
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · แฟนตาซี
98 Chs

The unforgettable meet up

The day before the Marik festival came and every year there would be an event called Dhashardha where men or women without any gender discrimination would fight together till one of them will quit.

"Are you ready for some fight?"asked Zack.

"Well I'm not really cause they'll just mock me for not acquiring a spirit animal."

"Whoa negative ambience. Just think positive, everything's gonna be okay."

"Well you don't have anything to spare so it's easy for you to talk. You're an awesome soldier, Why can't I be a soldier like. Why God? Why?"

"I'll be there for you and don't forget try not to listen to anything they say"

Riahna dressed up in her fighting costume and she went up to the podium.She was the first contestant and her opposer was Gia a great warrior of the planet Heptom.

"Well well well who do you think is here,if it isn't the PRINCESS of Lohov.Hey where's your spirit animal, Oh I forgot you don't have any huh. It might be a great disgrace for your family."said Gia.

Riahna controls her rage up to a higher level and she looks at Zack who is showing symbols to calm herself.

The fight begins.

Gia starts her move with a sword fight and she tries to destroy Riahna within her roots. Riahna is trying hard to make Gia quit but it gains no fruit. Gia is a great warrior and is amazing with swords, she is calm to herself and literally fights with Riahna with no trouble. While Riahna is breathing heavily and her hands are not moving by her control.

After a lot of time, Riahna get's exhausted and she is making herself weak. Gia decides to stop this at all and she uses her all power and swings it against Riahna. Riahna is not able to defend it, her sword flew in the air and she was defeated once and for all.

"If you know you'll never win then don't make yourself a loser"said Gia.

Riahna get's up and she walks back.

"Riahna ..... Riahna..... stop.... Riahna"Zack calls out.

Riahna turns around with her sword in her hand pointing towards Zack.

"DON'T FOLLOW ME"said Riahna out of rage.

Zack backs out.

"You can go, I won't follow you. Just take a little time for yourself and it'll be okay. I called you out to say this."said Zack as he was backing out.

Riahna runs into the forest with confusion and rage.She is way out of her control and she is literally in great anger. Her mind replays the words given out by Gia where she is quite the worst warrior ever. She starts to run but that event never stops to just replay in her mind. She can't control the emotion , She screams out and she swings her sword out and someone out of nowhere catches it with his bare hands.

She looks up to know who the stranger is and she saw a rather handsome guy standing infront of her with her sword.

"Well I see you are not in a good mood"said the stranger.

"Who are you. Give me back my sword."

Just then a wolf came into the scene just behind the stranger ready to attack Riahna.

(the wolf growls)

"Whoa easy there Grey. She's our guest.We haven't met, Hey, I'm Jaydon and this is Grey my own spirit animal , and who might you be?"


"Well,Riahna um are you okay cause I don't think you are''

"I'm okay just give me back my sword."asks Riahna politely.

"So you don't have your own spirit animal huh"

"No .... does that bother you?"

"Whoa, no definitely not. I mean.... Oh God I don't know what to say I'm wordless."

"It's okay, I know. I've been hearing this all day."

Jaydon kinda felt bad for her so he handed her the sword.Grey observing what his master did tried to be friendly with her by licking her hand.

Riahna feels a little bit relaxed.

"Well I have to go, it's been late night."said Riahna.

"Yeah you are right. I almost forgot. Maybe see you another time?"

"Yeah, Bye!''

Riahna walks back and she is kinda feeling something that she had never experienced before. Some kind of emotion and stuff.

Jaydon is looking at her walk away hoping that they'll see again.