
Chapter 13

Deaton's Veterinary Clinic

Six in the Morning.

"I talked with Scott earlier tonight, I told him of the suspicions you told me about, about the Masked Men and the Chimera's" said Deaton as both him and Alex watched Tracy sleep, the poor girl had lost her battle with exhaustion a few minutes after Alex and Malia had arrived. The werecoyote had left to catch up her Pack about Tracy.

"Did he believe you?" asked Alex with a frown, angry with himself because of how he lost his cool the night before. "He did, maybe because I had actual evidence and not just angry accusations." said Deaton as he looked at Alex pointedly letting him know he didn't approve of how he lost his temper and attacked his friend the night before.

"I know, I already apologized to him." said Alex as he looked away from the frowning Deaton, he knew Deaton though of Scott as a son so he understood why he was mad. "Anyway, apparently there might be more like Tracy out there, Liam told Scott about a hole, apparently whomever is making these Chimera's has to bury them as part of their incubation process." said Deaton as Alex moved to the side table to look at the chimera pieces Deaton had manage to collect, the claws from the massive werewolf that attacked a few days ago, the claws he manage to take from Tracy and the Kanima tail Kira had cut off from Tracy's body.

"A hole?" asked Alex as his eyes left the massive talon like claws, which glowed blue as he got closer to them, to look at the serious Deaton, "I think its a part of their creation process, bury them close to the Telluric Currents help the bodies adapt." said Deaton but like he said so far they were just theorizing.

"Liam said he found more holes, so there could in fact be more chimeras coming." said Deaton as he stood next to Alex. "That's why I'm going away for a few days, I'm going to see if I can find some answers." said Deaton making Alex nod along with him, he would feel much safer with the doc nearby to help with anything but he knew what Deaton was going to do must be important if he was leaving them at a time like this.

"Scott and you need to be united now more than ever Alex, he will need your help, just as you will need his, you are one of the strongest Alphas I have ever seen Alex but even the strongest can fall if they are outnumbered." said Deaton getting Alex to nod his head in agreement,

"What we are facing here is as extraordinary as it is scary." said Deaton as he left Alex alone to go pack. "Don't worry Deaton, I'll keep my cool." thought Alex as he watched Tracy sleep.

"How am I going to explain this to Lydia, she's going to kill me." thought Alex as he brought out his phone and started Texting his best friend. "Hell how am I going to Tracy off the murder charges Stiles's dad wants to pin on her."

Tracy stayed asleep for the whole morning and looked like she would sleep through the whole afternoon, at around twelve thirty he started getting text messages from the McCall pack.

Stiles- 'Is it true that Tracy is alive?'

Kira- "What?'

Malia- 'Stiles I already told you and Scott, yes she's alive and no longer a Kanima.'

Lydia- 'How is that possible?'

Malia- 'Alex bit her last night and it took a while but the bite worked.'

Scott- 'Where is Alex now?'

Malia- 'I think he's at the Clinic with Tracy, I don't know why he isn't answering.'

Stiles- 'Maybe he's embarrassed because he went ape-shit last night and completely bitch slapped Theo, which was AMAZING.'

Scott- 'STILES!'

Malia- 'Stiles! I'm going to find you and kick your ass.'

Stiles- 'What? I said it was amazing.'

Malia- 'He's embarrassed he lost his cool and hit Scott.'

Stiles- 'oh'

Malia- 'Yes oh, idiot.'

Kira- 'Well, we understand, he saw Lydia hurt and overreacted, we don't blame him for it we know Lydia is his best friend.'

Stiles- 'Did he overreact though?, He had some pretty good points about Theo.'

Scott- 'I know that but he was way too angry, viewing someone's memory is dangerous enough as it is, had we allowed him to do it as angry as he was he would have killed Theo.'

Malia- 'So?'

Scott- 'We don't kill Malia.'

Kira- 'We don't kill.'

Stiles- 'Maybe we can ignore that little rule for Theo? Pretty please?.'

Scott- 'Stiles this is not the time for jokes.'

Stiles- 'Sorry buddy.'

Scott- 'We need to know about Tracy is she back to normal or will she try and kill us after she gets better.'

