
Rise of the Soul Reaper Saint

An early, failed Vaizard experiment by Aizen is left to die in the Dangai. However, at the instance before the Kōtotsu would have ended his existence. A space storm pulled him out of the dangai and into a new world. Once he enters this new world he will have to adapt to the powers that be and figure out a way to get home. I do not own the Bleach Series or the Saint Seiya series they are properties of their respectful authors Tite Kubo and Masami Kurumada.

Vaekyr · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Holding the Line

Ryuji and Lance ran towards Negal using their cosmo at full effect. As they traveled, Ryuji though about a-lot of ways they could help with the things at their disposal. Getting an idea about something that could help delay the fall of the village Ryuji turns his head to Lance.

"Hey Lance do you have any extra barrier points, I can borrow? I have come up with an idea that might work perfectly to buy time." Lance turns his head towards Ryuji and nods his head, then reaches in his bag and pulls out some points throwing them to Ryuji.

"Thanks. I got an idea about creating a reversed barrier; more like a trap than burns anything inside of it." Ryuji begins to work on his idea inlaying matrixes into the points.

He sets the barrier to not defend, but to trap in those that walk into it. Once enough people step inside, a remote switch can activate the hidden effect causing a massive explosion of fire.

Proud of his work he puts the points away and hurry along to the village. 20 minutes later the village comes into view. Fires burn steadily on the walls and many bandits can be seen towering around. The archers rain arrows down upon a group of shielded bandits carrying a battering ram towards the front gate.

"Lance I'm going to create a way into the village for you, get inside and inform Galvin of the arrival of reinforcements." Ryuji nods towards Lance then runs forward.

"This kid is crazy as hell." Says Lance as he follows behind.

As Ryuji and Lance gets closer to the bandits circling the walls. A bandit near the back notices them and screams to those nearby.

"We got 2 idiots charging at us from behind boys!" The bandits that heard that turned around noticing the 2 figures running their way.

"Guess they got a death wish, kill em!" The bandits laugh and charge towards Ryuji and Lance.

Corak noticing the movement of his men at the back looks towards them.

"What the hell are they doing?" He wonders looking around noticing 2 figures running forward.

Ryuji charges up his cosmo directing it towards his fist. As he gets closer to the charging bandits he stops and punches forward.

"HAAAAAAA!" Ryuji screams as a blue wave of cosmo appears sweeps forward , striking the bandits ahead.

"AHHHH!!" Screams the bandits in pain as the bandits are blasted into the air.

The wave of cosmo shoots forward striking any bandits in its path. Eventually a long path opens up all the way to the wall.

Corak stands up and smiles. "So Galvin was able to call upon 2 more cosmo warriors, I shall break then all the same."

Galvin noticing the burst of cosmo looks over wondering if backup had arrived. "You guys continue to hold over here I'm going to move over to that burst of cosmo to see if it's a friend or foe." Galvin dashes along the walls making his way over to the source of the blast. As he looks out he notices Lance and Ryuji standing out behind the Bandit army.

"That boy is powerful, almost as strong as Harvey I can sense the cosmo radiating off of him from here." Stunned by the power emanating from Ryuji Galvin looks at Lance.

Lance noticing his opportunity and dashes through the bandit army jumping up onto the wall next to Galvin. "Sorry it took us so long to get here Galvin. The others are on the way, they were delayed by bandit ambushes and should be here in the next 30 minutes or so."

"It's great that you have made it any help will be good right now. Who is the young man you brought with you he is powerful?" Galvin asks Lance in interest.

"He is someone that got lost in the Forest of Misery and ended up at Darkshade village. Harvey noticing his talent ended up training him on how to use his cosmo."

"I have also trained him a little in barriers; he has a talent never seen before when it comes to making barriers. He created some type of barrier that his going to use to hold back the bandit force to buy time for the reinforcements to catch up."

"Have your men support Ryuji from the wall, while I setup a barrier to protect the village from attacks. We must hold for as long as possible, then when everyone is here we strike out with our full force." Lance tells Galvin his plan then jumps down the wall to setup his barrier points.

