
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Forces Gather

On the southern border of the Forest of Misery is Kalia Village. A large village almost as big as a city, is ruled by Chief Quil.

Quil is a short man who is more inclined to the ways of commerce. Making money is something he excels at and has made a lucrative prospect of Kalia Village.

Kalia Village possesses a lot of farmable land and is close to a river that runs along the side of the Great Tinchita Mountain Range. This mountain range goes through the middle of the continent from the eastern border of the Melvinth Empire ,across to the western border of Eailnoth Empire, and down to the eastern border of the Holy Empire of Darkendale.

The river runs beside the mountain range for a few miles then splits off going northeast until it reconnects to the Salacian Ocean. This river because of its connection usually contains high amounts of fish and a good amount of ores that have been discovered 60 years prior.

Kalia uses the natural resources around itself to create large quantities of trade goods. So it generates high amounts of money; but because of this it garners the attention of bandits and wealthy nobles who wish to dip their hands in the cookie jar.

Quil understanding that his village will wealthier than most villages doesn't contain enough soldiers to handle the upcoming raid. With his 1300 men fully outfitted and trained, it still wouldn't be enough to win.

So after hearing the suggestions of Lance, he while not happy about working with Galvin and his men from Negal Village. He understood the the necessity of fighting together to survive the coming threat.

After agreeing to the terms of cooperation between Darkshade, Negal, and Kalia; Quil began to ready his men and buy up large amounts of goods needed for the coming battles.

Yesterday, a guard entered into Quil's office with a report. "Sir Negal Village scouts report the movement of the bandit army of 5000 strong is headed their way." The guard puts the report down on the desk and backs away.

"So the time has come, gather my men and begin preparation to march out for Negal." Orders Quil as he stands up and looks out his office window. Quil looks out at the sky and thinks; "How many will survive the upcoming battle."

Quil and his 1300 men gathered their gear and supplies and marched off to Negal Village. However, in the background many eyes watched this army move along.

"These weak men are geared up for something. They are moving in the same direction as the fate lines." Says a figure in black armor

"It seems whatever we are looking for has drawn the interest of the local lords. Let's follow them to their destination, we might come across some interesting things. Another figure in black says as 6 men in black rush out to follow the army ahead.

Back with Ryuji, the march through the forest was treacherous for the men. Poisonous bugs and animals would creep up and bite some unlucky men. The quietness of the vast forest also mentally assaulted the men creating anxiety and fear within their hearts.

"We are almost out everyone gather your resolve and move on; if you stop now in fear of some trees, then we might as well lay down and die forsaking our family to a cruel fate."

"Grab hold of your fears, gather up your courage to protect what you cherish most, and use that to pull you through any obstacle ahead!" Harvey gives a speech to uplift the soldiers spirits.

Lance slows down from the head of the pack and moves over to Ryuji's location.

"Hey Ryuji you mind if I ask you something?"

Ryuji with confusion on his face replies. "Sure go ahead".

"Well I'm getting older and I don't see myself finishing some dreams I have looked forward to. I wish to devise a way of fusing Barriers and Seals together to create different effects that can be engraved on anything. Using the power of both you could create beneficial effects that can combine with the user and support their abilities. So I wanted to ask if you would inherit my dream?"

Lance looks at Ryuji hopeful of his answer.

Ryuji astonished by the question asks Lance a question. "Why me? I don't think I have what it takes to accomplish your dream."

"You probably don't know, but the fact that you were not only able to create a matrix, but you also were able to infuse never thought of effects in them to create a new barrier. Most people create their first barrier after half a year of practice and oversight by their master." Explains Lance

"So saying your not qualified is funny as hell to me." Lance begins to laugh loud enough that everyone could hear it.

"I don't know what to say, but I guess if you believe in me I will accept your request." Lance nods his head and passes Ryuji a book covered in notes.

"This book contains all the research and ideas I have come up with in the last 30 years. I hope it will help you along and I hope if you succeed that I will still be alive to witness it." A tear rolls down Lance's face and he smiles and walks back to the front.