Malia- 'Alex is with her now, when I left she looked exhausted.'

Alex- 'She fell asleep just after you left, she's still sleeping actually.'

Malia- 'Alex!'

Stiles- "Thank god, we thought the girl Kanima had killed you.'

Alex- 'She's not a Kanima any longer, the bite made her a normal werewolf, although I have no idea how I'm going to tell her about her dad, or how to tell the Sheriff she's alive.'

Scott- 'The bite cured her?'

Alex- 'Yeah it took a long while but eventually she just woke back up, her wounds and Kanima marks gone.'

Kira- 'Thank god for that.'

Stiles- 'Well I don't know about her dad stuff but you leave my dad to me, I'll get him to see reason.'

Lydia- 'Sorry Jordan came to visit and I was talking to him.'

Lydia- 'I can help you talk to her if you want Alex.'

Alex- 'Don't worry Lydia, I'll do it, its my responsibility, how are you feeling by the way?'

Lydia- 'Better, the doctors stitched me up and I should be out of the hospital before the day is out...Scott's mom told me Theo saved my life Alex.'

Alex- 'I still don't trust him Lydia, he's part of this I know it.'

Scott- '...'

Stiles- 'I believe you Alex, there's something not right about him.'

Malia- 'What are you going to do with Tracy?'

Alex- 'I was actually about to call you and Kira to ask for a favor, I'm going to move her to the Loft since Deaton is leaving soon and I was wondering if you and Kira could go to her house and pick up some of her stuff, Clothes, underwear, personal things, stuff like that.'

Kira- 'Yeah no problem, me and Malia have a free period next we can do it then.'

Malia- 'I don't mind.'

Alex- 'Thank you guys, I appreciate it.'

Alex- 'Lydia after I drop Tracy off I'm going to go visit you, want anything to eat?'

Lydia- 'You bring me a burger, some fries and a dark chocolate milkshake and I'll kiss you.'

Malia- 'You better keep those big lips to yourself.'

Stiles- 'hahaha she said you had big lips.'

Kira- 'Big lips you would love to kiss wouldn't you Stiles?'

Scott- 'BURN!'

Stiles- 'Eh tu Kira?'

Malia- 'He can't kiss her, that's Parrish job.'

Lydia- 'Can we not talk about people kissing me or about my lips.'

Kira- 'I heard some kids at school say Lydia had DSL lips but I don't know what that meant?'.

Scott- 'No idea.'

Stiles- 'I bet its something dirty.'

Alex- 'It is, who said that?'


Kira- 'That kid Adam and the two idiots he's always hanging out with.'

Malia- 'What are DSL lips?;

Stiles- ' Yeah Alex, tell us, we want to know.'

Alex- 'Why do I have to tell you?'

Scott- 'Cause you're the one that knows what it means.'

Kira- 'Yeah tell us.'

Alex- 'No, its really dirty.'

Lydia- 'Its OK you can tell them but only if you beat up Adam and his friends on Monday.'

Alex- 'Oh I was already going to do that.'

Malia- 'Well, what is it?'

Stiles- 'Don't leave us wondering.'

Alex – 'GOD, Fine.'

Alex- 'Saying someone has DSL is saying she has Dick Sucking Lips.'

Kira- 'Oh my god, I'm so sorry I even brought it up Lydia.'

Stiles- 'ohmygod, ohmygod, I have a very dirty picture in my head now.'

Malia- 'I don't get it.'

Scott- ' Wow that really was dirty.'

Alex- 'I'll explain later honey.'

Lydia- 'Don't worry about It Kira, and Stiles you better not be imagining what I think you're imagining.'

Stiles has left this conversation.

Alex- 'oh Stiles you gross bastard.'

Lydia- 'Where did he go?'

Scott- '...I don't know.'

Kira- '...'

Malia- 'Why did Stiles go to the bathroom?'

Lydia- 'oh god'

Alex- 'LOL'

Alex- 'Anyway, getting that disturbing picture out of my head, I'll see you later Lydia with your food, I'll even bring you that some sugar mini donuts.'

Malia- 'You definitely can't kiss him now.'

Kira- 'oh Malia only you.'

