
Rise of Swain (Marvel x DC)

A person reborn in Asgard as a younger brother of Thor and Loki. He awakens as the new generation of Ancient Divine Power inheritor. It is the epic tale of his adventures in a universe that is chaotic mixture of Marvel and DC.

Novel_Surge · ภาพยนตร์
29 Chs

Liam's awakening

In the centre of the Warner Royal Palace, in the core area, many people were present. They all were important personal of Vanaheim including Nezit and Traus.

"Do you think Prince Liam will be able to awaken his divinity successfully?" Nezit asked Traus beside him.

"I don't know, our only duty is to follow the orders and be present here."

"I know, but I think his Majesty is taking this too hastily. Its just been 50 years since Prince Liam came here. Why use the excess divine power for awakening." Most of the people here including Nezit doesn't think that Liam can awaken successfully. After all, awakening divinity is not a small matter even in Asgard, not to mention Vanaheim, which has recently regained its status of divine kingdom.

"It doesn't matter, our job is just to follow the orders." Liam replied in a cold tone.

Seeing Liam's attitude, Nezit also chose to remain silent.

The door of hall was opened and two people, Swain and Liam entered the door.

All the people stood up and bowed. Swain passed everyone and went to his throne and sat on it. He looked at everyone and spoke, "Today we all are here for the awakening ceremony of Prince Liam. Let's hope he awaken successfully. If there is anyting you want to say, then you are free to say it now."

All the people remained silent and no one spoke. Seeing that everyone was quite, Swain continued : "It seems that there is no objection, then lets start the ceremony."


Liam who was called immediately went to the centre, bowed a little, "Your Majesty."

"Today you are going to undergo awakening. Since the day you came here, you have been privileged as a Prince and has enjoyed the highest rights second only to a King. No matter what the result of today maybe, do you promise to always be loyal to Vanaheim."

"Yes your majesty, I Liam Astros Griffin promise that no matter what the outcome of today awakening be, I shall always be loyal to you and Vanaheim."

"Good, then lets start." Saying this, Swain activated the divine power from the Vanaheim and World tree, and started supplying it to Liam's body.

Seeing the so much divine power, everyone present was stunned. They have never seen so much divine power together. This made everyone including those tribal leaders who had little thoughts in their minds immediately dispel it. It seems that even if his Majesty's strength has only entered Sub-heavenly level, but the power he can mobilize in Vanaheim is far greater than this.

Swain didn't pay attention to the thoughts of these people and all his focus was on Liam. Liam's awakening continued for 6 days and has been going until now.

Everyone was certain that awakening has failed but Swain still kept looking at Liam. Suddenly a light beam was shot from Liam's body and went straight to Vanaheim's sky and seemed to resonate with stars. Liam opened his eyes and his whole body was glowing. Undercurrents of gold were surging in his dark eyes.

"Divinity of Stars." a word emerged from the mouth of everyone present. A smile appeared on Swain's face.

Everyone here holds a good position and knows at least some knowledge about divinities. Power of Stars is a main divinity and a powerful one. One can harness the power of stars with it, a very powerful force. Everyone was expecting him either to not awaken or awaken some minor power. No one thought that Liam will be able to awaken such a powerful divinity.

Swain looked at everyone and then at Liam. He spoke, "Congratulations, you have awakened a great power. But remember, power of stars is very powerful but also not easy to practice and control. So give your best to it."

"I will, your majesty."

"Now let's move toward the next thing." Swain paused for a while and then continued, " From now on, Traus will be the Guardian God of Vaanaheim." saying this much, he didn't wait for anyone and again moved the divine power toward Traus and it entered his body. Although all the deficiencies could not be filled, but still most of the previous lack of divine power was made.

Traus awakening didn't go for long and he awakened successfully in just few hours. Traus opened his eyes and looked at himself. His previous constraints which were blocking him from improving have now disappeared. He can further improve now.

He moved forward and bowed on a knee, "Your Majesty, your servant thanks you for this grace. I shall always be your sword and a shield against any enemy."

Swain nodded. He did this because Traus was not only the General of Vanaheim now but also his teacher in the past.


P.S. Swain at present has only the beginner strength of Sub-Heavenly father. Although he cannot beat stronger opponents at present, but it is also close to impossible for anyone to defeat him in Vanaheim. He will further improve in future.

By the way, if there are any suggestions for next arc, then you can tell me.