
Rise of the Celestial Asura Clan

Rosario was forced into the collective with all other humans from planet Earth and other races from the Milky Way Galaxy. Having been dropped into a crater on a massive planet and given some resources to survive, Rosario has to take what he has been given and turn it into a prosperous Empire. Follow Rosarios journey as he learns to be a leader to his people and an even better warrior. From the ashes of two civilizations the mighty Celestial Asura Clan arises.

PrimordialGio · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Chapter 25: Signing & The cave… again.

Rosario had walked off after he dropped the bomb of gaining 10 stat points with his level up. This time all 3 had been so shocked there were no exclamations, just 3 really stupefied gazes boring through his back as he walked over to Andromina.

She seemed to be cleaning up and had a small stack of contract vellums next to her on the ground. Gesturing at them Rosario asked.

"May I."

Nodding Andromina gathered the stack and handed them to Rosario, with a smile.

"Thank you I appreciate the work you put into these; you are going to be very valuable to our settlement."

Smiling Andromina didn't say anything and just followed Rosario back to the fire where the others were all sitting and the other 3 were already trying to convince everyone to sign the contracts.

As he arrived the chatter subsided as all eyes turned towards him. "As these 3 have already probably told you I would you remaining 7 to sign these contracts. I know it's scary and you are probably worried that there is something hidden in the contract, but I assure you there is not. It only stipulates that you cannot share my secrets with others who have not signed the contract."

"I will sign."

Rosario looked to his left and saw as Andromina held her hand out to him. Nodding he pricked his finger and placed his blood on the remaining 7 contracts in the Contractee portion, allowing the symbol of his house to be filled in. Handing the contract to her he watched as Andromina used the knife to drop her own blood onto the contractor's portion and the contract was sealed.

Looking at the others they began signing the contracts one at a time until all 10 of them had signed. Sighing out some tension and anxiety he didn't even know he was holding in Rosario began informing the remaining summons of what he had already told Bolog, Ivana, and Tormund.

To say everyone was shocked was an understatement, Rosario had just revealed to them that he received 10 stat points per level up. None of them had ever heard of a race that got that many stat points per level up.

"So do you think if we go in this pond, in the cave, we too will evolve and be able to receive that many stat points?"

Rosario glanced briefly at Tormund after Sigurd had asked his question. 

"To be honest I do not know if you will get just as many stat points as me, but I just know for certain that you will get more points than you would as a high elf, or Bolog would get as a minotaur, or even that the others as Divas and Asuras would get."

Seeing everyone's skepticism Rosario proposed. "Why don't we all go to the pond in the cave and have Tormund go in, after he evolves you all can watch as he levels up and find out how many stats he will get."

Tormund who, to hearing his name being announced, had been nodding had a pinched face as if he had eaten an extremely sour lemon.

"If Tormund doesn't want to go first I will."

Rosario was surprised at stepping forward was Havresh, his only white ranked summon currently.

"Who says I don't want to go first I am not scared!"

"Tell that to your face."

Ivana's jab brought Tormund back down to earth as he stared over at her with a flabbergasted look on his face. It didn't help that everyone chuckled and even Bolog had turned his head, and his shoulders were shaking.

Clearing his throat, Rosario grabbed everyone's attention back onto himself.

"The pond is more than big enough for all of you to fit let alone 2 of you. Both of you can go first while the others watch from the side."

Rosario led them through the winding cave entrance till they reached their destination. They all crammed themselves onto the small shelf of the cave and stared out at the water, listening to the steady rhythm of the water dripping off the ceiling of the cave.

Rosaro approached the water's edge and carefully sat on the edge of the shoreline and placed his barefoot inside the water, ready to yank it back at a moment's notice. Feeling no stinging pain, he smiled and looked back. "Alrighty who is ready?"

A few minutes later Rosario stood neck deep in the water by the shelf the others stood upon. He had stripped down to just his underwear and had decided that he would have two of them enter the water in parts as he would make sure they didn't have the same first experience as him. He wanted the others to not be scared off.