Scott- 'hahahahaha'

Alex- 'LOL'

Lydia- 'Shut up, all of you. I'm going to kill Stiles.'

Liam has logged in.

Alex- "Liam don't read the text above.'

Lydia- 'ohmygod.

Scott- 'hahahahahaha'

Kira- 'This is all my fault.'

Malia- 'Yes it is.'

Liam- 'dick sucking lips?'

Lydia- 'OHMYGOD!'

Alex felt much better when he finally put his phone down. Trust his friends to cheer him up without having to actually try to cheer him up. He looked back through the window and into the exam room to see Tracy had woken up and was sitting on the metal table looking at him through the window.

"Its not or never." thought Alex as he shot her a small smile, a smile she returned. He walked into the room and grabbed one of the stools to sit in front of her. "Hey Tracy, did you sleep OK?" asked Alex hoping the girl had at least had a good night sleep.

"I did Alex, for the first time in months I didn't have a nightmare." said Tracy with a smile, a smile that turned sad as she glanced up at him "I killed my dad didn't I?" asked Tracy as thick tears fell down her face. "What do you remember?" asked Alex as he grabbed the crying girls arm and gave it a squeeze.

And apparently Tracy remembered everything, from the Masked freaks that had been stalking her to being taken and experimented on, how they opened her back up to insert the tail, how they injected her with massive needles full of the silver substance to how they released her with the specific instructions to hunt down and kill anyone that had tried to help her.

"I also remember fighting you, the way your eyes glowed and your face...what are you?" asked Tracy as she stared at him in awe. "Now that I can actually tell you." said Alex with a smile as his eyes glowed Alpha red, in turn making Tracy's eye glow blue back at him.

He stayed there with her for almost half an hour giving her a quick explanation of the Supernatural world she was now part off. "So you're a werewolf?" asked Tracy. Alex just shook his head with a grin on his face. "We're werewolf Tracy, now you're just like me." said Alex as he grabbed a small mirror from a nearby table and handed it to her, she was amazing with her reflection as her eyes glowed bright blue back at her.

"Thank you for saving me Alex.' said Tracy as she stared at Alex in awe. Alex just shook his had before he stood up from the stool and walked toward one of the cabinets in the exam room. He pulled out a scrub top with the name of the clinic on it and handed it to Tracy. "Change into that and we'll go home." said Alex as he turned to leave the room and give her some privacy.

"Home?" asked Tracy stunned, she probably thought she was going to go to jail or something, "Well yeah, you're part of my Pack now Tracy and that comes with a nice warm place to stay and this big bastard watching your back." said Alex with a grin as he pointed at himself, making Tracy smile back at him.

"My girlfriend and a friend are stopping by your house to pick up some of your things do you want me to tell them to get you anything in particular?" asked Alex from the other side of the door sure Tracy could hear him.

"Can you ask them to get me my dream catchers?" asked Tracy in a low tone of voice. "No problem sweetie." said Alex with a grin as he pulled out his phone and sent Malia a quick text. Tracy came out of the exam room wearing the white scrub top with a small smile on her face.

"So where do you live?" asked Tracy as Alex smiled at her and threw an arm around her shoulders, "It's actually really close by, my friend Derek, he owns this really cool building downtown and he lets me live in the Loft penthouse for free, its really nice, has three rooms, a huge living area, a TV, a kitchen, two bathrooms and it has wifi." said Alex with a grin, he wasn't actually living there for free, it was his responsibility to collect the rent from the other people living there and sent it to Derek and if something broke it was his responsibility to either fix it or get someone to fix it, either way the place was awesome and he loved living there.

"And you my little Beta are my new roommate." said Alex as he and Tracy left the building saying good bye to Deaton as they left, unfortunately for Alex his bike was still parked at School so he and Tracy had to walk to the Loft, when they got there he found a package waiting for him in his doorstep. "What's this?" said Alex as he picked up the package and read what was written on the box.

"Hope this helps you with your coyote problem." read Alex with a smile, it was the book Deucalion had promised to sent him. "Thanks Duke." thought Alex as he opened the door to the Loft to allow Tracy to go inside. "The bedroom's are upstairs, the one with the picture of a black wolf on the door is mine, feel free to pick any of the other two and get comfortable." said Alex with a grin that was matched by Tracy.

