
Chapter 12

Beacon High


"I can't believe Mason said no." grumbled Alex as he laid is head on the table and groaned, sitting around him was the McCall Pack smiling at his misfortune, "He didn't say no, he said he needed to think about it." said Liam as he sat at the table staring at the over dramatic Alpha werewolf, even Malia was refusing to play along to his nonsense today. The werecoyote was quietly sitting next to him with a far off look in her eyes.

"Its the same as saying no, my god I'm as bad as Clark was at recruiting." said Alex as he looked up to glare at Liam before turning his gaze towards Stiles and staring at him, "What is it?" asked Stiles when he noticed Alex's stare,

"How about it Stiles, wanna be part of my Pack?"asked Alex getting shocked looks from everyone at the table, the question even made the distracted Malia pay attention. "WHAT?" asked Stiles stunned with the offer.

"Come on man, you would be an awesome werewolf, plus everyone you know is some type of shifter don't you want to be one too?" asked Alex and to tell the truth he was actually serious with the offer. "Dude, you can't just spring a question like that so suddenly." exclaimed Stiles as he stared at Alex shocked.

"Come on, you know you wanna, its cool." said Alex trying his best to convince him, everyone around the table just stayed quiet and watched Stiles waiting to see what he would say, even Scott was sitting quietly his eyes moving from Alex to Stiles. "You're awesome now Stiles, but imagine how much more awesome you would be with razor sharp claws, fangs and a pair of glowing eyes huh? Huh? What do you say?" asked Alex almost overwhelming Stiles.

Just when it looked like Stiles would crack and say yes he turned to Scott, "Scott he's peer pressuring me, make him stop." said Stiles getting Alex to groan and the whole table to laugh at at the expression on his face.

"Alex stop peer pressuring Stiles into becoming a werewolf." said Scott just as the bell rang signaling the start of classes. As the group stood up to leave Alex stayed behind so he could speak with Stiles for a few seconds, "I wasn't kidding with the offer Stiles, if you ever want the Bite, you come to me." said Alex with a serious look on his face to let Stiles know he wasn't kidding. Stiles stared at him for a few seconds before nodding his head and leaving.

"He's scared of the bite..." said Malia as she moved to stand next to him, "...he wants it but he's afraid it won't take and he'll die leaving his dad alone." said Malia as both her and Alex stared at Stiles retreating back.

Alex just glanced at her with frown before he spoke, "You didn't come over last night, I waited up for you." said Alex as he watched her glanced away quickly. "I fell sleep, sorry." said Malia before she started gathering her books to leave.

"I can still tell when you're lying Malia." said Alex quietly before he picked up his bag from the table and left. Malia glanced at his back for a few seconds before leaving for her own class as well.

Beacon Hills High

After School

Alex was putting his books away on his locker when his phone beeped letting him know he had a text message. It was from Derek, the sourwolf and his girlfriend where still away but while they traveled they were keeping an ear out for any information on the Desert Wolf.

Derek- 'hey, we found something.'

Alex wasted no time in running out of school towards his bike where he could respond to the text in private.

Alex- 'Hey, how you doing man?, long time no see, me? I'm fine, the same with your cousin Malia and the rest of the Pack thanks for asking buddy, whats up?'

Derek- 'you want to know what we found or not...jerk'

Alex- 'Sure, hit me.'

Derek- 'Braeden found a crime scene and she's damn sure it was the work of the Desert Wolf, I'll sent you the pictures later.'

Alex- 'was it bad?'

Derek- 'yes, it was bloody.'

Alex- 'Thanks man, me and Malia appreciate it.'

Derek- 'No problem she's family... and you're kinda amusing I guess.'

Alex- 'You're an ass you know that right.'

Derek- ':)'

Alex- 'Really, an emoticon, who are you and what have you done to the Sourwolf.'

Derek- 'Shut up idiot, Braeden taught me.'

Alex- 'I bet she did, you big stallion you.'

Derek- 'Must you always turn everything into a dirty joke.'

Alex- 'You're face's a dirty joke.'

Alex- ';)'

Derek- "That didn't even make sense.'

Alex- "Your face doesn't make sense.'

Derek- 'How are you an Alpha?, I'm starting to understand why you can't get any Betas to join your Pack.'

Alex- 'WHO TOLD YOU THAT?...oh I bet it was Stiles that dirty fucker, just wait till I get my hands on him.'

Derek- 'Lol, it was actually Cora.'

Alex- 'Your sister? How the hell does she know that, I Never even met her.'

Derek- 'Stiles told her, they have been exchanging letters for the last couple of months.'

Alex- 'Stiles is dead set on joining the Hale family isn't he?, first Malia now Cora.'

Derek- 'He's not going to get to know my sister as well as he knew Malia.'

Alex- 'He told me he kissed her once.'

Derek- 'WHAT? WHEN?'

Alex- 'Don't worry she was unconscious, it doesn't count.'

Derek- 'He did what now? I'm going to kill him.'

Alex- 'When you do, make sure I'm there to watch OK?'

Derek- 'Shut up.'

Alex- 'It would be awesome if they got married, Stiles would be your brother in law.'

Derek- 'Don't even joke about that.'

Alex- 'Dude...Stiles Hale.'

Derek- 'That's it, after I kick his ass, I'm kicking yours.'

Alex- 'Hey quick question, Do you know his real name? he refuses to tell me and the sneaky bastard changed all the paper in school to say Stiles instead of his name, its driving me nuts.'

Derek- 'Mo idea, I just always assumed his name was Stiles Stilinski, just like his dad is Sheriff Stilinski.'

Alex- 'His name is Phil, I asked.'

Derek- 'Alex I don't really care.'

Alex- 'No need to be rude, this type of stuff is why Karma makes it so that Stiles is banging your sister.'

Derek- '…'

Alex- 'Hey, you still there?'

Derek- '…'

Alex- ' Really, did you leave the conversation? Don't be a baby, I'm sure it will be sweet lovemaking, no rough sex or anything.'

Derek- '…'

Alex- 'hahahahaha'

Derek- 'You're an asshole, I'll talk to you later, Braeden just got home.'

Alex- 'See you later buddy.'

Alex couldn't help but laugh at the quick exit Derek made in their conversation, he laughed even harder when he got a text from Braeden asking him what he did to get Derek in such a bad mood.

Alex- 'I might have insinuated Stiles was going to bang his sister...sorry.'

Braeden- '...You knew he wasn't going to take that well, why?'

Alex- 'He started it, he said I was a bad Alpha.'

Braeden- 'You're both idiots...did he tell you about the Desert Wolf?'

Alex- 'Yeah he told me, thanks for that Braeden, I know its driving Malia up the walls not knowing.'

Braeden- 'No problem Alex, now we'll talk later I have to go cheer up Derek.'

Alex- 'Yeah, you go 'cheer' him up :).'

Alex just sat in his bike with a smile on his face, it had been a while since he had heard from Derek and it was always nice to antagonize the serious young man. The smile left his face when his phone dinged letting him know he had an email. It was the pictures Derek had promised to sent.

