
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 6


[Felix is in the inn packing]

Felix: Why are dwarves so abnormal

[Felix goes to master gales residence and says]

Felix: "What is the next part of my training master"

Gale: "Now go destroy all the bee ives, ant hills, spiders and scorpion nests and if you a crab too"

Felix: "This is going to be very hard"

Gale: "Don't worry it's just natural"

Felix: "I just hatre that it's natural"

Gale: "Go on now"

[Felix starts using mana sense and finds a bee hive]

Felix: That is gigantic

[Felix uses his sword to cut the giant hive surrounding a very large tree and a huge tree and a huge chunk falls off and a swarm of bees the size of horses are swarming arounding and starts running on fire to prevent the bees from doing melee attacks]

Felix: Future tip, remove clothes 

[Felix is struck by dozens of needles from killer bees but he is unaffected and pushes them using a burst of mana which makes the fire bigger and hotter also ends up creating a larger gap from the bees]

Felix: This pain is nothing

[Felix does a 360 degree rotation slash and kills a dozen bees at once]

Felix: This can be used to kill a butt tonne of bees

[After 3 slashes the bees start dodging]

Felix: Clever insects, they are adapting but I just got a new idea, I will get on top of the swarm and focus all my mana on the burn and the bees on the top will get burnt

[Felix runs towards a tree and puts his foot 1 meter from the ground and pushes himself up using fire when he is right above them and burns the remaining half of the bee and starts to kill all the remaining bees and the poisonous bees]

Felix: This is terrifying, thrilling, but damn these needles pain a lot, and I would've been dead if I didn't have my enhanced healing

[Felix kills them all and sits down next to a tree because he is paralysed and after a few hours, he is able to move again]

Felix: These injuries are nothing compared to what a killer bee could have done in a single slash and I will have to forget it for the time being and eliminate all of these insects but first, the queen

[Felix goes back to the hive and finds the giant queen bee fighting a group of knights]

Leader of knights: ..All of you are going to distract it while I kill it from the back..

[They all use loud, large, and bright moves, and as the leader of the knights is about to charge at the queen, but before him, Felix punches the queen and stabs her]

Leader of the knights: ..That was our kill..

Felix: "No it is mine, I just dealt with the killer and poison bees so this is technically my kill"

Leader of knights: ..Do you know who our clan leader is..

Felix: "Should I know"

Leader of knights: ..Yes, he is our leader Terffery..

Felix: "I don't care"

[Felix tries to enter the hive and is stopped by the knights]

Leader of knights: ..It is a punishable offense of 2 years of slavery if you take a person's or party's kill..

Felix: "Keep the queen if you want"

Leader of knights: ..It's not enough, your sword, it's core metal isn't it, hand it over..

Felix: "No"

Leader of knights: ..Men let's get our hands dirty..

[All knights started Felix at once]

Felix: "What happened to chivalry"

Leader of knights: ..Chivalry is dead in the woods..

Felix: "You are right"

[They are in perfect formation and the pattern of attack is lethal as they are attacking at the same time from all sides]

Felix: "Aren't you Brank, this attack is good"

Leader of knights: ..How can you dodge these..

[Felix smiles]

Leader of knight: ..What, do barrel cut..

[They all use their magic and lunge at Felix but he escapes by jumping high and punching the ground at his maximum strength and creating a small explosion that pushes them away Felix goes to the inside of the hive and breaks the eggs]

Felix: Better leave before they start fighting again

[Felix does this to all bee hives and ant hills, 3 weeks later]

Felix: The last ant hill was gigantic and why can't I find a spider web at all

[Felix sees a spider web]

Felix: This can't be a coincidence

[Felix goes in and sees more of them and a large ball of spider silk]

Felix: I think I am in the center probably surrounded by 50 or so spiders

[The spider slowly descend from the hidden spot on the top of trees and come hanging down by their needle and they land]

  Felix: I should run

[Felix runs towards a place which is thick with trees and enters a cave and sees the spiders that chased him stop at the entrance of the cave]

Felix: This is a very good compromise to fight the creature that is 10 times as strong as one spider than 50 spiders and how did they escape my mana sense

[Felix goes deeper into the cave and suddenly the creature charges at him and Felix dodges a gigantic stinger]

Felix: "Shit, a scorpion"

Felix: Maybe a king scorpion that too

[Felix maintains a distance and dodges the attacks while trying to find a weak spot using his mana sense]

Felix: The weak points are obviously joints but it is too hard and risky to do that but if I can damage the stinger I will have an opening when it gets disoriented

[Felix stands still and blocks the attack with the sharpe edge of the sword which splites the most lethal part of the stinger and the scorpion panics and Felix attacks it's legs and severs off 3 on 1 side and injures 1 on the other]

Felix: Now that it can't attack or dodge, the head is my target

[Felix stabs it's head]

Felix: "Whos, the mana I get from this scorpion is equivalent to what an entire ant hill gave, how is this possible and even without real training in sword combat or experience, how am I so good at sword combats"


[Felix blacks out]

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