
Rise of Gods: Felix

The journey of the son of a demon queen and hero from a cabin to exploring the continents and gaining friends, bringing back his parents having an adventure through his journeys of the world only to end up leaving the world through a mysterious portal to defeat the greatest villain in the multiverse and gaining friends and having an adventure through his journeys just to discover that he has one of the strongest artifacts and gets help from strangers to control it and to discover another artifact when fused will give a person the power and knowledge to control the fate of universes

Sai_Anilok · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 7

God Felix: 'The scorpion is very old so the mana crystal is very developed and the reason for your combat skills is due to the fact that you have been implanted with a considerable amount of your father's soul'

Felix: 'How is that possible'

God Felix: 'That is beyond my usage of the book of knowledge which is 3%'

Felix: 'Why would you answer me suddenly'

God Felix: 'After experiencing your life it seems more interesting to live than just be a bystander god'

Felix: 'And my father died because I was  implanted with his soul'

God Felix: 'Unfortunately yes'

Felix: 'This is a lot to process'

[A surge of images of his father and his ways of overcoming his grief flashed in his mind]

Felix: 'I can't do anything now'

God Felix: 'Was I too direct'

Felix: 'You are the god of knowledge you should know'

God Felix: 'The 3% of the book means a partial awareness of the world'

Felix: 'You are useless right now'

God Felix: 'Yeah'

Felix: 'How did this happen to you anyway'

God Felix: 'I tried to acquire the book of power and the other gods destroyed my body'

Felix: 'But I seem to know some knowledge that my father never taught me'

God Felix: 'Impossible!'

Felix: 'What'

God Felix: 'The book, it favours you'

Felix: 'Is that a good thing'

God Felix: 'For you yes, for me no'

[Felix wakes up]

Felix: "Damn"

Felix: Now I have to defeat those spiders

[Felix heads back to the surface and sees the spiders scattered around fighting scorpions]

Felix: Why are so many scorpions here

Book of Knowledge: 'When you killed the king they get informed and come for the crystal'

Felix: 'Whoa, you are the book'

Book of Knowledge: 'Yes'

Felix: 'How come I am not unconscious like with him'

Book of Knowledge: 'I have the ultimate techniques'

Felix: 'Can you not be a book, it is weird talking to you'

[Book of Knowledge then takes the form of a women]

Felix: 'Why a women'

Book of Knowledge: 'She was my previous owner'

Felix: 'Okay but enough talking, I'll kill these spiders'

[Felix kills the spiders and 2 weeks later]

Felix: I don't think there are any other insects left close by, so back to master Gale

[Felix heads back to Master Gale]

Felix: "Master Gale, I did like you said"

[Master Gale is in the back trimming near his bonsai tree and stays]

Master Gale: "Okay and now you have to challenge all the knights in the city, defeat with no chivalry"

Felix: "Master, do you have an estimate as to how long it will take"

Master Gale: "Give or take 2 months"

Felix: "Master Gale, when are you planning to train me personally"

Master Gale: "Never, because you have the sword skills of Leo and I can't teach you any more than to build your physique and unlock those skills of your father"

Felix: "So how much more unlocking is required"

Master Gale: "I'll tell you after this"

[Felix goes to Goto's shop sees a bulge in his stomach]

Goto: "Hi Felix"

Felix: "Hi Goto, you seem, bigger"

Goto: "I'm just pregnant"

Felix: "Is that what it is called"

Goto: "Why are you looking at my belly like a parasite is in it"

Felix: "No nothing, I just got reminded of someone, and where id Drak"

Goto: "Drake, has been down there for a week"

Felix: "Thank you, and did you get the gold I left for you"

Goto: "What gold"

Felix: "After what Drak described as your first night, I left it by you"

[Goto looks confused and Felix heads down to see Drak]

Felix: "Hey Drak how are you"

Drak: "Hey, you came back and I have all your stuff you forgot at the inn"

Felix: "Thank you, and where are the 20 gold I left for Goto"

Drak: "I kinda spent it for research"

Felix: "That research better be worth 20 golds"

Drak: "I have found a way to fuse weapons to a certain extent"

Felix: "Can you fuse these legend rank weapons?"

Drak: "Yeah, but only physically and gere there are around 50% of all legendary rank weapons in the world"

Felix: "What do you mean by physically"

Drak: "It means if I fuse them they will only be stronger, strength-wise and their abilities which make them legend rank disappear so it will only be epic rank or barely legend"

Felix: "So how much more gold do you need to fuse weapons"

Drak: "Depends, for only metal it will be 50 gold, Bone and metal 100 gold, and Bone to Bone also should be around 200 gold but artifacts sell for 2-5 scandium so it should be 7 scandium for artifacts merge"

Felix: "Why do you need so much money, how do you have the expertise needed, and what the hell is an artifact"

Drak: "Remember the fact that my father was the strongest Dwarf so I got access to all weapons and alchemy research and memorized everything I saw and read, and I read the royal library in 2 years and memorized it due to my excellent memory. I am able to extract a bit of the magma Levithan's mana, focus all of it into my head for a while, and then my brain absorbs it"

Felix: "Okay and there is 1 question I have in all this" 

Drak: "What?"

Felix: "First of all how are 50% of the legend-rank weapons in the world here" 

Drak: "She's not telling me"

Felix: "I am going to leave now"

Goto: "Stay alive"

[Felix takes his stuff and leaves and checks into a silver inn]

Felix: Hopefully she will talk to me now

Felix: 'Melissa, why won't you talk to me, I might be a half-demon but I am still the same Felix you knew why you would even care about the stories I don't mean anyone anything bad for you it is love'

[Melissa barely holding in her emotions]

Melissa: 'Felix, I am truly sorry for ghosting you for so long, my mother, was actually killed by a demon, so I was scared but I now have the courage to confess my love to you as a reparation'

Felix: 'Melissa you might know about this spell known as the dream world, it puts a person in the place they imagine'

Melissa: 'I know it, we can meet there and do what we want, contact me after you learn it'

Contact saianilok912@gmail.com if you have any doubts about story