
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Welcome to Elysium

Aiden and Ethan stepped off the bus, their worn backpacks contrasting with the grandiose architecture of the school. Before them, the Elysium complex sprawled, majestic and intimidating. Buildings of various styles were organized around a large paved courtyard, where an imposing tree with luminescent blue leaves stood, like a beacon in the night.

Raven guided them to the main entrance, a large sculpted wooden gate guarded by two statues representing mythological creatures. Aiden couldn't help but shiver as he passed between them, as if their stone eyes were following him.

"Welcome to Elysium," Raven declared as they entered a vast hall with a vaulted ceiling. "The school where students learn to master their gifts and shape the future."

Everywhere, young people their age went about their business, some immersed in books, others practicing magic. A girl passed in front of them, levitating a stack of grimoires that followed her like a faithful little dog. A boy, sitting cross-legged in a corner, was growing a bonsai tree between his hands, accelerating the cycle of life.

"The school is divided into four sections," Raven explained, leading them through a maze of corridors. "The body, for those whose powers are physical. The mind, for mental gifts. The soul, for abilities related to emotions and perception. And finally, matter, for those who can manipulate elements and objects."

"How is all this possible?" Aiden breathed, incredulous. "The Awakening only happened a month ago, and yet, everything here seems so... established."

Raven gave them an enigmatic smile.

"Elysium existed long before the Awakening," he explained. "But its true purpose was only revealed after the catastrophe. Everything you see here is the result of decades of preparation, in anticipation of this fateful day."

Ethan frowned, perplexed.

"But how did you know this catastrophe was going to happen? And why not warn the world, try to prevent it?"

Raven's gaze clouded.

"That's a long story, which you will learn in due time," he said softly. "For now, focus on your integration here. The classes will provide you with the answers you seek."

He guided them through a maze of corridors, pointing out the different sections of the school as they went. The main building housed the classrooms, where theoretical courses on the history of magic, runes, and elemental control were taught. A little further on, a large gymnasium served for physical training and simulated combat. Next to it, an imposing library was filled with rare manuscripts and esoteric treatises.

"And here is your residence," Raven finally announced, leading them to a smaller building, set apart. "You will live here with two other students. Each has their own room, but you will share the common areas."

He left them on the doorstep, giving them an appointment the next day for their first day of classes.

The living room was spacious and comfortable, far from the deprivation they were used to.

Aiden sat down on a couch, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. For the first time since the Awakening, he felt safe. In his place.

Ethan had already immersed himself in the schedule, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Look at this!" he exclaimed. "Elemental control classes, introduction to runes, history of magic... We're finally going to learn how to use our powers!"

Aiden smiled at his friend's enthusiasm. He too was eager to learn more, to finally understand the nature of his abilities. But a part of him couldn't help but wonder. Why had Max sent them here? What did he know about this school, its role in this upturned world?

Barely had they put down their bags when a female voice called out to them.

"You must be my new roommates! I'm Mina, nice to meet you."

A young girl with long, straight brown hair joined them, a big smile on her lips. Aiden couldn't help but notice her strikingly blue eyes, sparkling with intelligence and mischief, an athletic body with some very pleasant curves. Aiden couldn't help but look at her a little longer than necessary.

"I'm Aiden, and this is Ethan," he introduced himself, suddenly shy. "Nice to meet you."

"I hope you're ready for this adventure," said another voice, male this time.

A shorter, slightly chubby boy with tousled blond hair emerged from his room, looking at them in a friendly way.

"I'm Kai, your fourth roommate. Welcome to our humble abode!"

An animated discussion followed, each introducing themselves and sharing their story. Mina, they learned, had the power to communicate with animals and summon them. Kai could create and manipulate lightning.

"And you, what are your gifts?" Mina asked, intrigued.

Aiden and Ethan exchanged a look, still not used to talking openly about their abilities.

"I'm... fast and strong," he said simply. "And I have keen senses."

"A physical one, then," Kai nodded. "And you, Ethan?"

"I can manipulate gravity," the young man revealed. "Make things heavier or lighter, make them levitate..."

"Impressive!" Mina breathed. "Our powers complement each other well, all four of us. I feel we're going to make a great team!

As they continued to chat and laugh, sharing a simple but tasty meal, Aiden felt a new warmth invade him. For the first time since the Awakening, he felt he had found his place. To belong to something.

But a part of him couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries surrounding Elysium. What had really happened during the Awakening? Why did this school seem so prepared? And above all, what role were they destined to play in the events to come?

But as he drifted off to sleep, a thought haunted him, like an insidious snake coiling in his mind. What if, despite everything, he could not escape his deep nature? If the monster in him always ended up resurfacing, no matter what he did?

It had also been some time since he had drunk blood... And he didn't know when that damn notification was going to appear...


Although the school seems welcoming, it also seems full of mystery. What will Aiden's first day at school be like?

Let's go for this new arc in Elysium!

And a big thanks to Sora122_4 for the powerstones!

Anthocscreators' thoughts