"Shit." said Alex as he saw the crime scene pictures, it was a Derek had said Bloody. "But those are gun wounds, why would she use a gun." thought Alex confused as he looked at all the pictures. There was one person he could ask, someone that knew as much as Deaton did about the supernatural, hell maybe even more.

Alex- 'Hey man, what do you know about Werecoyote's?' he wrote a quick text to his friend hoping he would get a reply quickly. "Hope he knows something." said Alex before he put his helmet on and started his bike. He was driving back to the Loft when his phone started ringing. It was Stiles.

"Hello." said Alex as he used one hand to drive and the other to hit talk on his phone, thankfully Lydia had bought him a bluetooth so he didn't have to hold the phone while he rode his bike. "Hey did you get the Desert Wolf pictures from Braeden?" asked Stiles as Alex was moving through the traffic.

"I did, they were scary." said Alex as he stopped behind a car since there were no spaces for him to fit through, "Did you notice the bullet wounds?" asked Alex.

"Yeah, what about them she killed them with a gun." said Stiles and Alex could hear both Scott and the Sheriff in the background talking about ties for some reason. "That's the thing, why would a Werecoyote need a gun to kill." said Alex and he could almost see the look of understanding on Stiles's face as he ohh and ahh.

"I have no idea. " said Stiles, "Don't worry I'm having a buddy of mine look into it." said Alex as the traffic started moving and he started his bike again. "Where are you anyway?" asked Alex as he got closer to the Loft.

"My dad has a date tonight and me and Scott are helping him get ready." said Stiles and Alex could hear the pride in his voice when he talked about his dad, it was one of the thing she really envied about Stiles, same thing with Scott really, they had awesome parents.

"WOO YOU GO PHIL." yelled Alex as he drove his bike into the underground parking of the building Derek owned and he now managed for the Sourwolf. "He says thanks." said Stiles before saying his good byes and hanging up. Alex just shook his head with a grin before he got off his bike and walked up the stairs to the Loft.

As he was walking up the stairs his phone beeped letting him know he had a new text message. He opened up the text to see that it was a reply from his friend.

'I have a book on Werecoyote's you might find interesting to read, I will sent it to you.'

Alex- 'Thanks man.'

'Why the interest in Werecoyote's all of the sudden?"

Alex- 'I'm dating one, thought it would be useful to learn more about them.'

'Oh good for you buddy, I dated a few of them in my time and they are wild in bed.'

Alex- 'Really man, why would you put that mental picture in my head?"

'Don't be an idiot, anyways I'll overnight the book to you, it should be there in a few days at most.'

Alex-"Thanks buddy.'

Beacon Hills


He got the text form Lydia a few hours later, she and Kira were trying to teach Malia how to drive when they came upon a car accident, a police van was transporting a kid named Donovan and his lawyer when something or someone hit the van, the lawyer was dead, a guard had been hospitalized and Donovan was missing.

"How is this our problem?" thought Alex as he grabbed his motorcycle helmet and walked towards the parking lot. Another thing that had him angry was that Malia had flaked on their plans again to go hang out with Lydia and Kira. "What is going on with her?" said Alex as he got on his bike and started it up.

Anyways its not like he had much choice, the girls where already at the scene of the accident and Scott and Stiles where on their way there. "Might as well join up.".

Thankfully Beacon Hills wasn't all that big a place so he got there in less then ten minutes, when he arrived he saw Scott and Stiles speaking with the Sheriff while Lydia listened on, Kira and Malia where standing to the side listening in on the conversation but trying not to be obvious about it.

"This kid might have just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers." he overheard the sheriff say to both Scott and Stiles. As he walked over towards Malia he could see why they had called them in, the van was wrecked and if his eyesight wasn't failing him he could see claw marks on the roof of the van.

"We got an APB on him but you think you could find him faster?" asked the Sheriff and Scott nodded at him before turning around and motioning for Alex to come over. "We can try." said Alex as he came to stand next to the True Alpha, the sheriff sighed and handed Scott a police walkie talkie.

"Alright keep it on channel two." said the sheriff before he moved back to the scene of the crime, "You take the talkie, if I find him first I'll roar." said Alex as he started walking away to find a place he could shift in private. As he passed by Kira, Malia and Lydia the Banshee caught his eye and started walking besides him, he tried to catch Malia's eye but the Werecoyote just looked away to speak with Kira.

"What's going on with Malia?' asked Lydia when they were far enough away were they couldn't be overheard. "I have no idea, she''s been avoiding me since the other day at school, we had plans yesterday and today and I got ditched both times." said Alex annoyed as he turned into a dark Alleyway and moved behind a some crates to undress.

"She's acting weird, when we were teaching her to drive earlier today she zoned out and almost drove into a tree." said Lydia as Alex handed her his clothes. "She did the same the other day in Drivers Ed, I tried to ask but she didn't want to share...I'm getting worried." said Alex as he unbuckled his pants and handed Lydia his wallet, phone and keys.

"I don't think this has to do with you." said Lydia trying to make him feel better, it didn't exactly work but he smiled at her nonetheless. "Thanks Lydia." said Alex before he shifted into a wolf and took off.

As he was making his way out of the dark alley he caught a scent that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. "Theo?, the fuck are you doing here?" thought Alex as he snarled and started following the scent sure that Scott would find the Donovan kid without much problem.

He found Theo on top of the bridge that overlooked the accident, he was skulking about watching the Pack from the shadows. "This bastard is up to something." thought Alex with a growl before he jumped into action and ran at Theo, before the freak could even respond Alex had grabbed a mouthful of his leg and dragged him away.

He dragged him towards another dark alley where he slammed him down on the ground and walked a few steps away from him, "Who are you?" questioned Theo as he grabbed his wounded ankle and hissed in pain. Alex being the nice guy he was decided to help him along and changed back into a man.

"Alex? What the hell is your problem man?" asked Theo as he gripped his bleeding leg and glared at the naked and glowering Alpha. "Funny, I was about to ask you the same question." said Alex before he picked Theo up by the neck and slammed him against the wall hard enough to form a crack, he was pleasantly rewarded with the smell of panic and fear coming off Theo.

"I heard about the accident, I wanted to help." said Theo as he gripped the hand holding him in the air and tried his hardest to get it to let go, it didn't. "See, for some reason I don't believe you." said Alex as he lifted his other arm and showed Theo as his claws grew long and sharp.

"I'm telling the truth." said a panicking Theo his eyes never leaving the claws that where steadily moving closer and closer to his face. "Well I have a way to make sure you're telling the truth." said Alex as he started to move his hand towards the back of Theo's neck before he could stab his claws in and see the abomination's memories he heard Scott roar a few miles away.

"Saved by the roar, Theo Raeken." said Alex before he threw Theo away from him and in seconds he was once again a wolf and was running away from the dark alley and towards his friends. When he got back to the accident site Kira, Stiles and Lydia where gone while Malia was standing next to his bike with his clothes in her hand.

