of the bushes and leaves rustling signaling the imminent appearance of someone caused Blade to shoot back up to his feet and dash onto the tall tree that was a few meters away from him.

"Huh?!" Selina exclaimed in surprise and shock after seeing the shocking sight of the ape monster dead and with a gaping hole in its chest.

"Who could have killed a beast... And a beast that still radiates with such strength even after death?!" The perverted old man followed in alarm clear in his voice. They had just passed through some thick bushes, and what they saw shocked them to the core.


But, just as the group of humans was about to further inspect the ape's body, Selina felt something fall on her shoulder. Immediately after darting her gaze, she saw the sight of a dark drop of splattered blood on her armor's shoulder.


With alarm, she shot her gaze toward the skies, or more accurately, the branch that hovered over her head, and what she saw...

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