"Do you mind if I take a nap?" asked Tracy as she moved towards the stairs the poor girl stilled looked exhausted. "Don't' worry Tracy get some rest, I have to go out in a while but I'll come back before nine with some food OK?" asked Alex and the smile Tracy sent him told him all he needed to know.

"OK Alex good night." said Tracy before she left up the stairs. Alex shook his head and walked over to the couch to get some rest before Kira and Malia came over with Tracy's stuff. He had had a long ass night.

Less than an hour later he was woken up my Malia straddling his waist and kissing him deeply."We have some unfinished business don't we lover boy." said Malia with a wicked grin as she wrapped her arms around his neck and ground herself down on Alex's lap getting a loud groan from Alex.

"You really know how to wake a guy up don't you." said Alex as he grabbed a handful of Malia's ass and pulled her tightly against him getting the werecoyote to moan and groan, she loved it when he did that. They had to stop when Alex heard a small squeak coming from the kitchen. He looked over to see Kira standing there red-faced as she held up a bag full of Tracy's personal stuff.

"Kira, I told you I needed a few minutes alone with Alex." said Malia as she turned around in his lap and glared at the poor Thunder Kitsune, all the while still gyrating her hips. "Keep moving that way and your going to need more than a few minutes." said Alex as he grabbed her waist and forced her to stop getting Malia to groan in frustration.

"I'm going to end up with a bad case of blue-balls." though Alex as Malia got off his lap and he had to quickly self-adjust so Kira didn't get an eye full of Alex Jr. "Cock-blocker." said Malia as she walked by Kira and shot her a glare.

"Ignore her, we been trying to have sex for the last two days and keep getting interrupted." said Alex enjoying the way Kira's face got even redder as she looked away from him. "No problem." said Kira as she walked to a table and dropped the bad there, Malia walking in a few seconds later holding two bags, bigger than the one Kira had and dropping them on the table as well.

"Scott called said he wants to meet in the school library in ten." said Malia with a growl, she had been hoping to get Kira to leave so she could have her way with Alex. "Then lets go, I have to go see Lydia later and have to get my bike." said Alex as he stood from the table and went to his room to grab a shirt since he was still shirtless from when he fought with the Masked Freaks.

He saw Malia was about to follow him up the stairs before Kira grabbed her arm and reminded her that they had to be at the library in ten minutes, Alex almost laughed when he saw the mutinous look on his girlfriends face.

Beacon High

School Library

Kira had gone on ahead of them since she wanted to talk to Scott in private and he and Malia took a few minutes longer since they had to go pick up Stiles at the Hospital, he had tried to see Lydia but he she was still in ICU and only family was allowed, they did see Parrish on their way out and he had with him the Bestiary so they borrowed it to see if they could find anything on Chimera's or hybrids.

As they went inside the library they saw Scott and Kira on the second floor reading through some book, Scott was the first one to spot them he stood from the table with a smile on his face, "Did you get in to see Lydia?" asked the True Alpha as he gave Alex a nod letting him know he wasn't holding any grudges from the night before.

"No I tried using my free period but she's still in the ICU and no one outside family is allowed in." said Stiles with a frown, Malia and him had to drag him out of the hospital when he almost started screaming at the nurse for not letting him see Lydia.

"We did get one thing." said Malia with a grin as she put the Bestiary in the table opened to the first page before she sat down at the table and made Alex sit besides her, he knew she got touchy if she was too sexually frustrated. "Anything in here about Chimeras or hybrids?" asked Kira as she grabbed the book and started leafing through it.

"A what now?" asked Stiles confused, apparently no one had told him about the word they were using to call the hybrids they were encountering, "A Chimera, its a creature made of incongruous parts and if Liam said he found two burial sites it means Tracy is not the only one." Said Scott and for some reason Alex felt a shiver go down his back. "Things are going to get bad." thought the Alpha Werewolf as he grabbed Malia's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Shit, so who's the second chimera? Could it be Donovan?" asked Alex and Stiles looked pale at the thought of the psycho who had threatened his father suddenly having supernatural powers, "And why would they bury them?" asked Stiles trying to get the thought of Donovan out of his head.