Alex made sure she saw him walked into the dark alley and was following him when he changed back into a man, "What did I miss?" asked Alex as Malia handed him his clothes, "Apparently it wasn't Donovan that caused the accident but a girl named Tracy Steward." said Malia as she watched him get dressed, the name caused Alex to turn around and looked shocked.

"Tracy? What did she have to do with this?"asked Alex as he put on his pants, "What? you know her?" asked Malia as she frowned at him, ever since the Sidney thing she had been a bit possessive. "Yeah I helped her out today, the poor girl gets night terrors." said Alex as he grabbed his shirt and put it on.

"Well, the kid Donovan, he said it was her that attacked the prison van, she killed her father and ran off, Scott thinks she might be a newly turned out of control werewolf." said Malia before she grabbed Alex's jacket and put it on, it was a cold night.

"Impossible I was with her today, and she doesn't smell like a werewolf, or a werecoyote for that manner." said Alex before he frowned remembering the really strong reptile smell that was coming from her, "Maybe it wasn't because of a pet snake." thought Alex as he patted his pants for his phone.

"Here." said Malia as she grabbed the phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to her along with his keys and wallet. "Thanks darling." said Alex smiling at her and feeling relieved when she smiled back.

"So I have a home-made venison pizza at home with our name on it if you're interested." said Alex making her grin at him, at least till she frowned and look away. She was about to decline before he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. "I know something is bothering you..." said Alex seriously getting Malia to glare at him.

"...but if you don't want to tell me that's fine I won't push." said Alex as he smiled down at her and kissed her. Malia struggled for a second before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down so she could deepen the kiss.

"Thank you." said Malia as she pulled away and kissed his chin. "Now lets go eat."

Next Day.

Beacon High

They had a meeting the next day before school and the whole Pack was there, hell even Mason was present, "Tracy just wasn't having trouble sleeping, it was a real disorder, it was night terrors." Said Lydia with pity in her voice as she talked about Tracy.

"Yeah well now she's the night terror, especially since no one can find her." said Stiles getting glared from the rest of the Pack because of this thoughtless joke. "OK, I know we are all tired and miserable... except for you." said Scott looking at Mason, who looked like an overeager puppy as he smiled and looked at everyone.

"Oh I'm sorry, this is all just mind blowing, you're a Kitsune, I don't even know what that is." said Mason making Alex grin, "Dude, haven't you seen Naruto?" asked Alex getting Kira to glare at him, she really didn't like the show for some reason. "I'm still learning." said Kira smiling at Mason and giving one last glare at the grinning Alex.

"Liam we said you could tell him, not invite him into the inner circle." said Stiles annoyed as he glanced from Liam to Mason, "I'm in the inner circle?" asked Mason with a hopeful tone of voice.

"No," said most of the members of the Pack making Mason pout, "Yeah, no superhero shirt for you boyo." said Alex still a bit annoyed Mason had turned down his offer of joining his Pack. Scott just cleared his throat getting everyone's attention back on him, "Guys look, back to Tracy she's just one lone wolf, we can find her." said Scott making the Pack and Alex nod along with him.

"One lone, serial killing wolf." the comment from Malia got Alex annoyed for some reason, he just couldn't picture the scared girl he had met yesterday with someone who could kill her father like that.

"Ah she just killed one person the other two were mauled" said Stiles, and by now everyone had pretty much learned to ignored his idiotic jokes. "...what do we do when we catch her?." he said later after no one laughed at his little joke.

"I say we put her down" said Malia and while usually Alex was right behind her in the lets put the bad guys down this time he found himself not liking the idea. "Intense." said Mason when he saw all the Pack members share a silent but heavy look at Malia's suggestion.

"We are not going to kill her." said Alex getting shocked looks from the Pack, he was usually the one that suggesting the killing option so he could understand why they were all just staring at him stunned, Scott just smiled before speaking up. "Guys lets just concentrate on catching her first, we'll figure out the rest later." said Scott and Alex was surprised he didn't just down right refused the option of killing her, that's what he usually did in the past.

"I can't believe I'm being the voice of reason here but we are not killing anyone, specially some poor girl that has no control over what is happening to her." said Alex annoyed as he flashed his eyes letting everyone know he was damn serious about what he said, Scott started at him for a few seconds before nodding is head to let everyone know he agreed with what Alex said.

It was the last thing the Pack discussed before the bell sounded and they all broke up to go to class, a they were walking Alex spotted Theo walking towards the school entrance without any problems, "Weird, I mangled that leg pretty good last night, it should still be healing." thought Alex as he took a quick sniff and found no smell of blood coming from Theo, but he did pickup the strong smell of snakes again.

"Malia wait back for a second." said Alex as he stayed behind to talk to her, Malia walked over to him with a smile on her face, "I would love to go find a closet with you and make out for a while but I have a pop quiz in like ten minutes, so we have to make it quick." said Malia with a grin on her face that Alex couldn't help but return.

"You know damn well I'll need more than ten minutes for that." aid Alex with a grin as he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her to him, after they kissed for a few seconds before he pulled back and got serious again, "I actually wanted to talk to you about the Desert Wolf." said Alex with a frown as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

"You really know how to dry a girl up don't you." said Malia with a nervous frown as she glanced as the phone in his hands. "Sorry darling, but you should see this." said Alex as he found the pictures and showed them to her.

"My mother did this?" asked Malia frowning as she stared at the pictures, Alex nodded along as he stared worriedly as her face lost all emotion, he couldn't smell anything coming from her neither. "I least I know she still practicing modulating her body chemistry."

"She did, but Braeden assured me they were bad people, hunters that preyed on defenseless supernatural creatures." said Alex trying to make her feel better, "So they deserved it." asked Malia as she passed the picture to see the next one. "In this case, yeah they did."

"Well at least we know one thing about her now." said Malia before she handed Alex his phone back and frowned, "She's good at her job." Alex didn't have really have anything to say to that.

"Thanks for helping me find out more about her." said Malia as she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest, Alex hugged her back as he put his phone back in his phone, "No problem darling." said Alex as he kissed her forehead and both started walking towards the school to go to their respective classes, as they walked Alex caught a familiar smell.

"Alex, you OK?" asked Malia when she noticed Alex stop walking and smell the air, she did the same but could really smell anything weird. "You smell that? snakes." clarified Alex when he saw her confused expression, Malia took another whiff and this time she did smell them, it smell like there was a pit of snakes close by.

"What is that?" asked Malia as she held her nose to get away from the strong smell of snakes, she looked to the side to see Alex's eyes burning Alpha red as he stared at the school building ahead of them. "Tracy." said Alex.

"Go find Scott, tell him Tracy is at the school." said Alex before he took off running after the source of the smell, Malia took off running the other way towards where Scott had left, he had AP Biology if she wasn't mistaken.

Alex walked quickly through the school hallways as he followed the smell, it took him to Lydia's mom' office before walking away towards another classroom. As he walked towards it he saw Liam freaking out as he stood in the entrance of the class.

