
Rise Of The Forgotten: Yautja Ascension

A diehard Marvel fan who wakes up to find himself reincarnated as a Yautja, one of the legendary hunters from the Predator movies. Big surprise he is in marvel. 'Mother@#$_&!!'

Vekay_Legend · ภาพยนตร์
11 Chs

Gods and Goddesses Of The Yautja

1. **Hish'ta'keth** - The King of the Gods:

- Power: Absolute mastery over all forms of combat and weaponry

- Domain: Patron of warriors and champions, guides hunters to victory in battle

2. **Ish'na'keth** - The Queen of the Gods:

- Power: Control over life and death, including the ability to heal or harm with a mere touch

- Domain: Patron of life and renewal, presides over the cycle of birth, growth, and transformation

3. **Skar'keth** - The God of Death:

- Power: Authority over the souls of the dead and dominion over the afterlife

- Domain: Judge of souls, determines the fate of fallen warriors and guides them to their final rest

4. **Ish'ta** - The Goddess of Wisdom:

- Power: Infinite knowledge and foresight, able to see all possible futures

- Domain: Patron of scholars and seers, guides mortals with her wisdom and insight

5. **Kor'shak** - The God of Leadership:

- Power: Charisma and authority, able to inspire loyalty and obedience in others

- Domain: Patron of leaders and strategists, leads the Yautja pantheon with strength and wisdom

6. **Ven'rax** - The Goddess of Vengeance:

- Power: Retribution and justice, able to mete out punishment to those who have wronged the Yautja

- Domain: Patron of avengers and defenders, protects the Yautja from their enemies and ensures that justice is served

7. **Grim'vor** - The God of Fate:

- Power: Control over destiny and probability, able to manipulate the threads of fate to achieve desired outcomes

- Domain: Patron of fateweavers and fortune-tellers, shapes the destinies of mortals and immortals alike

8. **Drak'ar** - The God of Darkness:

- Power: Mastery over shadows and stealth, able to move unseen and strike from the darkness

- Domain: Patron of assassins and spies, embodies the unseen dangers that lurk in the shadows

9. **Vak'tor** - The God of Power:

- Power: Raw physical strength and resilience, able to overcome any obstacle through sheer force

- Domain: Patron of warriors and champions, embodies the primal ferocity and indomitable spirit of the Yautja race

10. **Zar'grim** - The Goddess of the Hunt:

- Power: Enhanced senses and tracking abilities, able to hunt down any prey with unerring accuracy

- Domain: Patron of hunters and trackers, aids warriors in their pursuit of prey and ensures that no quarry can escape their grasp

**Xal'thun** - The God of Magic:

Power: Mastery over arcane forces and manipulation of mystical energies

Domain: Patron of sorcery and mysticism, controls the fabric of reality through spells and incantations