"Deaton thinks its a part of the process." said Scott getting Alex to nod his head in agreement. "Yeah he told me the same thing, he thinks they might be using the Telluric Currents to help the body adapt to the changes they are forcing on their victims." said Alex as he leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes, he was damned tired.

"Who are they?" asked Malia turning around in her seat to look at him, Alex opened his eyes and glanced at her before speaking in a low tone of voice, "The freaks in the Mask, I talked with Tracy, she remembers them, they stalked her for weeks before finally taking her and doing a whole bunch of awful experiments to her, she also remembers not being the only one." said Alex getting frowns from everyone at the table.

They stayed at the library for almost an hour reading through all the books they could find on Supernatural lore, biology and the Bestiary, after a while Scott and Kira left because his mom called and wanted to show him something at the hospital, leaving Stiles, Malia and Alex alone.

Just when night fell Malia was sitting at the table before she remembered something she had seen at Tracy' room when they were packing up her things, "Masked Freaks?" said Malia quietly before she stood from the table, Alex was busy reading the Bestiary and Stiles had fallen sleep at some point.

"Hey honey, I'm going to go check something out then I'll meet you at home in a while OK?" said Malia and before Alex could say anything else she was going down the stairs and out the library, "Sure darling no problem, I'll see you at home." Alex said sarcastically before he kicked the chair Stiles was sleeping in making the teenager fall to the floor and wake up.

"I'm up, I'm up." yelled Stiles as he jumped to his feet and looked around him wildly, growing annoyed when he saw Alex laughing hi ass off at him, "Oh you bastard." said Stiles before he kicked Alex's chair throwing the Alpha werewolf backwards and into the floor.

"Where did Malia go?" asked Stiles as he grabbed his bag and looked around the almost empty library for the werecoyote. "No idea but with how sexually frustrated she is I bet I'll see her before the night is over." said Alex as he stood up from the floor running his head. He looked up to see Stiles frowning at him.

"Shut up, whining about having sex with a hot girl, what's wrong with you." said Stiles as he grabbed his bag and started leaving. "That wasn't a whine asshat, that was me annoying you." said Alex as he grabbed his own bag and hurried after Stiles.

"Where are you headed?" asked Stiles when he saw Alex looking through his bag for the keys to his bike, "Well I have to go take Lydia the food I promised her, then get some food for me, Malia and Tracy and then home, you?" asked Alex as he found his keys with a grin and closed his bag.

"To the Sheriff station to get my dad to take me out to eat." said Stiles with a grin as he said his good bye and he and Alex separated their rides parked in different parts of the school. "See ya tomorrow man." said Alex he walked away.

A few minutes later, as he was putting his stuff away in the storage space his motorcycle had he heard a pain filled scream coming from where Stiles had been walking to. "Stiles?" said Alex as he dropped is things to the ground and took off running towards his friend. He reached Stiles jeep, which was letting off smoke and found Stiles's book bag on the floor but no Stiles. "Stiles where are you?" screamed Alex a bit panicked since he could find his friend.

Alex took a deep breath and closed his eyes focusing on his sense of smell, instantly he could smell Stiles scent, and he could tell two things, one his friend was scared and two he was bleeding. The second he registered the scent of blood Alex was off in a sprint running through the school trying to reach his friend in time.

He got to them in time to hear Donovan giving a speech about how his dad got hurt on the job. "...did he tell you that he was too scared, too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? Or do scared little bitches not tell their little bitch sons about their failures, about how they put their partner in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives.." by that point Alex had had enough of listening to Donovan whine about what happened to his father, he let his wolf features bleed through as he stepped into the library and growled at Donovan getting his attention.

"There's only one bitch here, and I'm looking at him." snarled Alex before he ran at Donovan and clothesline him to the ground, before picking him and and throwing him away from where his friend was hiding.

"Stiles, you OK man? I smell blood." called out Alex as he watched Donovan stand back up and turn to glare at him, his mouth now completely full of razor sharp and thin fangs and his eyes shining white as he glared at Alex. "A Wendigo huh?" said Alex as he remembered the description Scott had given him months ago on what the cannibal shifters looked like.