Ryuji thinks about what just happened and nods his head. With nothing else major happening the army continues to march forward.

The next day while camped Ryuji meditates as usual. Cosmo gathers around him and he begins to drift into his soul world. He notices his spirit watching him and he decides to move over towards him.

"Ryuji be careful of your surroundings I sense someone is watching you, their control of cosmo is at a high level I can only occasionally sense small embers of cosmo lighting up around us. Whoever this person is they are capable of invisibility and can evade even Harvey and Lance's senses. However, I don't sense any hostility from them only curiosity." The spirit warms him of a hidden watcher them resumes staring out at the void.

"I wonder what I have done to draw the eye of such a high level secret admirer. Maybe someone has noticed my souls entry into this world so they are seeing what I will do."

Ryuji thinks for a while on many reasons why he would be watched, but decides to ignore it for now since he can't do anything about it. Ryuji now distracted opens the book Lance gave him and begins to study it.

Lance's idea was to create a matrix that follows whatever orders placed, then you would stack the core of a seal on top and install a different effect other than sealing, this would allow you to create enchantments on armor and weapons.

The problem showed up when you try to stack the two together. They would begin to repulse each other causing the destruction of both. Ryuji sat there for the remainder of his free time thinking of ways to easily stack the 2 together.

A days goes by and the army have already exited the forest and are getting closer to Negal Village. Along the way is a checkpoint where they will meet up with Kalia Village and move out together.

As the army marched on both Harvey, Lance, and Ryuji sensed something.

"ENEMY ATTACK! Move to positions!" Orders Harvey.

A small group of 100 men are hiding in a somewhat artificial hole along their route. An ambush was setup probably to slow down the advance of the other armies.

"Spearmen into position, move forward and hold these scum in place. Ryuji when they are in position lead 100 swordsman to flank them from behind." Harvey designates the battle lines then moves forward with the spearmen.

Ryuji watches as Harvey and the spearmen clash with the bandits.

"Everyone with me!" He orders the swordsmen to follow him. They run around the fight and move up fast and quick to the bandits rear end.

Ryuji burns his cosmo covering his body in energy to enhance his speed and attacks. He moves on a bandit; the bandit slashes with his swords. Ryuji slides to the left and swings his sword down on the bandits neck removing it from the rest of the body.

Afterwards, he blitz at high speeds into the enemy lines parrying slashes and cutting off the hands of those who missed to make it easier on the swordsmen behind.

The battle last for 5 minutes and is quickly wrapped up. They lost 13 spearmen to untimed blocks, thirty other men were cut and bruised but they would live. Everyone began to tend to the wounded and cleanup the battlefield.

"If the bandits have hidden ambushes along the way for us then they wish to slow us down. If we don't push through and hurry Negal Village might have already fallen." Harvey coming up with a plan of action decides they must continue forward pushing through the ambushes.

After, everyone is ready they set out again this time the men are wary checking their surroundings for traps and ambushes. Ryuji thinking of a great idea moves up to Harvey.

"Harvey I have an idea, allow me to run ahead and check the path for ambushes."

"It will be very dangerous, though you are strong you should always be careful, many ants can bring down an elephant. Go ahead and check for us." Harvey nods and slides a map to Ryuji.

"Thanks I will leave a mark along the path to signal the situation. If you see a circle that means its safe if its an X that means danger is ahead." Ryuji looks Harvey in the eye then nods.

Ryuji covers his body in cosmo and runs forward along the path. An hour later he comes across a field with rocks and trees around. He begins to sense out for life and any movement. Not finding anything he moves to the path and places a circle on the ground and carries on.

2 Hours later the road begins to dip downward into a trench. Ryuji finding this spot as a potential ambush spot jumps up to the top of the hill. He senses out and notices life signs hidden under patches of rocks and foliage. Without alerting the enemy he moves back to the road goes back a ways and then places an X on the ground.

Looking around he spots a small forest of trees, catching an idea he grabs some rocks and jumps into the trees. He moves his cosmo to his hands and covers the rocks in it. He lines up his arm with a nearby bandit spot and tosses the rock.