Bolog and Tormund stood stripped to their undergarments in front of him, with Havrseh having conceded his spot to the Minotaur. Rosario instructed them both to sit on the edge of the shore and to not dip their feet in the water, but one at a time, slide their whole bodies into the water until submerged.

Tormund went first and as he slid into the water his eyes made contact with Rosarios as he only had enough time to curse Rosario in his head before the absolutely overwhelming pain knocked him unconscious.

Rosario caught Tormund's limp body and held him from drifting off to the middle of the lake. Thankfully Tormund had passed out so quickly the others hadn't realized how painful it was and all they currently could see was Tormund's body floating mostly submerged as what looked like Black and Gold dust motes rushed into his body from the water.

Getting a nod from Rosario Bolog dropped into the water also, he was conscious long enough to let out a massive bellow before becoming fully submerged and losing consciousness from the pain. He too began absorbing the dust looking particles in the water.

Rosario stood their holding his two summons for a few hours and making sure they didn't drown as they evolved. Tormund's hair became a silvery white while his skin took on a lighter gray color with a slight golden glow to it. Not much else changed too much except it looked like Tormund filled out with a little more muscle.

Rosario thought the biggest changes would be to Bolog and he was correct, however they were not what he expected. Rosario had expected Bolog to become a Celestial Asura like himself and what Tormund looked to have become. Instead Bolog was still a type of Minotaur however he was definitely not he same species of Minotaur as before.

The hair covering Bolog's bovine portions turned into a shiny coat of soft looking fur that was black if you looked at it from one angle but golden if looked at from another angle. His human portions took on the characteristic light gray with a slight golden glow in the skin tone. His horns both grew thicker and more pronounced on his head while also becoming pitch black on the tips, that bled into gold until as the coloring approached his head his horns became ivory white. 

It took another hour after their physical transformations ended before there was any movement from either of them. Tormund was the first to wake and he did so with a jolt and screaming while flailing around. It took him a minute to calm down and realize he wasn't in pain anymore and was instead peaceful floating in the water. Looking to his left Tormund met the eyes of his Lord staring back at him, seeing the eyes crinkle in a smile, Tormund wanted to nothing else but to punch Rosario.

Rosario had been holding onto Tormund's left arm and Bolog's right arm this while time and seeing Tormund squinting at him and Bolog looking around aimlessly he let them both go as they should be able to swim on their own or touch the bottom now. The water was around 6.5-7 feet (198-213 cm) deep, so he wasn't worried about them.

"If you both don't mind please share what race you currently are and then head up on shore, get dressed, and begin leveling to 1. I am sure everyone else is dying to know your experience with evolving, I trust you know what to tell them."

The last part was said in a way that both Bolog and Tormund understood as, 'Do not mention the pain.'

Both of them climbed out and after drying off they both looked at their new races and sat down to level up as the other gossiped.

Tormund as expected had become a Celestial Asura and surprisingly his potential, which had been blue had been upgraded to Blood Red. With this revelation alone Rosario almost had the remaining 8 jumping in at the same time.

Bolog revealed that he had become a Celestial Minosura, apparently Minotaur's are too far away from normal Asuras and Divas DNA that instead of evolving into a Celestial Asura instead they evolve into a subspecies of Celestial Asuras. His potential which had already been Blood Red didn't change but his proficiencies in everything increased.

Rosario made the others wait as both Tormund and Bolog absorbed their essence and leveled up. When they were both finished it was revealed that both of them had received 9 status points each, the same amount as the most powerful known races on the planet.

With that Rosario had no need to convince the others they all eagerly wanted to be the next one to evolve. The next hours Rosario had them enter the pond in twos until all of them evolved and had reached level 1.

Hello everyone, as I mentioned in an earlier chapter i am moving away from this site. If you would like to read more you can support me on Patreon. I just set up an account so it might take till next week to appear but my link is patreon.com/Primordial104.

Thank you for reading!