"Alex, Alex she's here." hissed Liam as he all but ran towards him almost shaking in place, "I know Liam calm down, I can smell her, I sent Malia ahead to get Scott." said Alex as he glanced inside the classroom and saw her sitting at the back, she didn't have any shoes on and he could see her claws were out and her eyes were shining a golden yellow. "That's shouldn't be possible." thought Alex as he stared at the color of her eyes.

"Liam, go find a fire alarm and pull it." said Alex and the McCall Beta instantly took off down the hallway to find a fire alarm, "Her eyes should have changed." said Alex as he kept looking at the color of her eyes. Suddenly the fire alarm started sounding and he could see most of the students getting up to leave, all but Tracy and the girl next to her who was trying and failing to get her attention.

As most of the students left Alex walked in not waiting for neither Liam or Scott to get there, as he was walking in he saw Tracy look up and glare at him, she suddenly lashed out and grabbed the other girl by the hand and started squeezing. Alex could see drops of blood falling down the girl's arm as Tracy squeezed harder.

"She's hurting me." said the girl as she looked at Alex for her, behind him he could hear Kira's dad standing from his desk and Liam and Scott walking into the classroom. "Tracy, its me Alex." said Alex as he walked closer to Tracy trying to calm her down.

As he walked closer to her she stood up and stared at him but not really he could see her eyes were clouded, "She's sleep walking." thought Alex before he moved a bit closer to her, as he did he saw her eyes glowing gold, shocking the girl she was holding, it shocked her even more when Alex own eyes glowed red. "What are you people." question the girl but her eyes weren't on him, they were on Liam at the front of the class.

"Tracy please calm down, you're sleep walking." said Alex as he showed her his hands, his Alpha command seemed to do something since her eyes became less cloudy and he could tell she was slowly counting the fingers on his hand.

"Alex?" asked Tracy confused as she let go of the girls hand, a quick glance told Alex the girl was alright aside from a few claw wounds, "Yeah, its me Tracy, you've been stuck in a really bad dream, count with me." said Alex as he walked closer to her, as he did she took a step back and shook her head.

"They're coming Alex, they're coming for all of us." said Tracy before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell backwards, before she hit the ground Alex manage to grab her and gently lay her down on the classroom floor. As he did her mouth opened and a silvery liquid poured out all over the floor and his hands.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" asked Liam from behind Alex as he, Scott, Kira's dad and the girl which Liam called Hayden stared at the silver liquid. "I don't know but we need to get her to Deaton, fast." said Alex as he stood up and picked Tracy up bridal style.

As he passed by the girl Hayden he saw her holding her arm in pain, "Liam stay with the girl and answer any question she has." said Alex as he moved towards the door where he found Malia and Stiles waiting for them, Stiles looked freaked out by the girl while Malia was frowning at Tracy and the silvery liquid which by now was all over Alex and Tracy.

"Stiles go get your jeep started we don't have any time to waste." said Alex and Stiles took off running towards the doors to get his car ready. "I'll text Kira and Lydia." said Scott as he ran ahead of Alex to open the doors, Malia walked besides him her claws our and ready to defend Alex in case the girl woke up and decided to attack him.

Deaton's Veterinary Clinic

Beacon Hills.

They got to the clinic fast, with Stiles driving like a madman it wasn't really that surprising, Scott had called his boss ahead of time and he was waiting for them at the door, Alex almost jumped out of the car with Tracy in his arms as he ran inside the clinic. The counter to the back was opened and Alex when in and laid Tracy down on the table before moving to the nearby sink to get the silver substance of his arms and chest.

As he was cleaning himself Deaton, Scott, Malia and Stiles walked in and crowded around Tracy while Deaton started his tests, he pulled out a flashlight and used it to test her pupils reactions, "Pupils dilate under normal conditions." said Deaton as he changed eyes to make sure.

"Heart rate is two fifty." said Deaton as he pressed his fingers to her neck before he moved hi hand to her shoulder and moved her shirt to the side, "Evidence of a skin graft on the right shoulder." said Deaton and Alex finally finished cleaning up his hands so he walked to the table to join the group.

"This silvery substance at her lips its not something I seen before, it almost looks like mercury." said Deaton as he used a q-tip to touch the liquid that was still dripping from Tracy's opened mouth, probably going to test it later or something. Alex frowned at that, "Mercury is poison, with the amount on her system she should be dead by now." thought the Alpha as he started at the silver blood on his shirt

"Oh god." said Stiles with a shudder when Tracy suddenly trembled scaring both him and Deaton back a bit, Malia shook her head as she glared down at the girl and Alex could smell she was scared of Tracy for some reason. "Can't you just give her a shot of something?" asked Malia as she moved next to Alex and crossed her arms.

"She doesn't look to be in any pain." said Deaton with a frown as he looked Tracy over, Malia shook her head when he didn't understand what she meant "I meant a shot to kill her." said Malia and that made both Alex, Deaton and Scott frown. "I generally prescribe to a code of ethics that frowned on such methods." said Deaton shaking his head.

"No killing, she's just a scared and helpless girl, we help her." said Alex softly as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, she seemed displeased by what he said but didn't move away from him.

"Malia you know we are not going to do that." said Scott as he helped Deaton with Tracy, Malia glared at him, "How do you know she's not going to try and kill us." said Malia as he laid her head down on Alex shoulder and glared at the unconscious girl.

"She makes a decent point." said Stiles nervously glaring down at Tracy's clawed hands, "Stiles shut up, Malia we're used to thing trying to kill us." said Alex with a grin trying to make Malia feel better, he didn't understand why she was so freaked out by Tracy, he had seen her face Berserkers no problem but Tracy had her spooked.

Stiles glanced at Tracy one last time before looking up at Scott and Deaton, "Either way, eventually I'm going to have to let my dad know she's here." said Stiles before he moved back and crossed his arms as he watched Tracy wearily.

"Agreed, and while I may argue against euthanasia, I'm not opposed to a little extra security." said Deaton as he grabbed a crystal bottle of mountain ash and threw it at the door, in seconds a line of mountain ash formed on the ground sealing the room from anything supernatural.

"There was something else about her that was strange." said Alex as he walked over to Tracy and stared at her face, "What?" asked Deaton as he grabbed a scalpel. "Stiles, her father was there anything weird about him, anything suspicious?" asked Alex as he looked at Stiles who was shaking his head.

"No, he was a decent guy, single father, good lawyer, my dad considered him a friend." said Stiles with frown wandering what Alex wanted to know about Mr. Steward. "Than that's the problem, he was an innocent so shouldn't Tracy's eyes be blue?" asked Alex as he looked at Scott the only other person in the room that had been there when Tracy was still awake.

"He's right, I saw her eyes, they were golden." said Scott causing everyone to glance down at the unconscious girl. "Just what are you?" asked Deaton, Alex noticed Stiles staring at the line of mountain ash and he could smell the fear coming from him, Both Malia and Deaton seemed to notice as well since Malia looked behind her at the line and Deaton spoke up.

"Don't worry Stiles, Tracy won't be able to cross a line of mountain ash, she's not going anywhere." said the Doctor trying to make Stiles feel better. "That's kinda what I'm afraid off." said Stiles with a frown forgetting humans could cross the supernatural barrier no problem.

