
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

The Night Stalker

Sitting on his bed, Aiden carefully examined the strange rewards he had obtained from his solo descent into the depths of the dungeon. The mysterious egg pulsed softly between his hands, its smooth, warm surface emitting a faint reddish glow. He turned it over and over, searching for a clue to its nature or use, but nothing came.

"System, can you tell me exactly what this is?" he asked, hoping for an explanation.

But the System remained silent, no notification coming to shed light on the matter. Aiden frowned, frustrated by this lack of information. What could this egg contain? A creature? A power? A secret?

With a sigh, he carefully stored it in his inventory, promising himself to unravel this mystery later. His attention then turned to the twin daggers that lay beside him, their organic appearance and regular pulsations arousing both his curiosity and a slight apprehension.

With a cautious gesture, he picked them up, appreciating their perfect weight and balance in his hands. The guards seemed molded to his palms, as if these weapons had been created specifically for him. A subtle warmth emanated from the blades, spreading through his arms in a strange but not unpleasant tingling sensation.

"Analyze," he murmured, activating the skill that allowed him to obtain information about objects.

Immediately, a series of notifications appeared before his eyes, detailing the properties of the daggers.

"Evolving Daggers - Evolutionary rank living weapon. These twin daggers are imbued with a vital essence allowing them to grow and adapt to their wielder. Their history is ancient and shrouded in mystery, but it seems they were forged from the still-beating heart of a superior demon, in the infernal forges of a demonic plane.

Known properties:

- Symbiotic bond: The daggers bond with their wielder, adapting to their strength, speed, and combat style. The stronger the bond, the more powerful the daggers become.

- Thirst for blood: The blades feed on the blood of vanquished enemies, acquiring new abilities as battles progress.

- Evolution: By accumulating enough experience and blood, the daggers can evolve, unlocking new forms and powers.

Warning: The Evolving Daggers are sentient weapons with their own will. Too strong a bond can lead to a harmful influence on the wielder, pushing them to satisfy their thirst for blood and combat ever more.

Level 1: +5 to all characteristics."

Aiden remained motionless for a long time, digesting these revelations. Demonic weapons linked to him, capable of evolving by feeding on his victims... It was both exhilarating and terrifying. A part of him reveled in the idea of possessing such power, of having in his hands the means to become even stronger, more lethal. But another part, the one that still clung to his humanity, shuddered at the prospect of this harmful influence, of this thirst for blood to be quenched.

"With such power, I could accomplish great things," he mused. "Protect those dear to me, enforce justice according to my own rules. But at what cost?"

He thought back to his experience in the dungeon, to the way he had let the beast within him take control. The power he had felt, the intoxication of the slaughter... It was heady, intoxicating. But it was also a warning. A caution against the darkness that threatened to engulf him if he wasn't careful.

"I must learn to master these urges," he resolved. "Use this power, without letting it consume me. Find the balance between the human and the monster."

"And then, I will become the sum of both, even more powerful," he thought with a smirk.

His gaze fell again on the daggers, gleaming with new determination.

"I accept you," he declared solemnly, as if sealing a pact. "Together, we will become stronger. But I will not lose myself along the way. I will remain the master of my destiny."

"Wow, that's a bit embarrassing to say out loud" he thought after his action.

As if in response to his declaration, the daggers emitted a stronger, almost triumphant pulsation, before nestling themselves into the sheaths at his belt, as if they had always been there. But, given the way he had obtained them, he preferred to store them in his inventory, and use them only as a last resort, or when there was no one around, for now.

Aiden took a deep breath, imbuing himself with this new resolution. Then, with a final glance at his window behind which dawn was breaking, he lay down on his bed, letting the fatigue of this emotionally rich night overwhelm him.

But as he pondered, he realized he wasn't really tired. His evolution into a Blood Dhampir had made him more resilient, and he no longer had to sleep every night. He just had to wait until sunrise.

Aiden lay for a moment, eyes fixed on the ceiling, his mind seething with thoughts and possibilities. Suddenly, a dull thud made him jump. It seemed to come from outside, as if something heavy had fallen.

Intrigued, he rose and approached the window, peering into the darkness of the campus. At first, he saw nothing unusual. But as he was about to turn away, a movement caught his attention.

A hooded figure was furtively crossing the courtyard, heading towards the main building. Their movements were fluid and silent, almost supernatural. Who could it be at this hour of the night? And what were they doing?

Heart pounding, Aiden hesitated for a moment. Should he follow this strange visitor, find out what they were up to? Or was it better to stay cautiously in his room, ignoring this mystery? 

"Come on, stop thinking and go," he told himself.

His curiosity and instinct prevailed. Silently, he opened his window and slipped outside, taking care to stay in the shadows. He had a feeling that this nocturnal stalking was going to lead him to important revelations, perhaps even crucial ones for the rest of his adventure.

Holding his breath, Aiden set off in pursuit of the figure, a feverish anticipation running through his veins. What secrets would he uncover tonight?