
Rice Shower

When faith and fear takes you to a single conclusion of the unknown future... Will you take a size of rice for a shower?

Gyams · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

C7-Partial Attachment

Evan went to check Rah who is still on the bathroom. He knocked to make sure that he won't see a girl's naked body before getting inside and he recived a muted response. When he open the door aside from the well wiped bath thub and organised soap and necessities. The said girl is not present.

When he closed the bathroom door. His peripheral view caught the girls silhouette inside his room.

Korah can hear the familiar footsteps getting near to where she is and tried to run out but got herself bump to Evan's slender legs.

"Hey self proclaimed lady aside from being Ayin's stalker, You are also a trespasser. " Evan jived to pester the blushing gal in front of him.

"I am just speechless because the woman on the photo is beautiful. " Rah complemented to inwardly boast and uncover how will Evan react. His answer startled Korah.

"Of course! That woman is what you call a lady!" Evan answered with enthusiasm.

"Then is she your girlfriend? " Korah can't help but dig deeper since Evan only gave her a thank you back then. Why would he put on their photo together beside his bed like it's a momento?

Evan whooped and lean in close enough to tempt Korah lean away from his gorgeous face. Gosh this is the reason why he was her long time crush.

"What do yah think?"

Korah snorted in annoyance. This is also a side of her childhood friend that she never learned to handle.

Evan noticed her lips in moodily silence.

And decided to let it go. He dishevelled her wet locks and said

"No, she is a family to me. "

If Evan gave her that reply years ago then her heart would have twisted in pain but right now she can say her heart pumped and swell with joy.

Evan switch on the television and connected a portable player for the cartoon movies he prepared to entertain the kid. It's the movie he used to share with Korah the unfading and ever so funny Tom and Jerry with Mr. Bean as reserve.

When Evan was sure that Rah is settled He roamed to the kitchen and sliced some tomatoes. Washed some lettuce, fried some ham and hot dog and toasted the bun. He is currently experimenting a kiddie meal. Why is he hanged up of this? It's to kill some time. He won't be able to sit for a lengthy hour with cartoons on the television at this age. After admiring his work he served the snack and heated a glass of milk and cup of coffee.

Evan is astonished as to how she reacted even at the boring parts. He was surprised and giddy because it's been a long time since he watched this movie with an overeacting audince seating beside him. He stared at the dinky figure beside him and memories cross his mind. Evan straightened himself and run upstairs. His actions made the girl jolted and Evan just reasoned out the desire to plung himself in the toilet.

He searched and havocked his boxes and drawers for photos. He aligned and arrange them and Korah look liked Rah when they were in elementary. He swallowed in disbelief. He paced and fixed his drawers. He went down to check the suspicious being laughing in his living room. Her gestures and habbits are like a duplicate except that this shrimpy is arrogant and overconfident. When she noticed him surveying her. She just flashed a smile at him and feasted with the snacks. Evan remembered that Korah cannot eat chocolates. He wanted to test and bring peace to his anxiousness. Chocolates will seal his doubts.

So Evan biked his way to the nearest supermarket to shop some chocolates.

He returned with a handful and variety of dark sweets.

Korah knew and understand Evan more than anyone. So when he jog to his room. She trailed him as quiet as she can. She covered her mouth with her hands to conceal her breathing and gasp. She saw how he racked the albums. Korah knew that she hath gained enough so she went back to their living room and pretended to enjoy the show. When Evan said he needed to visit a convinience store. She just shrug it off. But seeing from Evan's reaction he will test her. So when Korah was sure that Evan was far enough.

She went and looked for a medicine with anti-allergy. When ahe can't spot even a single piece in Evan's house. She disguised herself and knocked to her house that is juat a yard away. Thankfully it was their maid that answered the door. The maid hath given her a generous portion. She asked for three but recieved five. She just swallowed it with her saliva like sweet candy.

Evan arrived and cheerfully handed her a bag of chocolates. Korah is confident that her allergies won't react as long as she will limit it to three packs. So she squealed immaturely to divert Evan's suspicions.

Evan hath his uncertainty eradicated. She might be a look a like. He verified the time and it's late for a kid to be awake so he escorted this arrogant doppelganger gal to their guest room and bid