

The Fallen ones, Cursed race, The ones who fell, rejected by the world, What names haven't they been given? . In the past, they reigned throughout the world being leaders of the very world that shunned them. The power they had was unexplainable by normal means, their thoughts were inexplicable that no other person could think like that, and they were all around the world. But when they were at their peak, the top leaders mysteriously disappeared causing the fall of their descendants. a war sparked off and their decendants lost making them the slaves of the world. due to their ever-growing strength, the leaders got scared and sent them to a danger zone, the mysterious continent planning to kill them off. Will their choices backfire on them, or would it bring forth a new era for them?

Spandex_Playz · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs


"So what do you want?" I asked him since he had some problems with expressing himself.

"Ca.. Can we train together" he said stammering a little.

He didn't like speaking in public spaces he was a bit introverted.

"Sure, of course, we can start tomorrow" I replied.

Since he wanted to train with me it'll be a good thing for us, I lack experience and he lacks strength, we could both advise ourselves on this path.

I went back to my room and shortly later, food was brought in by the caregivers, I finished eaten and dropped the plate at the side to carry it to the canteen later.

I stood up and performed my morning stretches to get ready for today's training, it was an essential thing to do, if missed you could have the risk of your muscles tearing or serious muscles cramping.

To prevent those they were advised to do their daily morning and night stretches.

After that, he just did simple exercises to warm up his body, like thirty pushups, thirty pullups, and thirty mountain climbers, he did all of this without even a single drop of sweat pouring from his body.

He went outside as he prepared to start the day's training.

As he entered the training grounds there were a few people there, the place was built in an open ground with no roof only walls to surround it.

There were a variety of items around, in a rack at the side of the room there were all sorts of weapons made of wood available for practicing, in another part were groups of wooden dummies used for combat practice, and there was an arena in the middle of the training grounds.

Just a few people were out there training, one training her archery skills, the other training shield skills, and Micheal in the group of wooden dummies training his sword skills.

He went straight to the weapons area and picked some arm guards, and some shin guards, he often fought barehanded the only reason he used these guards was because he was always at a disadvantage when he was fighting with someone with a weapon.

If he was fighting someone with a weapon he either had to dodge or block, and blocking with his bare skin meant serious injury he was lucky they were only training with wooden weapons or else he'd be finished.

Since that day he started using arm guards and shin guards.

He quietly put them on as he sat at a corner of the training grounds, he had been training his endurance and durability with a skill lately, he'll drop heavy things on his body then using his arm guard he'll try to block or deflect the object.

He had seen some fights before, just a single punch using their full power could send someone flying, or the whip of the tail belonging to a monster.

Those were dangerous times, if you can't endure it you might die from it, so he had been training himself to stay steady on the ground if that kind of force and power was coming at him.

The only reason he tried this kind of dangerous training was because of where he was, in the first continent there wasn't rampant energy flowing out everywhere.

A wound that would most likely take one to two weeks to heal in the first continent would take two to three days max to heal in the second continent.

This kind of renegeration made many so go on insane training knowing they could be healed and it was just a matter of time.

This time he tried something different, rather than letting the item fall on him he wanted them to hit him like a punch.

So he took one of the heavy weight and left the training grounds, on the way to his location he looked for some ropes which he saw, and after walking for sometime he got to a large tree.

The leaves on the tree were all vibrant green, some branches as thick as men waists and some as small as a hand, the trunk of the tree was wide and strong that it could fit three men in it.

He climbed the tree located a strong branch, and tied the sturdy rope to it, the top of the tree was full of butterflies and other insects, there was even a bird nest in there.

I tied the weights on the rope, it was an eighty-dumbbell, I pushed the dumbbell slowly and waited for it to swing back to me.


I stood my ground only taking a step and a half back, "as expected this is a good training object" I said as I thought to myself.

This time I swinged it harder for more than 3 times, before it hit my arms again.

I went ten steps back as I coughed lightly, I let out a small chuckle as I thought how strong I'll be if I master this technique.

I had found some mistakes and thing I needed to do to improve the technique, the first thing I need is a sturdy body, the second is endurance, and the third if to find a way to channel the attack.

I noticed a problem, if I was in a real battle situation and I continued taking multiple hits like that, even though the other party would get tired my body will surely be damaged from sustaining multiple hits and the energy crashing into me.

So I have to find a way to redirect or channel the attack energy into an attack or another action.

I already had a good body even though I continued to train it every day, the only thing I lacked now was endurance, and that technique.

I continued my training, I wanted to know how many hits I could take before reaching my limits.

An hour later I sat on the floor drenched, my shirt torn, my fingers bleeding and my arms looked swollen, but I smiled as I endured the pain for I knew the gains were going to the worthwhile.


I heard a twig snap, I quickly turned and stood up shouting "Who's there?"