"I don't know who you are but my business isn't with you, its with that little bitch hiding behind you." said Donovan glaring at pointing at a spot just over his right shoulder, Alex looked back really quick to see Stiles glaring at Donovan while holding his right shoulder. "You alright?" asked Alex concerned when he saw the blood on the hand.

"Yeah man, thanks to you." said Stiles breathing in relief, now sure he would be fine with Alex there to help him out. "Don't get involve." yelled Donovan as he ran at Alex holding his right hand out to him, to the Alpha werewolf utter disgust a circle of teeth appeared in the palm of Donovan's hand.

"I bet that makes masturbating hard huh? No wonder you're so angry." said Alex as he got ready to pummel the Wendigo/Werewolf hybrid to the floor, from behind him he heard Stiles grunt in amusement as he heard what he said. "No time for jokes Alex just kick his ass." muttered Stiles with a hiss as he touched his bleeding shoulder.

"Bastard." screamed Donovan as he lunged at Alex, unfortunately for Donovan he was way too slow to get a hit on the Alpha Werewolf, who ducked behind the palm thrust and used Donovan's own momentum to flip him over and slam him on his back on the library floor.

"Now lets see if we can find out more about the Masked Freaks." said Alex as he quickly turned Donovan around and stabbed his claws into the back of his neck. What he saw made him go red with rage so much so that his hand slipped and he crushed Donovan's spine killing him almost instantly.

"Alex? ALEX." yelled Stiles next to him shocking him out of his rage induced shock, he looked towards Stiles to see him staring at the dead body of Donovan in shock. "Sorry, my hand slipped." said Alex as he pulled his hand away from Donovan's neck and cleaned the blood off on the dead body's jacket.

"What did you see?" asked Stiles not really caring about Alex killing Donovan since well it was to save his life, "I saw Theo, not only working with the Masked Freaks but he was the one that let Donovan loose with the instructions to come hunt you down." said Alex his eyes glowing red with how angry he was. The next time he saw Theo he was going to kill him. "I knew he was bad." said Stiles as he pulled out his phone and called his dad.

"Dad we found Donovan...he's dead." said Stiles as he moved away to fill his father in, as Alex sat down in on of the chairs of the library his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out to see it was a message from Malia.

Malia- 'are these the Masked Freaks you saw." read the message followed by a picture of a book cover and when Alex saw the picture he couldn't believe his eyes. "Dread Doctors? What the fuck." said Alex as he stared at the picture.

Alex- 'Thats them, where did you find the picture?'

Malia- 'In Tracy's room, its the cover from a book she owns.'

Malia- 'Where are you now?'

Alex- 'School still, Donovan tried to kill Stiles, waiting on the sheriff to come take the body.'

Malia- "Is Stiles alright?'

Alex- 'He has a nasty wound in his shoulder but I got to him in time, Donovan not so much, tell you about it at home later, Stiles is coming back.'

Malia- 'OK, TTYL.

Alex shook his head because of her last text, "I bet Kira taught her that." said Alex with a grin as he stood up and moved over to Stiles who was staring at the body of Donovan in shocked silence. "Thank you Alex, you save my life." said Stiles as his teary eyes landed on Alex.

"You don't have to thank me idiot, you're one of my best friends, I wouldn't have let this idiot hurt you, I'm just angry I didn't get here on time to stop him from wounding you." said Alex as he glanced at Stiles's blood soaked Shoulder. "Don't worry about it, you did enough." said Stiles before he gave Alex a quick embarrassed hug and moved back away.

"What did your father say?" asked Alex not saying anything about the hug to not embarrass his already tired and hurt friend. "He said to claw up the body a little and he would take care of the rest." aid Stiles getting Alex to grin back at him.

"Beacon Hills animal attack?" asked Alex making Stiles grin back and nod at him. "Beacon Hills animal Attack." started Stiles before Alex smiled and popped his claws, thankfully unlike Tracy, Donovan's supernatural features stayed hidden when he died.