Galvin rushes back to his men and order them to continue raining down arrows on the bandits. Ryuji seeing Lance get into the village safely, turns towards the bulk of the bandit army and runs towards them. He begins to fight the bandit army suppressed by the swarm of arrows. He slashes at a unprepared bandit cutting his arm off, then does a roundhouse kick to his head. The bandit body flies back smashing into the bandits behind him.

Ryuji turns sensing 3 bandits rushing towards him with spears. He jumps above their heads slashing the bandit in the middle head off. As he lands he crouches down and does a sweep cutting the shin of the other 2 bandits dropping them to the ground. He gets up and continues to slaughter through the bandit army. As he fights around he drops points on the ground, setting up a giant circle around the bulk of the army.

Corak annoyed by the actions of Ryuji dashes towards him, his cosmo suppressing the bandits nearby. Ryuji after cutting into the chest of a bandit senses a heavy cosmo charging towards him. He turns toward the source and begins to charge his cosmo around his body readying a punch.

Corak gathers his energy towards his right hand then when he gets close enough to Ryuji he punches towards his head. Ryuji meets his attack head on, his fist swinging forward to meet the oncoming attack.

Their attacks collide, creating an explosion that pushes back any bandits too close. The ground cracks around them and the air shakes. An explosion of cosmo occurs, then the sight of 2 figures sliding backwards is seen in the cover of the smoke.

Ryuji slides back 5 steps and has a trace of blood leaking from his mouth. Corak slides back 3 steps a look of surprise is plastered on his face.

"You are strong little pup, why don't you join me and I will train you into a mighty warrior only second to me." Corak looks towards Ryuji excitement in his eyes.

"I can't join you I'm afraid, you aren't worthy enough for my service, plus your just a little bandit chief compared to some other forces out there." Ryuji shakes his head and assumes a battle stance.

"Then you shall die becoming a stepping stone to my path of conquest, DIE!!" Screams out Corak as he charges towards Ryuji.

Corak runs forward then jumps into the air, cosmo gathers in his leg then he kicks downward towards Ryuji. A slash of cosmo shoots out dashing in Ryuji's direction. Ryuji jumps to the side dodging the slash, then gathers his cosmo and punches out with a wave of cosmo.

Corak stuck in the air, crosses his arms in front of himself covering them in cosmo. The wave clashes into Corak pushing him back, the cosmo making small cuts into his arms. Not taking much damage from the attack. Corak lands then charges towards Ryuji, they both begin to fight in close combat covering their body in cosmo.

In the village, Lance has placed down most of the points needed for his barrier. He places the last point the infuses his cosmo into it. With the main points done he moves to Galvin and informs him of the completion of the barrier.

"We need to get the kid inside before we activate the barrier. Galvin looks out towards Ryuji and Corak fighting.

I'll get the kid says Galvin as his cosmo begins to move towards his legs. Lance reaches out and grabs Galvin's shoulder.

"Wait! Ryuji has a trap prepared, he is going to set it off and retreat back into the village."

The fight between Corak and Ryuji continues, Ryuji is covered in bruises and cuts, but the will for battle is strong within his eyes. He begins to gather his cosmo as he ducks his head under a kick from Corak. He jumps backward and punches out a wave of cosmo that pushes Corak away.

Ryuji grabs in his pocket a barrier point and dashes towards the wall. Corak stabilizing himself from the blast looks out at the retreating Ryuji and notices the point in his hand. He understands something is coming and dashes away from the battlefield. 1500 of the 5000 bandits stand their watching the retreating figures of Ryuji and Corak.

"Where are they going?" Questions the confused bandits.

When Ryuji is out of the traps range he infuses his cosmo into the point and jumps unto the wall. Light appears on the points placed out on the ground; some bandits notice the peculiar points wondering what is going to happen. Cosmo in the area charges up into the points then a massive explosion of fire engulfs the 1500 unfortunate bandits.

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