"Well you and I will be able to get out of here no problem, you three not so much." said Deaton with a grin that made Scott smile at him and Malia frown at the line of ash on the floor, she held her arm up and pressed it against the empty air of the doorway only to get a small shock when she touched the barrier. "Weird." said Malia before she moved away from the door and stood behind Alex.

"Scott, Alex would you mind holding her down, I'm going to be trying a few more invasive test." said the doctor as he took the scalpel and gently passed it over the skin on her arm, it didn't even leave a mark. He kept pressing the knife harder down until it broke against her skin.

"I think you're going to need a bigger blade." joked Stiles getting Deaton to frown at him "That's not normal, we don't have invulnerable skin." said Alex as he ignored Stiles and frowned at Deaton and Scott.

A sudden ring made everyone in the room jump up before they all turned towards Scott, it was his phone that ringed. "Its my mom." said the True Alpha as he and Stiles moved away from the group to see what Melissa wanted.

Deaton moved her neck to the side and he and Alex could see something move under the skin, "This is interesting." said Deaton causing Alex to look away when he saw it move again, "Really, I think its gross." said Alex as he tried not to watch Deaton poke it. "Ohmygod, don't touch it." said Alex as he did his best not to gag.

"Alex, Malia help me turn her over please." asked Deaton as he saw the thing move again, as Alex helped move her to her back he overheard Stiles and Scott talk about what happened to the driver. "I think I know what she is." said Stiles and when he Scott said paralyzed something sparked in Alex's brain, something Lydia had told him a while back.

"Care to enlighten the rest of us? Because this doesn't look to good." asked Deaton as he lifted the back of Tracy's shirt to sow everyone the thing moving in her back. "Is that her spine?' asked Malia with a green tint on her face as she stared. Suddenly Tracy's back broke opened and everyone got splashed with black blood, they all stared stunned at the exposed spine before Alex noticed something moving inside the girl, it was a tail.

"Kanima." said Alex quietly before the tail whipped out and slammed into Stiles and Deaton knocking them to the floor, Alex tried to move to stand in front of Malia but Tracy jumped on the table and slashed his face with her sharp and...wet claws. "Why are they wet?" though Alex before he felt his body tense up and he found he couldn't move anymore.

"Shit." said Alex before he slumped to the floor, from the corner of his left eye he could see Tracy tail cut Malia before Tracy used her claws to slash at Scott. In seconds everyone was on the floor groaning in pain. The most shocking thing was when they all saw Tracy run right through the mountain ash barrier like it wasn't even there.

"She wasn't a werewolf." said Stiles from his spot on the floor stating the obvious, "Its a Kanima." said Scott as she slumped to the floor next to Alex. "That's not possible, I saw her eyes and claws they were the same as me and Scott, werewolf." said Alex before he groan, he had fallen on his arm in an awkward angle and he broke it.

"Hey Deaton how did she get through the Mountain Ash?" asked an annoyed Stiles giving voice to the question on all of their mind, "I don't know, its a barrier no supernatural creature should be able to cross.

"Well Scott did it." said Stiles.

"Once, but it almost killed me." said Scott from his position on his back, Alex could smell Malia was angry and getting more and more frustrated by the minute. "We should have killed her." snarled Malia as she almost vibrated in place doing her best to be able to move.

"Yeah well, meanwhile she's probably on her way to killing someone else." said Stiles being unhelpful as always. "Listen everyone, we need to concentrate, Scott, Malia and Alex, you three will probably be able to move long before Stiles and I can but you need to focus." said Deaton and Alex instantly closed his eyes knowing was he was talking about.

"Focus on what?" snarled Malia her temper hitting a crescendo as Alex could feel waves and waves of anger coming from her, it was overwhelming. "Healing." said Scott as his eyes moved towards Malia.

"That's right." said Deaton and the frustration coming from Malia was enough to unfocused Alex. "I don't know how to tell my body to heal." Malia almost screamed. "Malia darling, calm down its..." said Alex weakly, the pain coming from his arm making it hard to talk without growling. "...Its just like we practiced remember, its just like modulating our body chemistry, just focus on where you want to heal and your body will do the rest." said Alex getting a noise of agreement from Deaton.

"Think of a body part, anything, your hand, your foot, your finger, imagine it moving, see it in your mind and your body will follow." said Deaton and Alex could smell when Malia forced herself to calm down. "IF anyone moves before me, please move me, I fell badly on my arm and I think I broke it." said Alex with a grunt doing all he could to ignore the sharp pain running up and down his right arm.

"You OK?" asked Malia getting a grunt of pain from Alex. "Nothing I can't handle darling." said Alex closing his eyes and concentration on moving his left arm. It wasn't working. For some reason the urge to laugh was becoming harder and harder to ignore. It started with a small snicker before it turned into low chuckling.

"Alex why the hell are you laughing?" asked Scott doing his best to not grin at the laughing Alpha werewolf, "Did he hit his head on the way down?" asked Stiles from the other side of the room, the question made Alex laughed harder.

"I think he lost it." said Malia as she stared at her boyfriend's shaking back as he laughed, suddenly Deaton started laughing as well. "He gets it." said Alex with a grin on his face. "Its like when your in church and you know your not suppose to laugh but a funny joke gets into your head, the more to try to not laugh the harder you do." said Alex with a tears streaming down his face.

"This is so not the time guys." said Stiles and that's when the damn broke and everyone but Stiles started laughing. "OhMyGod, I'm surrounded by idiots." said Stiles fighting the grin that was threatening to appear.

"OK, I'm pretty sure I just felt my right leg move." said Stiles and Alex looked up at Malia to see her shaking her head. "Yep definitely felt it, like a twinge, a spasm, something." said Stiles with a grunt.

"I'm going to have to disagree, and I think I hold an informed opinion." said Deaton and Alex saw the grin on Malia's face as she stared at Deaton and Stiles, a grin that got bigger when her finger started moving. "Malia, your finger." said Scott as he saw her fingers move first.

"I don't think she cut me that deep." said Malia breathlessly as she kept moving her fingertips. "Lucky, I think she scratched me to the bone." said Alex with a grunt as he moved his head a bit and felt the small puddle of blood that had formed underneath it.

"Keep going, Keep moving." said Deaton and Malia did, slowly turning her hand to put it against the floor and using it to slowly and gingerly stand back up. "You can do it darling." said Alex with a grunt as he slowly felt some tingling going up and down his arm.

"Malia, Malia wait for us." yelled Stiles as Malia manage to get to her feet. "There's no time." said Malia before she slowly walked towards Alex and grabbed his arm to move it out from under his body. Alex screamed in pain but it was actually enough to get him to move again.

"Oh that sucked." said Alex as he grabbed onto the metal table and used to to stand up, as he did the slash marks on his face steamed and burned hot as they closed and healed. "She's not a werewolf." yelled Stiles trying to get Malia and Alex to wait for them.