After Alex finished clawing up the body he and Stiles left the library to go wait for the sheriff outside, "Stiles about what I saw, about Theo sending Donovan to kill you?" said Alex getting Stiles to look at him as they walked. "Lets keep that between you and me...and Malia I tell her everything." said Alex getting a shock look from Stiles not because he told Malia everything but because he wanted to keep the information from Scott.

"Why not tell Scott?" asked Stiles as they exited the building in time to see the sheriff parking his patrol car, "Just please trust me, don't tell him just yet." Alex almost begged, Stiles stared at him for a few seconds before hesitantly nodding his head. That was as far as they got before Sheriff Stilinski reached them and pulled his son into a tight hug.

"Are you OK?" asked the Sheriff when he saw Stiles clutching his right shoulder in pain, he moved Stiles shirt to the side and even Alex winced from the nasty looking wound the teen had. "Shit." said the Sheriff before he pulled Stiles into another hug making Stiles laugh, "Dad I'm OK I promise...Alex saved me." said Stiles getting his dad to stop hugging him and turn towards Alex.

"Thank you for saving my son." said the Sheriff before he surprised Alex by hugging him as well, it must have shown on his face since Stiles laughed out loud when he saw Alex. "Now take me to the body." said Stiles's dad falling out of Dad mode and into sheriff mode almost instantly.

They ended up staying at the School for another hour helping Stiles's father stage the body before the sheriff called the coroner and allowed them to go. Alex leaving to go get some food for Malia and Tracy and Stiles with strict instructions to go straight home.

Alex- 'Take you out for breakfast tomorrow? Had some supernatural trouble and won't make it to the hospital in time.'

Lydia- 'No problem but you're taking me to Denny's and not saying anything while I pig out on the buffet.'

Alex- 'Done.'

Lydia- 'What happened tonight? What was the supernatural trouble?'

Alex- 'You up to date?'

Lydia- 'Yep, Kira caught me up after school.'

Alex- 'Cool, long story short, Donovan got turned into a Wendigo chimera and tried to kill Stiles, unfortunately he ran into me and I turned him into mince meat.'

Lydia- 'He OK?

Alex- 'Aside from a nasty wound on his right shoulder he's fine and dandy.'

Lydia- 'And you?'

Alex- 'I'm kinda tired and have a slight case of blue balls because of Malia but aside from that imma OK.'

Lydia- 'Way too much information.'

Alex- 'You asked.'

Lydia- 'Gross...talked to you tomorrow Alex.'

Alex- 'sweet dreams scream queen.'

"Thank god for Big Belly Burger." thought Alex as he drove his bike into their drive through and made a massive order since feeding three hungry shifters wasn't easy. By the time he got home he found Tracy sitting at the kitchen table using her laptop and Malia sleeping on the couch.

"Tracy, Malia I got food." yelled Alex as he closed the door behind him, in seconds Tracy and Malia were next to him, Tracy grabbing the six bags he had in his hand and Malia grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the stairs. "Two of the bags are yours Tracy." yelled Alex as he was marched up the stairs and into his room.

"Its good to be me." thought Alex with a lustful grin when Malia took of her shirt and pushed him towards the bed. "Damn good.' thought Alex when she pulled down her pants leaving her in only a pair of white cotton panties.

Next Morning.


They didn't come out of the room till the next morning, thankfully Tracy had been kind enough to put their bags of food inside the refrigerator but before Malia could pull them out Alex picked her up and carried them to the shower. "But food." whined Malia as they walked away from the kitchen.

"Leave that cold food there, I have to pick up Lydia and I'm taking you both to Denny's to eat as much breakfast food as your tight little body can handle." said Alex as he spanked her left ass cheek getting a moan from Malia.

"You earned it after last night, I think my back is still healing." said Alex as he walked into the bathroom with Malia still hanging from his shoulder, both completely missing the red face Tracy who was sitting on the couch watching a movie on her laptop. "I live with horndogs.' said Tracy as she cursed her new enhance hearing which let her hear Malia moan as clear as day from her spot on the couch.

"Again?, they did it all last night, do werewolf's chafe?" thought Tracy as she put on her headphones and turned the volume on the movie all the way up.