
Rise the Star Child Academy

In a world 140 years after the cataclysmic era known as the Super Age of Star Children, humanity had managed to rebuild and survive against all odds. The scars of that bygone era still marred the world, a constant reminder of the devastating threats that had once plagued the planet. Countries across the globe had come to rely on a new generation of individuals known as "Star Children" to fend off the relentless attacks of demons that had become an unrelenting menace. The Seven Generations of Star Children had fought valiantly, but the demon threat persisted, looming over humanity like a malevolent shadow. Enter the protagonist, John Emwitts

Greater_Oat · แฟนตาซี
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210 Chs

Rebery 9

"I don't know but it sounded like his thing but louder. I haven't seen any of the neighbours or mummy or daddy in two weeks." John feeling bad, spoke, "Have you seen what it was? What did it look like?"

The child spoke as the sound of thrusters was heard soaring across the sky and landing. The girl crawled back into the closet as everyone got down. It was outside, its presence was powerful!

John whispered to the girl, "Stay here. We are going to get you out of here!" She nodded as John spok- "I sense the presence of Star Children!" A distorted and insane voice said with a chitter. A sweat rolled down John's face as it started walking past houses.

Slyas got up, "It can sense me." He walked down the stairs and outside to go face-to-face with whatever it was. It was a demonized Rebekka who watched him like a beast.

John looked outside and locked onto a spot where the Osprey should land and seconds after the gear booms outside. "Is there a backdoor?" The girl nodded as they heard rotatory blades.

Slyas sliced her throat and he watched as it regenerated and Rebekka punched the shield he barely managed to raise.