"But she has a scent..." said Malia as she helped Alex stand straight. "...and we can find her." said Alex his eyes glowing red as he concentrated on expelling the last of the Kanima venom from his body. He could see Malia doing the same as he threw his arm to the side and with a sickening crack it snapped back into place.

"Malia..." said Scott getting the Werecoyote's attention. "Save her." said Scott getting a smile from Alex and a grunt from Malia, before anything else could be said both he and Malia left the room in a run. They had a Kanima to find.

"Can you smell her?" asked Malia as they exited the clinic, Alex didn't even have to concentrate to pick up the scent, it was even stronger than this morning, "You bet your sweet little ass I can, lets go." said Alex before he took off into a high speed run, Malia close behind him.

"I know where she's going...the Sheriff Station." said Alex as recognized the path Tracy was taking, Malia snarled behind him, she had grown to care for Sheriff Stilinski and she didn't want to see him hurt.

They got to the Sheriff station just in time to see Lydia bleeding on the floor and the Sheriff laying on the floor paralyzed. "Alex." they heard Lydia's voice say weakly from close to them, Alex turned around and his face paled when he saw Lydia bleeding on the floor, Kira on her knees next to her doing her bet to stem the flow of blood.

"Lydia, what happened?" gasped Alex as he moved towards her and fell to the floor besides her, instantly grabbing her arm to take some of her pain away. "Its OK, its not as bad as it looks." said Lydia when she saw the worried look on Alex's face. "Listen to me, Tracy...she thinks she's asleep, she thinks she's dreaming, its a night terror." said Lydia so soft and weak Alex couldn't help the tear that slipped down his face.

"I don't know what that means." said Malia when she saw Alex was to stunned to speak, the black veins going up his arm getting thicker and thicker as he kept taking more of Lydia's pain. "She's not dreaming, She's not asleep, get her to understand that." said Lydia before she looked up at Alex and got some color on her face. "Go help her Alex, just like you did yesterday." said Lydia and Alex wanted to say no and stay there with her but he knew he couldn't.

He grabbed the phone from his pocket and handed it Kira, "Call an ambulance, me and Malia will handle Tracy, where is she?" asked Alex as he stood from the floor and closed his eyes so he could hear or smell where they were, he didn't have to. "Alex, Malia..." they turned around to see te Sheriff looking at them. "Basement, they're in the basement." said Stiles's dad getting frowns from both Malia and Alex.

"Who're they?" asked Alex confused, behind them he heard Lydia say, "Tracy and my mother." and that was enough to get Alex to snarl and take off running, Lydia's mother had been nothing but kind to him since he met her and he would be damn if he let her get hurt.

When they reached the basement they found a pool of blood leading the way deeper into the dark basement, "Its Tracy's blood, it smells like snake." said Alex as his eyes glowed red so he could see better in the dark, Malia doing the same. "Malia, the second we find them you take Lydia's mom and take her to her daughter, OK?" Alex could feel just how against the idea Malia was but she nodded her head anyways knowing it wasn't the time to argue.

Suddenly ahead of them they saw Lydia's mom lying on the floor unconscious as he was being dragged by Tracy. "Not so scary without the tail isn't she." said Alex as he crouched low and moved forward slowly, behind him he felt Malia pinch his back with a hiss. "So not the time for jokes." growled Malia making Alex grin. "Sorry darling, nervous habit." said Alex before Tracy threw Lydia's mom to the side and got ready to fight.

"OK Tracy, lets see what you can do when your opponent is ready for you." said Alex as he popped his claws and growled at her. In seconds Tracy had jumped on him and was doing her best to slash at him, unfortunately for her now that he was ready none of her slashes hit. "Malia now." ordered Alex as he grabbed Tracy and threw her to the other side of the room, away from Malia and Lydia's mom.

When Malia did as she was told and left the basement carrying Lydia's mom Alex breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, now lets see if we can wake you up."said Alex as he dodged a slash from Tracy and grabbed both her hand with his before he used his free hand to punch her in the stomach and slam her against the wall.

"Tracy, I need you to wake up." said Alex as he tried to get through to her, from her snarling and spitting it wasn't working. "Tracy come on, remember count the fingers." said Alex as he showed her his clawed hand, she looked at it quickly but looked away just as fast.

"Damn it...TRACY, WAKE UP." yelled Alex layering his words with power to get through to her, again she looked at his hand but this time her eyes stayed glued to it and she quit struggling in his grip.

"Alex?" questioned Tracy weekly as her eyes turned back to normal and the markings on her face receded, Alex waited for her claws to change back into normal nails before he let go of her, his own face changing back to normal. "Yeah its me Tracy, breath, your OK." said Alex to the panting girl before he let her go and moved away from her.

"What happened?' asked Tracy as hugged her knees to her chest and started at the floor in front of her, Alex sighed before he fell to his knees next to her. "You were stuck in a night terror Tracy, you hurt people." said Alex getting the girl to look at him with tears streaming down her face.

"What's happening to me?" asked Tracy as she stared at her hands which seconds ago held claws dripping with venom, "We have no idea but I can promise you..." Alex didn't get a change to finish before he was thrown away from Tracy and slammed against a wall.

"What the fuck." grunted Alex as a hand gripped him around the neck and held him up against the wall, when he looked at the owner of the hand he almost cursed again, "What are you?" asked Alex as he stared at the Masked thing in front of him. "Her condition is terminal." he heard another robotic voice saying from where Tracy was, he looked over to see another of the Masked weirdos had Tracy by the throat and was ready to stab her in the neck with a massive needle.

"The fuck he will." thought Alex as he grabbed the hand holding his throat and applied pressure to it, he was satisfied to hear bone crack under his fingertips but worried when he didn't hear a sound of pain coming from the Masked freak. "What the hell are you?" asked Alex but he didn't wait to see if it would answer since he saw the other Masked freak stick the needling in Tracy's neck.

"Hey freak." yelled Alex getting the attention of the one holding Tracy, "Catch." yelled Alex before he used all his strength to sent the one he had in his grip barreling towards him. The force of the throw was enough to knock them both to the ground and Tracy to fall to the floor in between them.

A third Masked Freak, this one more feminine looking appeared behind her companions and stared at him. "Subject Compromised." said the female freak before her two fellows stood up and looked ready to attack him.

"Come on then." snarled Alex as he took of his jacket and ripped his shirt, instantly getting taller and growing hair as he shifted into his Monstrous Form. The masked freaks backed away from him before they turned and vanished from his sight, really they just vanished.

As they disappeared Alex roared angry at his foes running from the fight before he heard Tracy whimper in pain, as he shifted back to normal and grabbed his jacket from the floor he saw her curled into a ball on the basement floor, her eyes and mouth leaking silver.

"Alex, it hurts, it all hurts." whimpered Tracy as he fell on his knees besides her and grabbed her arm to take some of her pain away only to let go of it instantly from how much pain the girl was in. "Help me." said Tracy as she closed her eyes and Alex could hear her heartbeat slowing down.