The rock flies out, enters the man made hole and smacks a bandit in the head. Alerted by their fallen brethren the bandits yell and jump out of their hole.

They look around then out of no where, BAM, another bandit falls to a rock.

Noticing the direction the rock came from the bandits run to the forest and search around. Ryuji finds this as an opportunity, he leaps down behind a tree near the farthest bandit. He places cosmo on his feet to muffle his steps and moves up on the bandit. He walks up, pulls out a dagger and , grabs the bandits mouth before quickly slashing his throat.

With that bandit dead he grabs his body and jump up into the trees hiding the body. He move on to the last 2 guys. He jumps down on top of the right bandit thrust his dagger through the bandits throat; then tosses the dagger at the last bandit penetrating his head killing him.

With the bandits dead he sits on the ground and begins to recover his lost cosmo.

After recovering enough he moves around the ambush leaving the rest of the bandits for the army.

An hour later he finally makes it too the checkpoint. In front of him stands a wood and metal outpost, however, this outpost his ghostly empty and quiet.

Ryuji feeling something isn't right quietly enters the outpost and begins to sense around and search for anyone. Inside he eventually finds the dead bodies of guards and empty boxes of what would be food and weapons. Finding the outpost clear, he decides to check the surrounding land for any hidden foes.

10 yards away sits a bandit group hidden in the ground. "Boss are you sure this is gonna work, will those wretches fall for something so stupid." Questions a harry bandit who looks as though he hasn't bathed in months.

"Quiet retard, how can an idiot like you understand the great truth that the easiest things in life are the most effective." The group leader smiles with a confident look in his eye.

Ryuji dashing around picks up on a group of life signs. So he goes towards the group and notices a similar fake patch of grass. Thinking of the stupidity of the bandits he grabs some wood, some dry grass, and a rock and begins to create a fire.

10 minutes later a few sparks appear then a fire starts. Ryuji moves quick and quietly to the hidden hole and puts the wood on the ground near the grass. He runs back and grabs a pile of leaves and grass and tosses it on the now burning pile.

"Boss! Boss! umm something is burning." Exclaims the bandit.

Sniff Sniff "Damn your right." The bandit leader looks up to the exit and notices smoke coming down into the hole.

Outside Ryuji stacks up large rocks and wood over the now burning hole. As he does this he whistles a pleasant tune.

"Shit Shit Shit! The fire is entering the cave , idiots start digging or we all die!" The leader screams out in a panic.

"But sir we don't have any shovels."

"Idiot use your hands, do something or we die!" The bandits begin to dig out an exit, however, slowly they begin to slow down and eventually faint and die from inhaling too much smoke.

Finding it clear nearby he returns to the outpost and waits for the others. 3 hours later the others show up with not a single man missing.

What happen here Ryuji? Questions Harvey noticing dead guards.

"Bandits got to them first and hid away in a hole not too far away. I suffocated them with smoke so we are in the clear." Ryuji tosses up a thumb to signal a job well done.

"Now we wait and hopefully not to long." Says Harvey as he sits down to rest.

2 and a half hours later, an army approaches from the south. Quil and his men had arrived but they were down 200 men.

"Harvey its good to see you my friend sorry we're late, we ran into some ambushes along the way losing a-lot of men."

It's good that you are here, you and your men rest for an hour then we should set off. The Corak knows we are coming so he will attack Negal as quickly as possible to lower the forces on our side.

"Ryuji I need your help again, can you and Lance go on ahead and try to buy time for us. Lance should be able to setup a barrier that should hold the Village long enough for us to arrive." Lance nods his head in agreement.

"Very well Lance let's get a move on." Ryuji and Lance get up and make their way to Negal village at top speed.

At Negal village the village is surrounded by bandits. The 1500 men inside stand near the walls and rain down arrows on the enemy troops. Galvin stands on the wall giving orders to his fellow villagers.

Outside Corak can be seen watching the fight, smiling, anticipating an easy victory. "After, I destroy these villages I will move on to the great city of unending Knowledge its time a new Emperor sat on the throne." He begins to laugh confidently as if the world was his plaything.

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