
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Dungeon [3]

The goblin horde surged over them like a seething, greenish wave. Aiden and his companions quickly found themselves overwhelmed, each struggling to push back the assailants pressing in from all sides.

Aiden felt adrenaline coursing through his veins, heightening his reflexes and strength. His fists and feet flew, smashing the skulls and limbs of the goblins that ventured too close. But they were so numerous, so relentless, that he struggled to maintain his position.

Little by little, driven by the necessity to survive, the four friends began to drift apart, each drawn in a different direction by the flow of battle.

As he fought, Aiden felt something awaken within him. It was a familiar sensation, but more intense than ever. The thirst for battle, the visceral need to hunt, to tear, to dominate. Without even realizing it, he let his dhampir nature take over, surrendering to the dark thrill of combat.

His nails elongated into sharp claws, lacerating the goblins' flesh with disconcerting ease. His canines stretched into keen fangs, ready to sink into the throats of his enemies. And his eyes, usually a warm brown, took on a blood-red hue, glowing in the gloom like two infernal embers.

With his supernatural vision, Aiden saw every detail of the battlefield, every movement of his adversaries. He anticipated their attacks, dodging and counter-attacking with inhuman speed and precision.

His companions, too busy fighting for their own survival, didn't notice his transformation. And in the chaos of the melee, who could say where the man ended and the monster began?

Aiden whirled among the enemy ranks, sowing death and terror in his wake. Each goblin that fell under his blows brought him experience points. But immersed in the frenzy of battle, he ignored the notifications floating at the periphery of his vision, focusing solely on the next target, the next enemy.

Around him, his friends fought with the same ardor. Kai's lightning streaked through the enemy ranks, frying goblins by the dozen. The animals summoned by Mina wreaked havoc, their fangs and claws tearing greenish flesh. And Ethan, like a puppet master, used his gravitational power to hurl his adversaries against each other or crush them with force.

The cavern floor was littered with corpses, blood forming dark, viscous pools. The air was saturated with the acrid stench of blood and death, a smell that filled Aiden's nostrils, intensifying his thirst.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the flow of goblins ebbed. The remaining few goblins were quickly slain, and then, nothing. No more enemies in sight.

Aiden remained motionless for a long moment, panting, his body covered in blood and sweat. Slowly, as if emerging from a dream, he felt his reason reassert itself, his vampiric nature receding like a tide.

When his friends rejoined him, exhausted but victorious, he had resumed his normal appearance. Only the gleam in his eyes, more intense than ever, might have betrayed what had just transpired.

"That was incredible!" Kai exclaimed, still vibrating with adrenaline. "I thought we'd never make it, but we did it!"

Ethan gave him a friendly bump, a broad smile on his face despite his fatigue.

"We make a hell of a team. Those goblins didn't know who they were messing with!"

Mina, more reserved, nevertheless nodded with satisfaction.

"I think we've proven our worth. But let's not rest on our laurels, this was only the beginning."

As if in response to her words, a deep rumble suddenly echoed through the cavern. A section of wall opened, revealing a descending staircase, a staircase that seemed to lead into even deeper darkness.

"The dungeon..." Kai breathed, his eyes wide. "It's inviting us to continue, to descend to the next level."

Aiden felt his heart race at the prospect. Power, evolution, it was all within reach. He only had to say the word...

But seeing the tired faces of his friends, their state of exhaustion despite their triumph, he knew he couldn't impose this on them. Not now, not right away.

"We've done enough for today," he declared, surprising everyone, himself first. "Let's go back up, get some rest. The dungeon will still be there tomorrow."

There was a moment of hesitation, then relieved nods. Together, leaning on each other, they made their way back, leaving behind the battlefield and its dark temptations.

But as they ascended towards the light, Aiden couldn't help glancing back one last time, towards the unfathomable depths and their promises of power.

Everyone quickly retired to their rooms, and the three fell asleep quickly, but not Aiden. After so much combat, he wondered what he had gained, for he had not taken the time to look at the notifications. And as he made them appear, he was surprised when they displayed.

"Finally..." he said to himself.