"What do I do?" thought Alex desperately, he had no idea what the masked freaks had done to her but he knew it was bad, he knew she was dying from it. "I don't know how to fix you." said Alex sadly as he watched the girl cry in pain.

"Maybe if I..." asked stared at Tracy as a crazy idea popped into his head, she was dying from something the Masked freaks had done to her, what if he bit her, the bite if it took could cure almost anything. "Tracy I have an idea but I'm not sure if it will work or not." said Alex as he grabbed her and laid her on his lap, Tracy looked up and him and gave him a quick nod. "Do it please." said Tracy and Alex gave her a sad smile.

"If it works or not I promise you the pain will be gone soon." said Alex, his eyes glowing Alpha red as his teeth grew and sharpened into flesh tearing fangs. Tracy gasped when she saw the change but before she could do anything but squeak he leaned down and bit her shoulder, the one that didn't have the skin graft.

As his teeth sunk in to her flesh Alex could hear her whimper in pain and he felt awful, he only hoped his crazy plan worked and he didn't just add more suffering to the girl. "Come on Tracy you can do it, you can beat this." said Alex as he moved a few strands of wild hair behind her eyes.

Tracy looked at him for a few more seconds before he closed her eyes, and to Alex's grief he heard her heart beat two more times before it stopped and fell silent. "Damn it." growled Alex as he laid her down on the floor and moved away till he was resting against the wall of the basement.

He could hear footsteps coming down the stairs and getting closer to him but he was too damn angry and tired to care anymore. It ended up being Scott, Deaton, Stiles and Malia. "What happened?" asked Scott as he fell to the floor next to Tracy, Deaton doing the same. "I though we agreed to save her." said Scott glaring at Alex.

"I didn't kill her Scott." said Alex his eyes yet to leave Tracy's face. "Alex you're the only one here." said Scott his eyes glowing red as he glared at his fellow Alpha. "It wasn't me, there were three of them, they had masks." said Alex as Malia moved to kneel next to him to check him for injuries.

"What do you mean? wearing Masks?' asked Stiles as he looked around the room. Alex lifted his left hand to show them a metal gauntlet, he had ripped it off the Masked Freak that was holding him before he threw him against his companion. "I don't know what they did to her but they stabbed her in the neck with a massive needle." said Alex Deaton moved over and grabbed the gauntlet from his hands. "This looks old." said Deaton as he examined it.

"They looked like steampunk cosplayers Deaton, their masks looked like modified gas masks, they were strong." said Alex as he moved the collar of his jacket so they could see the hand shape bruises around his neck. "What's with the Bite mark?" asked Scott still staring at Alex suspiciously, when Scott called attention to it everyone's eyes moved to the bite on Tracy's shoulder before moving back to Alex.

"I was desperate, she was dying and I didn't know what...Lydia." said Alex remembering his wounded best friend, before any of them could even move to stop him Alex was on his feet and running up the stairs towards Lydia.

When he reached the lobby he found Lydia still on the floor where he had last seen her with Kira, her mom and to his mounting rage Theo standing besides her. "You get away from her." snarled Alex shocking everyone around Lydia, before he walked up to Theo grabbed him around the neck and threw him away from his wounded best friend and through the window of the Sheriff office. The sound was enough to get Scott, Malia, the Sheriff and Stiles to come up to see what was happening.

"What is going on?" screamed the Sheriff as he tried to stand in the way of the raging Alex and Theo only to get pushed aside by the Alpha werewolf and into the hands of Scott. "You had something to do with this." growled Alex as his claws came out, sharper and longer than normal as he was unconsciously tapping into his monstrous form.

"Alex calm down." screamed both Malia and Scott as they tried to get in his way. "I didn't do anything, he's just trying to attack me again." yelled Theo as he hid behind Scott sure the True Alpha would protect him. "Alex stop, he helped us, found us in Deaton's clinic and helped find you and Malia, he's the one that put the tourniquet on Lydia." said Scott but Alex was to angry to care.

"Either move or get moved Scott." growled Alex and when Scott didn't move aside Alex snarled and slapped him away, shocking everyone in the station as they watched Scott fall to the floor. In seconds Alex had Theo by the throat and to add to the teen's panic he could see Alex slowly growing as his face started growing hair and the whites of his eyes turned black.

"Lets see what secrets are hidden in this little head of yours." growled Alex as he stabbed his claws into the back of Theo's neck, unfortunately before he could see anything he was tackled to the side by a snarling Scott. "I said stop." growled Scott as he popped his claws and stabbed them into Alex's shoulders to pin him to the floor.

"Get the fuck of me." growled Alex as he grabbed Scott and threw him to the side, he was on his feet and was taking off his jacket. "He knows something Scott and I will find out, even if I have to go through you." said Alex before he allowed himself to shift into his monstrous form for the second time that night. The only ones that actually knew about his second form were Derek, Braeden, Deaton and Malia and out of the four only Derek, Deaton and Braeden had seen it so Alex understood, the small part that wasn't overwhelmed by anger and fear, when he saw everyone back away from him in fear and Stiles's dad pull out his gun and point it at him.

"What is he?" he heard Theo ask from the back as he hid behind Scott and Stiles, both of whom where starting at him with wide eyes and fear on their face. "Move aside Scott, move or I'll hurt you." said Alex in scratchy and gruff tone of voice that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"Alex stop, you're not helping." said Malia as she stood in front of him with her arms out to the side to protect everyone from him. "Don't you people understand, he smells like her, like Tracy, she smelled like a werewolf and a Kanima just like that bastard hiding behind Scott smells like both a wolf and a coyote, I bet he has something to do with the Masked freaks I fought off earlier." growled Alex as he glared down at Malia almost begging her to not stand in his way, he looked up into to catch Theo's face paling when he mention him smelling like a wolf and a coyote.

"Alex please stop." he heard Lydia's weak voice all but whisper from inside the Sheriff's office, between Malia's pleading look and Lydia's whispered plea for him to stop he had no choice but to calm down. "He knows what's going on." said Alex as he backed away from Malia and slowly started shrinking down and losing hair, his nose and ears going back to normal as the wolf ears and snout sunk back into his head.

Alex silently grabbed his jacket from the floor and put it on, he would've gone to sit by Lydia's side but the fearful way her mother was staring at him told him he wouldn't be welcomed so he instead moved to go back downstairs and get Tracy's body, as he was passing by Scott, Stiles and Theo he stopped and turned to look at the other Alpha, "Sorry I hit you." said Alex before he kept walking and went down the stairs.

He found Deaton still kneeling over Tracy's dead body, checking her claws and the bite mark on her shoulder. "That sounded like quite the ruckus." said Deaton as Alex sat back against the wall and closed his eyes focusing his hearing on Lydia's heartbeat

"I lost my cool, attacked Theo and Scott." said Alex ashamed he had hit one of his best friends, but when he saw Theo standing so close to Lydia, his actual best friend he saw red. "Are they hurt?" asked Deaton worried, more for Scott than Theo, he knew just how much damage Alex could cause if he was angry enough.

"A few bruises." said Alex as he leaned back, he could hear the ambulance had arrived and they were taking Lydia away, he would also hear the Sheriff ask Scott and Theo if they wanted to press charges against him for assault, both decline to do so but he heard the small pause Theo made when he said no.

"Its understandable, I know how much you care for Lydia." said Deaton and Alex shot him a small smile in thanks knowing the doctor was really just trying to make him feel better. "They're going to be afraid of me now." said Alex sadly as he grimaced when he remembered the scared look on Malia's face as she stood in front of him, she looked like she was expecting go get mauled.

"What? Why?" asked Deaton looking from Tracy towards him, "When I said I lost my cool, I meant it, I shifted into my more...monstrous form." said Alex and couldn't help but frown when he saw the wince on Deaton's face. "Well that is a rather...scary form, especially if they saw it while you where angry." said Deaton.

"What's going to happen to her?"asked Alex as he stared at Tracy's body sadly, he had failed her. "It was decided that I would take her body and try to see if I can get her to change back." said Deaton as he motion to the claws and marks on her face, they had come back out when she had died.

"I think I know whats going one with her." said Alex remembering his encounter with the Masked Freaks, that got Deaton's attention, "What? Please tell me because I am frankly quite lost." said the doctor.

"The Masked guys, as we were fighting they kept talking about Tracy as if she was some kind of experiment, kept saying things like, 'Subject compromised' and 'Condition Terminal', I think they were experimenting on her Deaton."said Alex with a frown as he stared at the place the Masked Freaks had disappeared from.

"It would explain why she could cross the mountain ash, a supernatural creature that's not actually supernatural...the thought is terrifying." said Deaton as he glanced down at the dead girl.

"Chimera." said Alex as he stared at Tracy, "What was that?" asked Deaton as he glanced at Alex. "Chimera's, monsters made from parts of other monsters, it's what Tracy is and what I bet Theo is as well." said Alex before he shook his head and laid his head back against the cool wall.

He must have been more tired than he thought because he fell asleep against the wall of the basement, when he woke back up hours later it was to Deaton and Tracy's body gone and to Malia leaning against him fast sleep.

He found his phone in his pocket and turning it on to see what time it was, it was four in the morning, his movement must have woken up Malia because when he turned to look at her she was awake and silently watching him. "Sorry I woke you." said Alex as he tried to smile at her but only succeeded in grimacing.

"I don't mind." said Malia as she smiled and moved back to stretch. Alex looked back at his phone to see he had a text message from Lydia.

Lydia- "I'm fine you overgrown drama queen, I expect to see you bright an early tomorrow morning with a cup of coffee and at least two Packs of sugar mini-donuts.'

Alex couldn't help the sigh in relief and the tear that escaped his eye when he read Lydia's text message, she was the second most important person in his life just behind Malia and the thought of losing her was part of the reason he had reacted the way he did. "I'm sorry if I scared you earlier." said Alex as he put his phone back down.

"I admit it was scary seeing you that way but I was sure you wouldn't hurt me." said Malia as she looked from her own phone and towards him. Alex smiled at her and pulled her close so he could kiss her. "I would rather die than hurt you..." said Alex before he took a deep breath and decided to say something he should have told her a long time ago. "...I love you Malia." said Alex quietly and that made Malia's head snap in his direction.

"What?" asked Malia surprised and stunned at she stared at his face for any hint of deception. Alex smiled at her softly before he spoke. "I should have told you months ago but I couldn't find the courage to just come out and say it." said Alex as he looked away embarrassed.

"You mean it?" asked Malia as she moved to straddle his lap, her eyes never leaving his face even as a small tear made his way down her face. "More than anything in the world Malia, I love you." said Alex seriously as he stared right back into her eyes, Malia grinned at him before giving him the most passionate kiss she could muster. "I love you too." said Malia as she kissed him again and again. As she started lowering the zipper of his jacket his phone started ringing causing the Werecoyote to groan before she buried her face in his shoulder causing Alex to laugh.

"Who's calling you at this hour?" asked Malia her voice muffled by the leather of his jacket, Alex looked at his phone and saw it was Deaton. "Deaton?...hello." said Alex as he answered the phone holding back his laughter when he heard Malia call the doctor a cockblock.

"Alex my boy, I know its quite late but I need you to came to the Clinic as soon as possible." said Deaton and his tone of voice made all the laughter leave both Malia and Alex, the doctor sounded worried and even a bit scared. "Be there in ten doc." said Alex before he hung up and stood up, Malia still wrapped around him.

"Do we really have to go now?"asked Malia still hanging from his shoulder as Alex walked up the stairs, "Well honey the faster we go see what Deaton wants the faster we get to go home." said Alex making Malia smile when he referred to his home as theirs. "Yo Parrish working hard I see." said Alex as both he and Malia passed the Deputy as he was typing away in his computer.

"What are you guys doing here?...hey don't ignore me, Alex!" both shifters had grins on their faces as the heard Parrish sigh in frustration when they were far enough away from him. "He gets riled up way to quickly." said Malia with a grin as she shifted a bit so he was laying more comfortably across his shoulder.

"I think that's why Lydia likes him, you know how she likes to tease, now hold on darling we're about to take off."said Alex with a grin before he started running, first as a light pace before gaining speed and going all out. Malia laughing away as she hung on for dear life.

Deaton's Veterinary Clinic.

Downtown Beacon Hills.

When Alex and Malia reach the clinic was to see Deaton pacing outside while wringing his hands as he muttered to himself. "Doc, was up?" asked Alex as he stopped next to the vet and let Malia down from his shoulder, the werecoyote still grinning from the ride. "Come with me there's something you should see." said Deaton before he opened up the door to the clinic and held it open for Alex and Malia.

"I brought Tracy's body here to see if I could get her dead body to shift back to looking a bit more...human."said Deaton as he opened the counter and walking in Alex and Malia following close behind paying attention to his every word, as they reached the closed door to the Exam room Deaton stooped walking and turned around to face them. "I tried everything I could think off but nothing worked so I decided to just...well to just rip the claws off and scrape the markings of her face." said Deaton making them both wince with how awful it sounded.

"And? Did you do it?" asked Alex with a grimace hoping he wasn't about to see the mutilated body of the girl he tried and failed to save. "I started, I manage to take off a few of her claws before well..." there Deaton opened the door to the exam room and to the surprise of both Alex and Malia Tracy was sitting on the metal table staring at her fingers as they shifted from claws back to normal fingers.

When Tracy looked up Alex could only stared in shock as he saw that her face was mark free and cleaned from all the silver liquid. "Tracy, you're alive." said Alex his eyes flashing Red making her own eyes glow blue back at him.

"Holy shit." said Malia and Alex couldn't help but agreed, how were they going to explain this to the rest of the Pack or to Stiles's father. "You can probably guess just why I called you in such a hurry." said Deaton as he walked up to Tracy and moved her shirt to the side so Alex could see that the bite mark he had left there wasn't there any more and neither was the skin graft. She was a werewolf now, a real one.

"She's my Beta." thought Alex excited and afraid that he now had an actual Pack.